7 research outputs found
Time after peak velocity between groups as a function of index of difficulty.
<p>Standard error bars included. Note: LN = large near, SN = small near, LF = large far, SF = small far. ** = p < .01.</p
Movement time variability between groups as a function of cue condition.
<p>Standard error bars included. *** = p < .001, between symp-HD and controls; <sup>+++</sup> = p < .001, between symp-HD and pre-HD.</p
Demographic and neurocognitive data across groups.
<p>Note: IQ (NART, National Adult Reading Test); CAG, cytosine-adenine-guanine (number of repeats >40 is full penetrance); UHDRS-TMS, Unified Huntington’s Disease Rating Scale-Total Motor Score (pre-HD, UHDRS-TMS≤5; symp-HD, UHDRS-TMS>5); DBS, Disease Burden Score (CAG-35.5) x age; YTO, Years to onset—estimation expressed as a countdown from current age to 0 = disease onset. YSO, Years since onset of symptoms.</p><p>Means and standard deviations (SD) provided.</p
Dwell times between groups as a function of index of difficulty.
<p>Standard error bars included. Note: LN = large near, SN = small near, LF = large far, SF = small far. ** = p < .01, *** = p < .001.</p
Demographic and neurocognitive data across groups.
<p>Note: IQ (NART, National Adult Reading Test); CAG, cytosine-adenine-guanine (number of repeats >40 is full penetrance); UHDRS-TMS, Unified Huntington’s Disease Rating Scale-Total Motor Score (pre-HD, UHDRS-TMS≤5; symp-HD, UHDRS-TMS>5); DBS, Disease Burden Score (CAG-35.5) x age; YTO, Years to onset—estimation expressed as a countdown from current age to 0 = disease onset. YSO, Years since onset of symptoms.</p><p>Means and standard deviations (SD) provided.</p
Movement time between groups as a function of index of difficulty.
<p>Standard error bars included. Note: LN = large near, SN = small near, LF = large far, SF = small far. ** = p < .01.</p
An illustration of the four configurations representing the four conditions and retrospective indices of difficulty.
<p>An illustration of the four configurations representing the four conditions and retrospective indices of difficulty.</p