12 research outputs found

    Coefficients of correlation between domains of WHOQOL-HIV and SF-36.

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    <p>D1 = physical domain, D2 = psychological domain, D3 = independence domain, D4 = social domain, D5 = environment domain, D6 = Spirituality, D suppl = Overall QoL, BP = bodily pain, GH = general health perceptions, VT = vitality, SF = social functioning, MH = mental health, RE = role emotional, RP = role physical, PF = physical functioning.</p

    Relationship between scores of domains for test-retest WHOQOL-HIV.

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    <p>Relationship between scores of domains for test-retest WHOQOL-HIV.</p

    Darunavir plasma concentration according to <i>CYP3A5*3</i> polymorphism in patients co-treated with darunavir and etravirine.

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    <p>Values are reported on the Y-axis using a box and whisker plot. Bottom and top of the boxes indicate the 25th and 75th percentiles, respectively and the inside-line represents the 50th percentile (median). Whiskers show maximal and minimal observed values.</p

    BRCA1-Dependent Translational Regulation in Breast Cancer Cells

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    <div><p>BRCA1 (Breast Cancer 1) has been implicated in a number of cellular processes, including transcription regulation, DNA damage repair and protein ubiquitination. We previously demonstrated that BRCA1 interacts with PABP1 (Poly(A)-Binding Protein 1) and that BRCA1 modulates protein synthesis through this interaction. To identify the mRNAs that are translationally regulated by BRCA1, we used a microarray analysis of polysome-bound mRNAs in BRCA1-depleted and non-depleted MCF7 cells. Our findings show that BRCA1 modifies the translational efficiency of approximately 7% of the mRNAs expressed in these cells. Further analysis revealed that several processes contributing to cell surveillance such as cell cycle arrest, cell death, cellular growth and proliferation, DNA repair and gene expression, are largely enriched for the mRNAs whose translation is impacted by BRCA1. The BRCA1-dependent translation of these species of mRNAs therefore uncovers a novel mechanism through which BRCA1 exerts its onco-suppressive role. In addition, the BRCA1-dependent translation of mRNAs participating in unexpected functions such as cellular movement, nucleic acid metabolism or protein trafficking is indicative of novel functions for BRCA1. Finally, this study contributes to the identification of several markers associated with BRCA1 deficiency and to the discovery of new potential anti-neoplastic therapeutic targets.</p></div

    Microarray analysis of polysome-associated RNAs from MCF7 cells in which BRCA1 has been depleted.

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    <p>A/Western blot confirming siRNA inhibition of BRCA1 levels in MCF7 cells when compared with control siRNA. Immunoblotting for BRCA1 used 8F7 antibody. α-tubulin served as loading control. B/Number of mRNAs exhibiting altered translational efficiency in BRCA1-depleted MCF7 cells compared to control MCF7 cells. The 1151 mRNAs displaying a modified relative translatability (RR = polyRNA/totRNA) were clustered in several groups depending on their fold change in polysomal RNA abundance (PolyRNA) and their fold change in total mRNA abundance (TotRNA). The fold changes in polysomal RNA abundance and in total mRNA abundance are indicated as follows: ≤0.67, (↗)≥1.50, (↔) >0.67 and <1.50. The RRs are annotated with a sign and a number. The sign specifies the RR value: (−) ≤0.67, (+) ≥1.50. The number indicates how many mRNAs are deregulated. : mRNAs translationally deregulated through change in polysome mRNA abundance only; : mRNAs translationally deregulated through change in total mRNA abundance only; : mRNAs translationally deregulated through change in polysome abundance together with opposite changes in total mRNA C/Functional distribution of differentially translated known genes in BRCA1-depleted versus control MCF7 cells. Gene functions were established based on the annotation provided by the IPA database. The number of genes enriched in each function is shown in brackets.</p