305 research outputs found

    Diet and foraging ecology of the Hoopoe Upupa epops in a Mediterranean area of Central Italy

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    During the breeding season, the Hoopoe Upupa epops inhabits traditional and diversified rural habi- tats with high availability of bare ground and short grass areas where it forages. Only a few studies addressed the breeding diet of this species. Most of them were conducted in the intensively cultivated plains of southern Switzerland, where Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa represents the most common prey. In contrast, limited information is available for Mediterranean habitats. To fill this knowledge gap, we investigated the foraging behaviour of the species in a Mediterranean heterogeneous agricultural area in Central Italy during the 2020-2021 breeding seasons. 1123 prey items brought to the nest by adults were identified using camera traps positioned near four natural nests. Insect larvae constitute 84% of the diet, of which 61% are represented by Cicada orni nymphs. The importance of cicadas in the Hoopoe diet has been never described in the literature before. C. orni seems to substitute G. gryllotalpa in the more arid and hard soil of Mediterranean areas. The observed provisioning rate to clutches showed a maximum daily mean of over 14 prey per hour. To investigate Hoopoe foraging micro- habitat selection, six different microhabitat variables were measured at 64 1 m2 plots located at an equal num- ber of foraging and random control points, by using a grid of 100 squares (10x10 cm each). Habitat selection analysis indicates that short herbaceous sward and low herbaceous cover are the fundamental factors driving foraging microhabitat selection. Our study contributed to enhancing the limited knowledge of the Hoopoe diet and foraging ecology in Mediterranean habitats and demonstrates, for the first time, the importance of Cicada orni nymphs in the diet of the species in this biogeographical region

    Schöpf-Schulz-Passarge syndrome: further delineation of the phenotype and genetic considerations.

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    Schöpf-Schulz-Passarge syndrome is a rare ectodermal dysplasia, characterized chiefly by multiple eyelid apocrine hidrocystomas, palmo-plantar keratoderma, hypodontia, hypotrichosis and nail dystrophy. The clinical spectrum and the most likely inheritance pattern(s) have not yet been completely defined. We report here on two, unrelated patients presenting with additional, previously unreported features, including hypoplastic nipples and optic atrophy. Both individuals were born to consanguineous parents, and one also has affected siblings. A literature review identified 23 additional cases. Multiple eyelid apocrine hidrocystomas, described in all of the cases, are the hallmark of this condition, although they usually appear in adulthood. The concomitant presence of eccrine syringofibroadenoma in most patients and of other adnexal skin tumours in 44% of affected subjects indicates that Schöpf-Schulz-Passarge is a genodermatosis with skin appendage neoplasms. However, the risk of skin and visceral malignancies is not increased. Pedigree study demonstrates that 9 of the 13 published familial cases may be explained by an autosomal recessive mutation, while the remaining pedigrees show apparent vertical transmission compatible with genetic heterogeneity. The benign disease course and advanced age at diagnosis could also suggest locus homogeneity for a recessive mutation with instances of pseudodominant inheritance

    Predation attempts on Hoopoe <i>Upupa epops</i> nests in a rural Mediterranean area of central Italy

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    Seventeen predation attempts on four Hoopoe Upupa epops nests in an heterogenous agricultural Mediterranean area of central Italy were recorded during breeding seasons 2020-21. Camera traps identified 7 different predators’ species, mainly Western whip snake Hierophis viridiflavus and Black rat Rattus rattus. Uropygial secretions and hissing calls from chicks and incubating female inside the breeding cavity always saved the clutches, while no active defense was performed by parents if outside the nest

    Dermoscopic, Histological, Confocal Microscopy Correlation of Atypical-Dysplastic Melanocytic Nevi

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    Introduction: The term "atypical melanocytic nevus" (AMN) is used as a synonym for dysplastic nevus (DN) in clinical practice. Although the criteria for diagnosis of AMN/DN by the Agency for Research on Cancer helps to differentiate AMN/DN from common acquired nevi, they do not have high degrees of specificity, as they are similar to those used for the diagnosis of melanoma. Objectives: In this retrospective study we evaluated the correlation and diagnostic concordance of dermoscopy, confocal microscopy, and histological examination in 50 AMN. Methods: A graded scale was used to compare histological examination with dermoscopy and confocal microscopy. Low magnification histological images of only the central part of lesions were examined. This allowed histological diagnoses based almost exclusively on architectural criteria instead of simultaneously architectural and cytological, as in the global histological examination. Results: Our data demonstrate that the diagnostic accuracy of dermoscopy and confocal microscopy diagnosis of the clinical aspects of AMN/DN as nevi or melanomas tends to be equivalent, being fair for nevi and excellent for melanomas. The total percentage of AMN suggested that the accuracy of confocal microscopy in the diagnosis of melanoma (86.7%) is greater than that of dermoscopy (73.3%). Conclusions: This study demonstrated that diagnostic assessments of AMN/DN by dermoscopy and confocal microscopy are accurate and often coincide with those of histological examination and that their combined use helps to better manage and monitor these patients by facilitating early detection of melanomas and reducing unnecessary excisions of benign melanocytic lesions

    The role of diagnostic VATS in penetrating thoracic injuries

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    BACKGROUND: Penetrating chest injuries account for 1–13% of thoracic trauma hospital admissions and most of these are managed with a conservative approach. Nevertheless, 18–30% of cases managed only with tube thoracostomy have residual clotted blood, considered the major risk factor for the development of fibrothorax and empyema. In addition, 4–23% of chest injury patients present persistent pneumothorax and 15–59% present an injury to the diaphragm, which is missed in 30% of cases. In order to make a correct diagnosis, reduce the number of missed injuries, chronic sequelae and late mortality we propose performing surgical exploration of all patients with a penetrating injury of the pleural cavity. METHODS: 1270 patients who sustained thoracic trauma were admitted to our hospital between 1994 and 2004. Of these, 16 patients had penetrating injuries: thirteen were surgically explored by means of Video Assisted Thoracic Surgery (VATS), and 3 with thoracotomy due to hemodynamic instability or suspected lesion of the heart or great vessels. RESULTS: In the 13 patients who underwent VATS, 5 injuries to the diaphragm, 3 lesions to an intercostal artery, and 1 lesion to the diaphragmatic artery were detected. In 12 of these patients a laceration of the pulmonary parenchyma was also present. A conversion to thoracotomy was necessary due to a broad laceration of the diaphragm and due to hemostasis of an intercostal artery. In all but one case, which was later converted, diagnostic imaging missed the diagnosis of laceration of the diaphragm. There was no intra- or postoperative mortality, and average hospital stay was five days. CONCLUSION: VATS is a safe and effective way to diagnose and manage penetrating thoracic injuries, and its extensive use leads to a reduction in the number of missed, potentially fatal lesions as well as in chronic sequelae

    Incorporación de riego complementario en los sistemas de producción agrícola : Tecnología y medio ambiente. Estudio de caso en un distrito de la provincia de Buenos Aires (Argentina)

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    Este artículo se ocupa de indagar entre los productores agrícolas de un distrito bonaerense (el partido de Tandil, ubicado al sudeste de la provincia de Buenos Aires) las causales y las características de la toma de decisiones respecto a la implementación del riego complementario en sus explotaciones. De esta manera, el trabajo se compone de una presentación que ubica en los años ’90 a la producción agrícola argentina. Seguidamente se esboza un sucinto panorama de las características tecnológica de la práctica de riego, que es el objeto de adopción que se analiza, finalmente, en la última sección del artículo, en la cual se indagan las cuestiones antes mencionadas, a partir de un trabajo de campo realizado entre agricultores adoptantes del riego complementario. Cierra este trabajo una corta sección de conclusiones generales.Evento también conocido bajo el nombre de "II Jornadas Platenses de Geografía"Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Rural education in times of COVID-19. Experiences of pedagogical continuity in the primary schools of Maipú, province of Buenos Aires, Argentina

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    Este trabajo presenta los resultados de una indagación realizada a los docentes de escuelas primarias localizadas en el espacio rural de Maipú, provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina, acerca de las propuestas de enseñanza y medios de comunicación que han implementado para atender a la continuidad pedagógica en este actual contexto de aislamiento social, preventivo y obligatorio (ASPO), implementado desde mediados de marzo de 2020. Para garantizar las trayectorias educativas de los alumnos, el gobierno de la provincia de Buenos Aires puso en marcha un programa de continuidad pedagógica, con el objetivo de que los estudiantes desde sus hogares y con el acompañamiento de sus docentes, continúen con el proceso educativo. Los docentes de las escuelas rurales tienen una larga trayectoria en el desarrollo de una dinámica particular que les ha permitido hacer frente a este escenario con mayor celeridad, gracias a la experiencia adquirida en el trabajo con los alumnos y sus familias, donde éstas ya forman parte de la escuela, con tiempos prolongados de no presencialidad. Sin embargo, en estos espacios hay situaciones muy heterogéneas porque no todas las familias cuentan con el tiempo ni las competencias necesarias para poder acompañar la continuidad pedagógica. Sostener la educación a distancia se vuelve difícil debido a la falta de dispositivos móviles y/o escasa o nula señal de Internet.Este trabalho apresenta os resultados de uma pesquisa feita aos professores de escolas primárias, localizadas na área rural de Maipú, sobre as propostas pedagógicas e os meios de comunicação implementados para atender à continuidade pedagógica neste contexto atual de isolamento social, preventivo e obrigatório (ASPO), vivido desde meados de março de 2020. Os professores das escolas rurais têm uma longa trajetória de desenvolvimento de uma dinâmica particular, que lhes permitiu enfrentar mais rapidamente este cenário, graças à experiência adquirida no trabalho com os alunos e suas famílias, onde estas já fazem parte da escola, com longos períodos sem aulas presenciais. Entretanto, nestes espaços há situações muito heterogêneas, porque nem todos os pais, mães e famílias têm o tempo ou as competências necessárias para poder acompanhar a continuidade pedagógica e sustentar a educação à distância por períodos muito longos nestas situações. Também é muito difícil garantir a continuidade pedagógica com falta de dispositivos móveis e/ou com pouco ou nenhum sinal de internet.This paper presents the results of an inquiry made to teachers of primary schools located in the rural area of Maipú, province of Buenos Aires, Argentina, about the teaching and communication proposals that they have implemented to attend to the pedagogical continuity in this current context of social, preventive and compulsory isolation (ASPO), implemented since mid-March 2020. In order to guarantee the educational trajectories of the students, the government of the Province of Buenos launched a program of pedagogical continuity, with the aim of that students from their homes and with the accompaniment of their teachers, continue with the educational process. Teachers in rural schools have a long history in developing a particular dynamic that has allowed them to face this scenario more quickly, thanks to the experience acquired in working with students and their families, where they are already part from school, with long periods of absence. However, in these spaces there are very heterogeneous situations because not all families have the time or the necessary skills to be able to accompany the pedagogical continuity. Sustaining distance education becomes difficult due to the lack of mobile devices and / or little or no Internet signal.Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Socia
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