160 research outputs found

    Réformes économiques et activités des hÎpitaux municipaux en zone rurale : une analyse dans la province de Shandong

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    Les vastes rĂ©formes entreprises en Chine dans le cadre de ce qu’il est convenu d’appeler le « socialisme de marchĂ© » ont eu d’importantes rĂ©percussions sur le fonctionnement du systĂšme de santĂ©. Cette communication se propose d’en analyser certains effets sur l’activitĂ© et la performance d’un Ă©chantillon d’hĂŽpitaux municipaux situĂ©s dans une zone rurale de la province de Shandong. Les donnĂ©es de base ont Ă©tĂ© recueillies lors d’une enquÃÂȘte en 2002 et complĂ©tĂ©es par des informations Ă©manant des diffĂ©rents dĂ©partements de l’administration concernĂ©s. Les dĂ©terminants de l’activitĂ© des hĂŽpitaux ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©s à partir d’une analyse de panel sur la pĂ©riode 1986-2000. L’étude de leur performance a Ă©tĂ© faite en utilisant une analyse non paramĂ©trique (DEA et indice de Malmquist). Les rĂ©sultats obtenus suggĂšrent notamment que la contrainte de revenu de la population est un frein à l’augmentation de la frĂ©quentation des hĂŽpitaux municipaux et que les mĂ©canismes d’assurance ne paraissent pas jouer en l’état de rĂŽle significatif. L’activitĂ© s’avĂšre influencĂ©e par des facteurs reprĂ©sentatifs de l’attractivitĂ© des hĂŽpitaux. L’introduction d’un systĂšme de « gestion intĂ©grĂ©e » a permis d’amĂ©liorer la qualitĂ© des soins des structures de santĂ© de village placĂ©s sous la tutelle des hĂŽpitaux municipaux tout en amĂ©liorant dans l’ensemble la situation financiĂšre de ces derniers. Dans l’ensemble, les hĂŽpitaux municipaux de notre Ă©chantillon ont amĂ©liorĂ© leur efficience durant la pĂ©riode d’étude sous l’influence de facteurs trĂšs variĂ©s selon les hĂŽpitaux. Mais il apparaĂźt que les hĂŽpitaux financiĂšrement contraints ont tendance à ÃÂȘtre comparativement plus efficients que les autres.activitĂ© et performance des hopitaux – efficience technique, RĂ©formes Ă©conomiques – dĂ©centralisation

    Evolution de l’activitĂ© et de la performance d’un Ă©chantillon d'hĂŽpitaux municipaux en Chine

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    La dĂ©centralisation en Chine a placĂ© les hĂŽpitaux municipaux (HM) au cƓur du systĂšme sanitaire en zone rurale. Nous avons utilisĂ© les informations collectĂ©es dans un Ă©chantillon de 21 HM de la province de Shandong et dans les administrations concernĂ©es pour analyser par des mĂ©thodes quantitatives les dĂ©terminants de leur activitĂ©, mesurer leur efficience et en rechercher les facteurs explicatifs pour la pĂ©riode 1986-2000. Nos rĂ©sultats suggĂšrent entre autres que le revenu per capita de la zone de desserte des HM ainsi que leur attractivitĂ© perçue ont un effet positif sur leur activitĂ©, que les tarifs pratiquĂ©s en sont un frein et que les dispositifs de couverture maladie n’ont pas d’impact significatif sur leur frĂ©quentation. L’intĂ©gration verticale partielle des HM avec les centres de santĂ© villageois a freinĂ© l’activitĂ© de ces hĂŽpitaux. Leur efficience s’est globalement amĂ©liorĂ©e durant la pĂ©riode Ă©tudiĂ©e, mais selon une dynamique relativement hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšne,. Cette Ă©volution s’est faite en partie sous l’influence de facteurs institutionnels qui tiennent Ă  des modalitĂ©s de rĂ©gulation sectorielle et Ă  des questions de gouvernance liĂ©es aux relations entre les HM et la tutelle.

    The Impact of the New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme on Activities and Financing of Township Hospitals in Weifang, China

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    Since 2003, the New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme is gradually implemented in China, in order first, to increase access of the poor to health services, reduce out-of-pocket expenditures and avoid catastrophic health expenditures and second to re-oriented patient to township hospitals. The paper estimates the impact of the New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme on a sample of 24 township hospitals of Weifang prefecture (Shandong province), using a generalized form of differences-in-differences model on longitudinal data over the period 2000-2008. The estimations conclude to the significant and positive impact of the New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme on inpatient activities and on the bed occupancy rate, and to the significant and negative impact on the average length of stay. As expected, the impact on inpatient activities is higher in poor areas than in non poor ones and the marginal impact is decreasing over time.China;New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme;Impact analysis;Township Hospitals.

    The Impact of the New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme on Activities and Financing of Township Hospitals in Weifang, China

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    Since 2003, the New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme is gradually implemented in China, in order first, to increase access of the poor to health services, reduce out-of-pocket expenditures and avoid catastrophic health expenditures and second to re-oriented patient to township hospitals. The paper estimates the impact of the New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme on a sample of 24 township hospitals of Weifang prefecture (Shandong province), using a generalized form of differences-in-differences model on longitudinal data over the period 2000-2008. The estimations conclude to the significant and positive impact of the New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme on inpatient activities and on the bed occupancy rate, and to the significant and negative impact on the average length of stay. As expected, the impact on inpatient activities is higher in poor areas than in non poor ones and the marginal impact is decreasing over time.China;New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme;Impact analysis;Township Hospitals.

    Curative Activities of Township Hospitals in Weifang Prefecture, China: An Analysis of Environmental and Supply-Side Determinants

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    Township hospitals, which are an important link of the Chinese rural healthcare system, were affected by the successive socio-economic reforms since the 1980s. As a consequence, their utilization declined. From longitudinal data covering nine years (2000-2008) and 24 township hospitals randomly selected in Weifang prefecture (Shandong province, China), this article analyses the environmental and supply-side determinants of the volume of township hospitals curative activities, measured by the number of outpatient visits and that of discharged patients. The Hausman-Taylor and the Fixed-Effect Vector Decomposition estimators are used in order to cope with time-invariant variables. Results of the estimations are confronted and highlight similar outcomes. Findings show that the New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme, introduced in 2003, has contributed to increase the activity of township hospitals, although financial barriers remain to the access to expensive medical services. The analyses underline also that referral practices between health facilities levels should be reinforced and that the size of the township hospitals needs to be adequate with environmental factors as they appear to be over-sized.Health insurance, China, Healthcare services, Hausman-Taylor, Fixed-effects vector decomposition

    Social prediction: a new research paradigm based on machine learning

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    Sociology is a science concerned with both the interpretive understanding of social action and the corresponding causal explanation, process, and result. A causal explanation should be the foundation of prediction. For many years, due to data and computing power constraints, quantitative research in social science has primarily focused on statistical tests to analyze correlations and causality, leaving predictions largely ignored. By sorting out the historical context of "social prediction," this article redefines this concept by introducing why and how machine learning can help prediction in a scientific way. Furthermore, this article summarizes the academic value and governance value of social prediction and suggests that it is a potential breakthrough in the contemporary social research paradigm. We believe that through machine learning, we can witness the advent of an era of a paradigm shift from correlation and causality to social prediction. This shift will provide a rare opportunity for sociology in China to become the international frontier of computational social sciences and accelerate the construction of philosophy and social science with Chinese characteristics

    Congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation of lung in adults: 2 rare cases report and review of the literature

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    Congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation (CCAM), also named congenital pulmonary airway malformation (CPAM), is a congenital abnormality of lung which is uncommon in adults. Here we present 2 adult cases of CCAM with unusual clinical and pathologic findings. One case was complicated with aspergillosis which was seldom reported. The other case was suffered bilateral lesions and the patient's mother had been previously radiographically discovered bilateral cystic lesions that CCAM could not be ruled out. A review of currently published related literatures has also been provided

    Curative Activities of Township Hospitals in Weifang Prefecture, China: An Analysis of Environmental and Supply-Side Determinants

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    International audienceTownship hospitals, which are an important link of the Chinese rural healthcare system, were affected by the successive socio-economic reforms since the 1980s. As a consequence, their utilization declined. From longitudinal data covering nine years (2000-2008) and 24 township hospitals randomly selected in Weifang prefecture (Shandong province, China), this article analyses the environmental and supply-side determinants of the volume of township hospitals curative activities, measured by the number of outpatient visits and that of discharged patients. The Hausman-Taylor and the Fixed-Effect Vector Decomposition estimators are used in order to cope with time-invariant variables. Results of the estimations are confronted and highlight similar outcomes. Findings show that the New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme, introduced in 2003, has contributed to increase the activity of township hospitals, although financial barriers remain to the access to expensive medical services. The analyses underline also that referral practices between health facilities levels should be reinforced and that the size of the township hospitals needs to be adequate with environmental factors as they appear to be over-sized.Les hĂŽpitaux municipaux, qui sont un maillon essentiel du systĂšme de santĂ© rural Chinois, ont Ă©tĂ© affectĂ©s par les rĂ©formes Ă©conomiques successives depuis les annĂ©es 1980 et ont ainsi vu leur frĂ©quentation s’affaiblir. À partir d’observations longitudinales sur neuf annĂ©es (2000-2008) et 24 hĂŽpitaux municipaux sĂ©lectionnĂ©s de façon alĂ©atoire dans la prĂ©fecture de Weifang (Province du Shandong, Chine), cet article analyse les facteurs d’environnement et d’offre qui influencent le volume des activitĂ©s curatives des hĂŽpitaux municipaux, mesurĂ©par le volume de consultations externes et d’hospitalisations. Afin d’estimer l’effet de variables invariantes dans le temps, deux estimateurs sont utilisĂ©s : Hausman-Taylor et Fixed-Effect Vector Decomposition. Les rĂ©sultats des estimations des deux estimateurs sont similaires. Ils montrent que le systĂšme d’assurance mutualiste graduellement introduit Ă  partir de 2003 influence positivement l’activitĂ© des hĂŽpitaux municipaux, mĂȘme s’il subsiste des barriĂšres financiĂšres Ă  l’accĂšs aux soins de santĂ© coĂ»teux. L’analyse souligne aussi queles liens de rĂ©fĂ©rencement entre les diffĂ©rents niveaux de structures de santĂ© devraient ĂȘtre renforcĂ©s et que la taille des hĂŽpitaux municipaux, qui semble surestimĂ©e, doit ĂȘtre adaptĂ©e en fonction des facteurs environnementaux

    InterFace:Adjustable Angular Margin Inter-class Loss for Deep Face Recognition

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    In the field of face recognition, it is always a hot research topic to improve the loss solution to make the face features extracted by the network have greater discriminative power. Research works in recent years has improved the discriminative power of the face model by normalizing softmax to the cosine space step by step and then adding a fixed penalty margin to reduce the intra-class distance to increase the inter-class distance. Although a great deal of previous work has been done to optimize the boundary penalty to improve the discriminative power of the model, adding a fixed margin penalty to the depth feature and the corresponding weight is not consistent with the pattern of data in the real scenario. To address this issue, in this paper, we propose a novel loss function, InterFace, releasing the constraint of adding a margin penalty only between the depth feature and the corresponding weight to push the separability of classes by adding corresponding margin penalties between the depth features and all weights. To illustrate the advantages of InterFace over a fixed penalty margin, we explained geometrically and comparisons on a set of mainstream benchmarks. From a wider perspective, our InterFace has advanced the state-of-the-art face recognition performance on five out of thirteen mainstream benchmarks. All training codes, pre-trained models, and training logs, are publicly released \footnote{https://github.com/iamsangmeng/InterFacehttps://github.com/iamsangmeng/InterFace}.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2109.09416 by other author
