48 research outputs found

    Variation in Hsp70 Levels after Cold Shock: Signs of Evolutionary Responses to Thermal Selection among Leptinotarsa decemlineata Populations

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    Individuals of widely spread species are expected to show local adaption in temperature tolerance as they encounter a range of thermal conditions. We tracked thermal adaptations of the Colorado potato beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata) that invaded Europe within the last 100 years. It has occupied various conditions although, like the majority of invasive species, it lost a measurable amount of neutral genetic variation due to bottleneck effect when it invaded Europe. We exposed diapausing beetles originated from three different latitudes (54°N, 59°N, 60°N) to cold shock (−5°C, 1.5 hrs) in order to test if beetles from the northern populations express differential levels of cold-induced and constitutive Hsp70 compared to the beetles from milder temperature regime. The level of cold-induced Hsp70 was lowest in the northernmost beetle populations while the level of constitutive Hsp70 did not differ with the population. Moreover, the southernmost beetles were more plastic in their response to cold shock than the northernmost beetles. These results suggest that physiological adaptation, like the synthesis of Hsp70, can evolve very quickly

    Original data for article: Responses of a native plant species from invaded and uninvaded areas to allelopathic effects of an invader

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    Invaders exert new selection pressures on the resident species e.g. through competition for resources or by using novel weapons. It has been shown that novel weapons aid invasion but it is unclear whether native species co-occurring with invaders have adapted to tolerate these novel weapons. Those resident species which are able to adapt to new selective agents can co-occur with an invader while others face a risk of local extinction. We ran a factorial common garden experiment to study whether a native plant species, Anthriscus sylvestris, has been able to evolve a greater tolerance to the allelochemicals exerted by the invader, Lupinus polyphyllus. Lupinus polyphyllus produces allelochemicals which potentially act as a novel, strong selective agent on A. sylvestris. We grew A. sylvestris seedlings collected from uninvaded (naïve) and invaded (experienced) sites growing alone and in competition with L. polyphyllus in pots filled with soil with and without activated carbon. Because activated carbon absorbs allelochemicals, its addition should improve especially naïve A. sylvestris performance in the presence of the invader. To distinguish the allelochemicals absorption and fertilizing effects of activated carbon, we grew plants also in a mixture of soil and fertilizer. A common garden experiment indicated that the performances of naïve and experienced A. sylvestris seedlings did not differ when grown with L. polyphyllus. The addition of activated carbon, which reduces interference by allelochemicals, did not induce differences in their performances although it had a positive effect on the aboveground biomass of A. sylvestris. Together these results suggest that naïve and experienced A. sylvestris plants tolerated equally the invader L. polyphyllus and thus the tolerance has not occurred over the course of invasion

    Responses of a native plant species from invaded and uninvaded areas to allelopathic effects of an invader

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    Invaders exert new selection pressures on the resident species, for example, through competition for resources or by using novel weapons. It has been shown that novel weapons aid invasion but it is unclear whether native species co‐occurring with in‐ vaders have adapted to tolerate these novel weapons. Those resident species which are able to adapt to new selective agents can co‐occur with an invader while others face a risk of local extinction. We ran a factorial common garden experiment to study whether a native plant species, Anthriscus sylvestris, has been able to evolve a greater tolerance to the allelochemicals exerted by the invader, Lupinus polyphyllus. Lupinus polyphyllus produces allelochemicals which potentially act as a novel, strong selective agent on A. sylvestris. We grew A. sylvestris seedlings collected from uninvaded (naïve) and invaded (experienced) sites growing alone and in competition with L. polyphyllus in pots filled with soil with and without activated carbon. Because activated carbon absorbs allelochemicals, its addition should improve especially naïve A. sylvestris per‐ formance in the presence of the invader. To distinguish the allelochemicals absorp‐ tion and fertilizing effects of activated carbon, we grew plants also in a mixture of soil and fertilizer. A common garden experiment indicated that the performances of naïve and experienced A. sylvestris seedlings did not differ when grown with L. polyphyllus. The addition of activated carbon, which reduces interference by allelochemicals, did not induce differences in their performances although it had a positive effect on the aboveground biomass of A. sylvestris. Together, these results suggest that naïve and experienced A. sylvestris plants tolerated equally the invader L. polyphyllus and thus the tolerance has not occurred over the course of invasion.peerReviewe

    Data from: Stress for invasion success? Temperature stress of preceding generations modifies the response to insecticide stress in an invasive pest insect

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    Adaptation to stressful environments is one important factor influencing species invasion success. Tolerance to one stress may be complicated by exposure to other stressors experienced by the preceding generations. We studied whether parental temperature stress affects tolerance to insecticide in the invasive Colorado potato beetle Leptinotarsa decemlineata. Field-collected pyrethroid-resistant beetles were reared under either stressful (17°C) or favourable (23°C) insecticide-free environments for three generations. Then, larvae were exposed to pyrethroid insecticides in common garden conditions (23°C). Beetles were in general tolerant to stress. The parental temperature stress alone affected beetles positively (increased adult weight) but it impaired their tolerance to insecticide exposure. In contrast, offspring from the favourable temperature regime showed compensatory weight gain in response to insecticide exposure. Our study emphasizes the potential of cross-generational effects modifying species stress tolerance. When resistant pest populations invade benign environments, a re-application of insecticides may enhance their performance via hormetic effects. In turn, opposite effects may arise if parental generations have been exposed to temperature stress. Thus, the outcome of management practices of invasive pest species are difficult to predict unless we also incorporate knowledge of the evolutionary and recent (preceding generations) stress history of the given populations into pest management

    Ultraviolet reflection and predation risk in diurnal and nocturnal Lepidoptera

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    According to our extensive data on Lepidoptera (883 species), UV wing patterns are almost three times more common in nocturnal than in diurnal Lepidoptera. This might be due to predation, because the primary diurnal predators, birds, utilize UV light in foraging and even prefer UV-reflecting prey. To test this hypothesis, we conducted a field experiment with tethered living moths whose wings were artificially manipulated to reflect (UV+, reflection at UV wavelength: 15%) or absorb (UV - ) UV light, keeping longer wavelengths identical. Thus, any difference found in survival rates would be the result of the difference in wing patterns in UV spectrum. Significantly more UV+ moths than UV - ones were eaten in the daytime, but no difference in predation rates could be detected when moths were exposed to nocturnal predators. The different survival rates indicate that UV reflection increased predation risk by visually orienting diurnal predators. The lack of difference at night arises from the lack of UV-sensitive predators. UV wing patterns, even if they are important in intraspecies communication, seem to be costly to diurnal Lepidoptera by attracting predators. Copyright 2004.Lepidoptera; predation; prey detection; ultraviolet reflection

    Selection for cryptic coloration in a visually heterogeneous habitat.

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    We studied selection by predators for cryptic prey coloration in a visually heterogeneous habitat that consists of two microhabitats. It has been suggested that the probability of escaping detection in such habitats might be optimized by maximizing crypsis in one of the microhabitats. However, a recent model indicates that a coloration that compromises the requirements of different microhabitats might sometimes be the optimal solution. To experimentally study these hypotheses, we allowed great tits (Parus major L.) to search for artificial prey items in two different microhabitats (background boards): small patterned and large patterned. On each board there was one prey item that was either small-patterned, large-patterned or medium-patterned and thus compromised. Search time was used as the measure of crypsis and was on average longer on the large-patterned than on the small-patterned background. On the small-patterned background, the small-patterned prey was more cryptic than the compromised prey, which was in turn more cryptic than the large-patterned prey. On the large-patterned background, the small-patterned prey was least cryptic, but the compromised prey did not differ significantly from the large-patterned prey. The compromised coloration had lower predation risk than the matching colorations. This indicates that in some conditions a compromised coloration might be the best strategy for the prey and has important implications for the study of animal coloration