3 research outputs found


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    Background: Currently, periodontal treatments for esthetic purpose are increasing. This treatment could be done by periodontal plastic surgery. One of the procedure of periodontal plastic surgery is gingival depigmentation. Gingival depigmentation is the treatment for gingival discoloration. Gingival discoloration occurs due to hyper-deposition of melanin by melanocyte on the basal gingival epithelium. This condition cause dark colour of gingiva. The purpose of this case report is to explain the management of gingival discoloration. Cases: A 22 years old male patient with chief complain of darkish gingival color and less confidence of smiling. Patient is not a smoker. Case management: Anterior maxilla gingival depigmentation was performed using scalpel #15. Orban knife was used to shape interdental area, followed by saline irrigation. Periodontal pack is placed on the surgical area. Two weeks evaluation found that wound healing process is fine, as painless and no infection occur. Conclusion: Management of gingival discoloration by melanin with gingival depigmentation technique provides effective resul

    Peningkatan jumlah makrofag pada proses penyembuhan luka pasca pencabutan gigi marmut (cavia cobaya) akibat pemberian gel ekstrak meniran (phyllanthus niruri lynn)

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    ABSTRACT Background: Meniran (Phyllanthus niruri Lynn) contain saponin, flavonoid, filantin, hipofilantin, kalium, damar dan tannin. Flavonoid as one of the ingredients of Phyllanthus niruri are suggested to have effect of increasing the activity of macrophage that stimulates pro-healing effect by stimulating regeneration, activating and proliferating fibroblast also angiogenesis. Purpose: The aim of this study is to know that Phyllanthus niruri extract gel can increase the amount of macrophage in wound healing process after Cavia cobaya’s tooth extraction. Methods: This study used experimental design with post-test only control group design. Experimental subject is male Cavia cobaya. Subject was divided into five groups, each group contains seven Cavia cobaya. For the negative control group we use CMC-Na3% and povidone iodine for the positive control group. The other five groups we use Phyllanthus niruri extract gel with different concentrations 22,5%, 45%, and 90%. Execution was held after three days by taking the mandibula to make hystopathologic preparat, examined under microscope with 400 times magnification, then counted for the amount of macrophage. The result of study tested with oneway ANOVA and LSD to look for the difference of macrophage count between groups. Result: One-way ANOVA’s result showed a significant difference between control and Phyllanthus niruri extract gel treated group. LSD’s result showed significant difference between negative control group and positive control, 22,5%, 45%, 90% Phyllanthus niruri extract gel treated group, but no significant difference between positive control group and 22,5% Phyllanthus niruri extract gel treated group. Conclusion: Application of Phyllanthus niruri extract gel can increase the amount of macrophage in wound healing process after Cavia cobaya’s tooth extraction and the optimal concentration is 45%


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    Scaffold sisik ikan gurami tidak menginduksi efek sitotoksik yang signifikan dan memiliki viabilitas sel yang cukup sehingga berpotensi menjadi bahan graft yang dapat diaplikasikan pada rekayasa jaringan sebagai scaffold. Penggunaan graft sebagai scaffold diharapkan dapat meningkatkan keberhasilan regenerasi jaringan periodonsium yang hilang dan membantu pertumbuhan tulang. Tujuan: Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat apakah scaffold sisik ikan gurami dapat meningkatkan ekspresi TGF-β1. Metode: Tiga puluh enam hewan coba dibagi menjadi 4 kelompok, kelompok pertama adalah kelompok kontrol 7 hari, kelompok kedua adalah kelompok sisik ikan 7 hari, kelompok ketiga adalah kelompok kontrol 14 hari, dan kelompok keempat adalah kelompok sisik ikan 14 hari. Ekspresi TGF-β1 dilihat pada hari ke-7 dan ke-14 hari dengan menggunakan analisa imunohistokimia. Hasil: Hasil analisa dari uji Oneway Anova dengan nilai signifikansi 0,000 (p < 0,05) dan hasil uji Tukey HSD dengan Multiple Comparisons menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan signifikan antara ketiga kelompok, yaitu kelompok kontrol 7 hari, kelompok sisik ikan 7 hari, kelompok kontrol 14 hari, serta kelompok sisik ikan 14 hari. Kelompok kolagen sisik ikan gurami 14 hari memperlihatkan ekspresi TGF-β1 paling tinggi. Kesimpulan: Aplikasi scaffold sisik ikan gurami (Osphronemus gouramy) dapat meningkatkan ekspresi TGF-β1