19 research outputs found

    Reply to Comment by J. Zhang and N. Makris on “Estimates of the Ground Accelerations at Point Reyes Station during the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake” by A. Anooshehpoor, T. H. Heaton, B. Shi, and J. N. Brune

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    Contrary to the comments by Zhang and Makris (hereafter, ZM), our equations of motion governing the rocking response of a rectangular block subjected to a full-sine acceleration pulse are correct. Therefore, the first part of ZM's discussion, which is based primarily upon the assumption that the equations of motion in our article were incorrect, is inappropriate. In the second part of the discussion, ZM present new results for mode 2, toppling without impact. We did not consider this mode because it was not relevant to the Point Reyes train, which by eyewitness accounts, had overturned after experiencing one impact. However, as explained in this reply, toppling with no impact is never the minimum condition for overturning, and would in general involve very large horizontal accelerations, especially at frequencies where mode 2 is the only overturning mode

    Self healing slip pulses along a gel/glass interface

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    We present an experimental evidence of self-healing shear cracks at a gel/glass interface. This system exhibits two dynamical regimes depending on the driving velocity : steady sliding at high velocity (> Vc = 100-125 \mu m/s), caracterized by a shear-thinning rheology, and periodic stick-slip dynamics at low velocity. In this last regime, slip occurs by propagation of pulses that restick via a ``healing instability'' occuring when the local sliding velocity reaches the macroscopic transition velocity Vc. At driving velocities close below Vc, the system exhibits complex spatio-temporal behavior.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure

    Precarious rock methodology for seismic hazard: Physical testing, numerical modeling and coherence studies

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    This report covers the following projects: Shake table tests of precarious rock methodology, field tests of precarious rocks at Yucca Mountain and comparison of the results with PSHA predictions, study of the coherence of the wave field in the ESF, and a limited survey of precarious rocks south of the proposed repository footprint. A series of shake table experiments have been carried out at the University of Nevada, Reno Large Scale Structures Laboratory. The bulk of the experiments involved scaling acceleration time histories (uniaxial forcing) from 0.1g to the point where the objects on the shake table overturned a specified number of times. The results of these experiments have been compared with numerical overturning predictions. Numerical predictions for toppling of large objects with simple contact conditions (e.g., I-beams with sharp basal edges) agree well with shake-table results. The numerical model slightly underpredicts the overturning of small rectangular blocks. It overpredicts the overturning PGA for asymmetric granite boulders with complex basal contact conditions. In general the results confirm the approximate predictions of previous studies. Field testing of several rocks at Yucca Mountain has approximately confirmed the preliminary results from previous studies, suggesting that the PSHA predictions are too high, possibly because the uncertainty in the mean of the attenuation relations. Study of the coherence of wavefields in the ESF has provided results which will be very important in design of the canisters distribution, in particular a preliminary estimate of the wavelengths at which the wavefields become incoherent. No evidence was found for extreme focusing by lens-like inhomogeneities. A limited survey for precarious rocks confirmed that they extend south of the repository, and one of these has been field tested

    On slip pulses at a sheared frictional viscoelastic/ non deformable interface

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    We study the possibility for a semi-infinite block of linear viscoelastic material, in homogeneous frictional contact with a non-deformable one, to slide under shear via a periodic set of ``self-healing pulses'', i.e. a set of drifting slip regions separated by stick ones. We show that, contrary to existing experimental indications, such a mode of frictional sliding is impossible for an interface obeying a simple local Coulomb law of solid friction. We then discuss possible physical improvements of the friction model which might open the possibility of such dynamics, among which slip weakening of the friction coefficient, and stress the interest of developing systematic experimental investigations of this question.Comment: 23 pages, 3 figures. submitted to PR

    Inversion of travel-time data for earthquake locations and three-dimensional velocity structure in the Eureka Valley area, eastern California

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    We develop an earthquake travel-time inversion methodology suitable for determining three-dimensional velocity structure and fault-plane orientation for an area with limited a priori information. Using a cascaded combination of a nonlinear simulated annealing optimization and linearized inversion, we investigate local three-dimensional compressional velocity structure and estimate the orientation of a fault plane in the Eureka Valley area of eastern California. We inverted travel times recorded at 20 permanent and 8 portable stations from an M 6.1 mainshock and a few hundred aftershocks for P-wave velocity and hypocentral coordinates. Using the velocity model obtained by the nonlinear optimization as an initial model for linearized inversion, we relocated the hypocenters and further fine-tuned the model. The relocated hypocenters define a north-northwest-trending fault dipping steeply westward. The final crustal velocity model features a low-velocity trend along the strike of the Eureka Valley and a high-velocity block southwest of the valley. Compared with a fully linearized inversion, our scheme demonstrates independence of the final results on the initial model and the potential of avoiding local minima