4 research outputs found

    Synaptic weights after learning.

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    <p>A: Example of the synapse strengths from each reservoir output neuron to each motor neuron after learning. The left plot shows the synapses for the first simulation of the 200 motor neuron <i>m</i> = 2 model reinforced for high-salience vocalizations. The right plot shows the synapses for the corresponding yoked control simulation. Yellow indicates greater connection strengths; blue indicates weaker synapses. The stronger synapses on the left half of the left plot as compared to the right half of that same plot reflect the greater connection of reservoir neurons to agonist motor neurons promoting mouth closure than to antagonist motor neurons promoting mouth opening. Note that this bias is not present in the connection weights of the yoked control simulation shown on the right. B: Across all simulations of the 200 motor neuron <i>m</i> = 2 model, the total strength of the connections from the reservoir to the agonist motor neurons divided by the total strength of the connections from the reservoir to the antagonist motor neurons. Bar height indicates the mean across the five simulations and the error bars represent 95% confidence intervals. C: Across all simulations of the 200 motor neuron <i>m</i> = 2 model, the standard deviation of the connection strengths from the reservoir to the motor neurons. Bar height indicates the mean standard deviation across the five simulations.</p

    Overview of the model.

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    <p>A: Schematic depiction of the groups of neurons in the spiking neural network and how they are connected. There is a reservoir of 1000 recurrently connected neurons, with 200 of those being inhibitory (red) and the rest excitatory (blue and black). 200 of the reservoir’s excitatory neurons are designated as output neurons (black). These output neurons connect to two groups of motor neurons, agonist motor neurons (blue) and antagonist motor neurons (red). The connection weights within the reservoir are set at the start of the simulation to random values and do not change over the course of the simulation. The connection weights from the reservoir output neurons to the motor neurons are initially set to random values and are modified throughout the simulation by dopamine (DA)-modulated STDP. All reservoir and motor neurons receive random input current at each time step (not shown). B: Raster plot of spikes in the reservoir over a 1 s time period. C: Raster plot of spikes in the motor neuron groups over the same 1 s time period. The agonist and antagonist motor neuron spikes are summed at each time step then are smoothed using a 100 ms moving average. The smoothed antagonist activity is subtracted from the smoothed agonist activity, creating a net smoothed muscle activity that is sent to the orbicularis and masseter muscles. D: The smoothed agonist, antagonist, and net activity for the same 1 s as in the raster plots. E: Effects of the orbicularis oris and masseter on the vocal tract’s shape (reprinted with permission from [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0145096#pone.0145096.ref061" target="_blank">61</a>]). Orbicularis oris activity tends to round and close the lips and masseter activity tends to raise the jaw. F: Schematic illustration that the vocal tract is modeled as an air-filled tube bounded by walls made up of coupled mass-spring systems (reprinted with permission from [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0145096#pone.0145096.ref061" target="_blank">61</a>]). The orbicularis oris and masseter affect the equilibrium positions at the front parts of the tube. The air pressure over time and space in the tube is calculated, and the air pressure at the lip end of the tube forms the sound waveform. The vocal tract shape is modeled more realistically than depicted here and also contains a nasal cavity that is not depicted. G: The sound synthesized by the vocal tract model is input to an algorithm that estimates auditory salience. The plot shows, for the same 1 s as in B–D, the synthesized vocalization waveform (in cyan) and the salience of that waveform over time (in black). Apart from a peak in salience at the sound’s onset, the most salient portion of the sound is around the place where the sound’s one consonant can be heard. The overall salience of this particular sound is 10.77. If the salience of the sound is above the model’s current threshold, a reward is given, which causes an increase in dopamine concentration in the neural network.</p

    Vocalization examples.

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    <p>Three examples of vocalizations produced by the model. The left column shows a vocalization that contains no consonants and would not be considered canonical or syllabic babbling. The associated WAV file is available for listening in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0145096#pone.0145096.s001" target="_blank">S1 Sound</a>. The middle column shows a vocalization that contains one consonant and the right column shows a vocalization that contains three consonants. The middle and right vocalizations would qualify as canonical babbling (the associated WAV files are available for listening in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0145096#pone.0145096.s002" target="_blank">S2 Sound</a> and <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0145096#pone.0145096.s003" target="_blank">S3 Sound</a>, respectively). The vocalizations were all produced by fully trained versions of the primary version of the model. A: Raster plots of the 1 s of reservoir neuron activity associated with the vocalization. B: motor neuron raster plots. C: Smoothed motor neuron activity for the agonist and antagonist groups as well as the difference between the smoothed agonist and antagonist activities. This difference was what was input as muscle activity to the vocalizations synthesizer. D: Waveforms (cyan), salience traces (black) and overall salience estimates (titles) for each example vocalization. Note that positive values of the salience trace represent detection of onsets of patterns in the auditory stimulus and negative values represent offsets of patterns. E: Spectrograms of the vocalizations; these provide visual evidence of the vocalization’s harmonic frequencies and of formant transitions associated with the production of consonants.</p

    Increase in salience and syllabicity over time.

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    <p>A: Average auditory salience of the sounds produced by the model as a function of simulation time in seconds and whether the simulation was reinforced based on auditory salience or was a yoked control. B: Number of vowel nuclei, i.e. number of syllables, estimated to be contained within the sounds produced by the model as a function of simulation time in seconds and whether the simulation was reinforced based on auditory salience or was a yoked control. Lines are generalized additive model fits and dark gray shading gives 95% confidence intervals around those fits. When reinforced for auditory salience, the model increases both the salience of its vocalizations and the number of syllables contained within those vocalizations, while the yoked controls do not show such increases.</p