6 research outputs found

    Additional file 1: Table S1. of Identification and validation of risk loci for osteochondrosis in standardbreds

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    Named genes located within the top regions of association on ECA14 from the GWA analysis. Table S2. Haplotype analysis within the top regions of association on ECA14 from the GWA analysis. Table S3. Top GWA SNPs from GEMMA mixed model analysis of data imputed to 670 k and 2 M SNP lists. Table S4. Summary of variants by type and region. Table S5. Regions of interest for which detailed annotation of SNPs was performed. Table S6. Putative risk variants for OC that were selected for inclusion in the custom Sequenom genotyping assay (n = 240). Table S7. Frequency of alternate allele in cases and controls for each SNP in the Sequenom platform that genotyped successfully in the discovery or validation populations. (DOCX 93 kb