8 research outputs found

    Triple Contrast CT Method Enables Simultaneous Evaluation of Articular Cartilage Composition and Segmentation

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    Early degenerative changes of articular cartilage are detected using contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT) with a cationic contrast agent (CA). However, cationic CA diffusion into degenerated cartilage decreases with proteoglycan depletion and increases with elevated water content, thus hampering tissue evaluation at early diffusion time points. Furthermore, the contrast at synovial fluid-cartilage interface diminishes as a function of diffusion time hindering accurate cartilage segmentation. For the first time, we employ quantitative dual-energy CT (QDECT) imaging utilizing a mixture of three CAs (cationic CA4+ and non-ionic gadoteridol which are sensitive to proteoglycan and water contents, respectively, and bismuth nanoparticles which highlight the cartilage surface) to simultaneously segment the articulating surfaces and determine of the cartilage condition. Intact healthy, proteoglycan-depleted, and mechanically injured bovine cartilage samples (n = 27) were halved and imaged with synchrotron microCT 2-h post immersion in triple CA or in dual CA (CA4+ and gadoteridol). CA4+ and gadoteridol partitions were determined using QDECT, and pairwise evaluation of these partitions was conducted for samples immersed in dual and triple CAs. In conclusion, the triple CA method is sensitive to proteoglycan depletion while maintaining sufficient contrast at the articular surface to enable detection of cartilage lesions caused by mechanical impact

    Dual contrast CT method enables diagnostics of cartilage injuries and degeneration using a single CT image

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    Cartilage injuries may be detected using contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CECT) by observing variations in distribution of anionic contrast agent within cartilage. Currently, clinical CECT enables detection of injuries and related post-traumatic degeneration based on two subsequent CT scans. The first scan allows segmentation of articular surfaces and lesions while the latter scan allows evaluation of tissue properties. Segmentation of articular surfaces from the latter scan is difficult since the contrast agent diffusion diminishes the image contrast at surfaces. We hypothesize that this can be overcome by mixing anionic contrast agent (ioxaglate) with bismuth oxide nanoparticles (BINPs) too large to diffuse into cartilage, inducing a high contrast at the surfaces. Here, a dual contrast method employing this mixture is evaluated by determining the depth-wise X-ray attenuation profiles in intact, enzymatically degraded, and mechanically injured osteochondral samples (n\ua0=\ua03\ua0×\ua010) using a microCT immediately and at 45\ua0min after immersion in contrast agent. BiNPs were unable to diffuse into cartilage, producing high contrast at articular surfaces. Ioxaglate enabled the detection of enzymatic and mechanical degeneration. In conclusion, the dual contrast method allowed detection of injuries and degeneration simultaneously with accurate cartilage segmentation using a single scan conducted at 45\ua0min after contrast agent administration

    Simultaneous quantitation of cationic and non-ionic contrast agents in articular cartilage using synchrotron MicroCT imaging

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    Early diagnosis of acute cartilage injuries enables monitoring of disease progression and improved treatment option planning to prevent post-traumatic osteoarthritis. In contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CECT), the changes in cationic agent diffusion within the tissue reflect cartilage degeneration. The diffusion in degenerated cartilage depends on proteoglycan (PG) content and water content, but each having an opposite effect on diffusion, thus compromising the diagnostic sensitivity. To overcome this limitation, we propose the simultaneous imaging of cationic (sensitive to PG and water contents) and non-ionic (sensitive to water content) agents. In this study, quantitative dual-energy CT (QDECT) imaging of two agents is reported for the first time at clinically feasible imaging time points. Furthermore, this is the first time synchrotron microCT with monochromatic X-rays is employed in cartilage CECT. Imaging was conducted at 1 and 2 h post contrast agent immersion. Intact, PG-depleted, and mechanically injured + PG-depleted cartilage samples (n = 33) were imaged in a mixture of cationic (iodine-based CA4+) and non-ionic (gadolinium-based gadoteridol) agents. Concurrent evaluation of CA4+ and gadoteridol partitions in cartilage is accomplished using QDECT. Subsequent normalization of the CA4+ partition with that of the gadoteridol affords CA4+ attenuations that significantly correlate with PG content – a key marker of OA

    Triple Contrast CT Method Enables Simultaneous Evaluation of Articular Cartilage Composition and Segmentation

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    Early degenerative changes of articular cartilage are detected using contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT) with a cationic contrast agent (CA). However, cationic CA diffusion into degenerated cartilage decreases with proteoglycan depletion and increases with elevated water content, thus hampering tissue evaluation at early diffusion time points. Furthermore, the contrast at synovial fluid-cartilage interface diminishes as a function of diffusion time hindering accurate cartilage segmentation. For the first time, we employ quantitative dual-energy CT (QDECT) imaging utilizing a mixture of three CAs (cationic CA4+ and non-ionic gadoteridol which are sensitive to proteoglycan and water contents, respectively, and bismuth nanoparticles which highlight the cartilage surface) to simultaneously segment the articulating surfaces and determine of the cartilage condition. Intact healthy, proteoglycan-depleted, and mechanically injured bovine cartilage samples (n = 27) were halved and imaged with synchrotron microCT 2-h post immersion in triple CA or in dual CA (CA4+ and gadoteridol). CA4+ and gadoteridol partitions were determined using QDECT, and pairwise evaluation of these partitions was conducted for samples immersed in dual and triple CAs. In conclusion, the triple CA method is sensitive to proteoglycan depletion while maintaining sufficient contrast at the articular surface to enable detection of cartilage lesions caused by mechanical impact

    Quantitative dual contrast CT technique for evaluation of articular cartilage properties

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    Impact injuries\ua0of cartilage may initiate post-traumatic degeneration, making early detection of injury imperative for timely surgical or pharmaceutical interventions. Cationic (positively-charged) CT contrast agents detect loss of cartilage proteoglycans (PGs) more sensitively than anionic (negatively-charged) or non-ionic (non-charged, i.e., electrically neutral) agents. However, degeneration related loss of PGs and increase in water content have opposite effects on the diffusion of the cationic agent, lowering its sensitivity. In contrast to cationic agents, diffusion of non-ionic agents is governed only by steric hindrance and water content\ua0of cartilage. We hypothesize that sensitivity of\ua0an iodine(I)-based cationic agent may be enhanced by simultaneous use of a non-ionic gadolinium(Gd)-based agent. We introduce a quantitative dual energy CT technique (QDECT) for simultaneous quantification of two contrast agents in cartilage. We employ this technique to improve the sensitivity of cationic CA4+ (q =+4) by normalizing its partition in cartilage with that of non-ionic gadoteridol. The technique was evaluated with measurements of contrast agent mixtures of known composition and human osteochondral samples (n = 57) after immersion (72\ua0h) in mixture of CA4+ and gadoteridol. Samples were arthroscopically graded and biomechanically tested prior to QDECT (50/100\ua0kV). QDECT determined contrast agent mixture compositions correlated with the true compositions (R = 0.99, average error = 2.27%). Normalizing CA4+ partition in cartilage with that of gadoteridol improved correlation with equilibrium modulus (from ρ = 0.701 to 0.795). To conclude, QDECT enables simultaneous quantification of I and Gd contrast agents improving diagnosis of cartilage integrity and biomechanical status

    Dual-contrast computed tomography enables detection of equine posttraumatic osteoarthritis in vitro

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    Abstract To prevent the progression of posttraumatic osteoarthritis, assessment of cartilage composition is critical for effective treatment planning. Posttraumatic changes include proteoglycan (PG) loss and elevated water content. Quantitative dual-energy computed tomography (QDECT) provides a means to diagnose these changes. Here, we determine the potential of QDECT to evaluate tissue quality surrounding cartilage lesions in an equine model, hypothesizing that QDECT allows detection of posttraumatic degeneration by providing quantitative information on PG and water contents based on the partitions of cationic and nonionic agents in a contrast mixture. Posttraumatic osteoarthritic samples were obtained from a cartilage repair study in which full-thickness chondral defects were created surgically in both stifles of seven Shetland ponies. Control samples were collected from three nonoperated ponies. The experimental (n = 14) and control samples (n = 6) were immersed in the contrast agent mixture and the distributions of the agents were determined at various diffusion time points. As a reference, equilibrium moduli, dynamic moduli, and PG content were measured. Significant differences (p < 0.05) in partitions between the experimental and control samples were demonstrated with cationic contrast agent at 30 min, 60 min, and 20 h, and with non-ionic agent at 60 and 120 min. Significant Spearman’s rank correlations were obtained at 20 and 24 h (ρ = 0.482–0.693) between the partition of cationic contrast agent, cartilage biomechanical properties, and PG content. QDECT enables evaluation of posttraumatic changes surrounding a lesion and quantification of PG content, thus advancing the diagnostics of the extent and severity of cartilage injuries