6 research outputs found

    Length of vector flights for all treatment groups in meters.

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    <p>Groups are shown as boxplots with the median indicated in red, the edges of the box indicates the 25<sup>th</sup> and 75<sup>th</sup> percentiles. Outliers are shown as red crosses. Groups with no significant difference share the same letter under the lower whisker. Animals treated with imidacloprid 0.9 µM performed significant shorter vector flights than those of the control group, the clothianidin treated group, those treated with the lower concentration of imidacloprid, as well as animals treated with thiacloprid. . The thiacloprid treatment led to significantly longer vector flights compared to bees from the control group, the clothianidin group and the animals treated with the higher concentration of imidacloprid (p<0.05, Rank-sum test).</p

    Direction of vector flights.

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    <p>The direction is defined by the intersection of the vector flight with a 200° bins. The x-axes give the angels in degrees clockwise from north. The median angle is marked in red for each group. Significant differences in the direction are indicated by different letters under the group names. Clothianidin treated and both imidacloprid treated groups differ significant from the control group but not from each other. The thiacloprid treated group did not differ significantly from all other group (p<0.05, Watson -Williams F-test). The direction of the learned route from the feeder to the hive is 294°, and the direct route from the release site to the hive would be 343°. Note that the x-axis is interrupted for the imidacloprid 0.6 µM group as there was one bee flying north-east with a 10.9° angle from north.</p

    Distribution of directional changes during the homing flight.

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    <p>Data are shown in percent and are grouped in 50 segments ( = 7,2° each segment). Bars are scaled as percentages from 0% to 12% of the cumulative data. The black line shows the mean direction with standard deviation. Like in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0091364#pone-0091364-g004" target="_blank">Fig. 4</a> all angles are in relation to the direction that the bee already flew, and are not related to a geographic direction. Thus the figure shows the straightness of the bees' homing flights. Significant differences were found between the control group and the group treated with clothianidin on the one side and both imidacloprid treated (0.6 and 0.9 µM) and thiacloprid 0.1 mM treated groups on the other side (p<0.05, Mardia-Watson-Wheeler test). These latter groups showed a broader spread of directions than the control and the clothianidin group, and did not differ from each other.</p

    Distribution of directional changes during vector flights.

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    <p>Data are grouped in 50 segments ( = 7,2° each segment). Bars are scaled as percentages from 0% to 17% of the cumulative data. The black line shows the mean direction with standard deviation. Angles are given in relation to the direction of the stretch of flight shortly before, and are not related to a geographic direction (see text). The main component in all groups lies around the 0° direction indicating that the bees flew rather straight. Significant differences between the groups are shown by different letters in the parenthesis. Both imidacloprid treatments (0.6 and 0.9 µM) led to broader distributions of directions and thereby more changes in the flight path as compared to the control group. (p<0.05, Mardia-Watson-Wheeler Test).</p

    Duration of the homing phase.

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    <p>The homing phase started at the end of the vector flight as characterized by a turn of >60° during the vector flight and ended when the bee either arrived at the hive or was not recorded with the radar anymore. Groups are shown as boxplots with the median indicated in red, the edges of the box indicates the 25<sup>th</sup> and 75<sup>th</sup> percentile. Note that the y-axis is scaled logarithmically. Significant differences between the groups are shown by different letters at the bottom of each boxplot. Clothianidin 0.2 µM treatment resulted in a longer homing phase as compared to the control group and the imidacloprid 0.6 µM group. The median homing duration of the bees treated with 0.1 mM thiacloprid was significantly longer than the control group (p<0.05, Rank-sum test).</p

    Flight direction after the end of the vector flight.

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    <p>The sharp turns (60°) were categorized as leading to a northerly (column north) or southerly (column south) direction, or any other direction (e.g. returning to the release site or continuing the vector flight with only a minor correction). Three thiacloprid bees (column other direction) terminated their flight at the end of the vector.</p