43 research outputs found


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    International audienceLa simulation des champs électriques est un outil de plus en plus utilisé afin d'estimer le risque de voir apparaitre ou non des décharges partielles dans les moteurs électriques de traction. Deux modélisations ont été effectuées. Une première simule les champs électriques maximaux obtenus entre fils de cuivre nus. Elle permet une première estimation des risques avant l'application des matériaux isolants. La seconde simule les champs électriques de configurations types de moteurs en fonction de la température. Le logiciel Comsol® est exploité et combiné avec l'utilisation de la loi de Paschen modifiée par Dunbar. Cette modélisation permet d'obtenir des résultats très proches des mesures sur motorettes (Norme IEEE 117 1974) et ainsi d'évaluer les risques sur ces supports

    Gaining Greater Insight into HCV Emergence in HIV-Infected Men Who Have Sex with Men: The HEPAIG Study

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    OBJECTIVES: The HEPAIG study was conducted to better understand Hepatitis C virus (HCV) transmission among human immuno-deficiency (HIV)-infected men who have sex with men (MSM) and assess incidence of HCV infection among this population in France. METHODS AND RESULTS: Acute HCV infection defined by anti-HCV or HCV ribonucleic acid (RNA) positivity within one year of documented anti-HCV negativity was notified among HIV-infected MSM followed up in HIV/AIDS clinics from a nationwide sampling frame. HIV and HCV infection characteristics, HCV potential exposures and sexual behaviour were collected by the physicians and via self-administered questionnaires. Phylogenetic analysis of the HCV-NS5B region was conducted. HCV incidence was 48/10 000 [95% Confidence Interval (CI):43-54] and 36/10 000 [95% CI: 30-42] in 2006 and 2007, respectively. Among the 80 men enrolled (median age: 40 years), 55% were HIV-diagnosed before 2000, 56% had at least one sexually transmitted infection in the year before HCV diagnosis; 55% were HCV-infected with genotype 4 (15 men in one 4d-cluster), 32.5% with genotype 1 (three 1a-clusters); five men were HCV re-infected; in the six-month preceding HCV diagnosis, 92% reported having casual sexual partners sought online (75.5%) and at sex venues (79%), unprotected anal sex (90%) and fisting (65%); using recreational drugs (62%) and bleeding during sex (55%). CONCLUSIONS: This study emphasizes the role of multiple unprotected sexual practices and recreational drugs use during sex in the HCV emergence in HIV-infected MSM. It becomes essential to adapt prevention strategies and inform HIV-infected MSM with recent acute HCV infection on risk of re-infection and on risk-reduction strategies

    Personnes âgées en fibrillation auriculaire et à risque de chute (étude rétrospective à propos de 115 cas)

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    La décision d instituer une anticoagulation orale est fréquente en gériatrie du fait de la grande prévalence de la fibrillation auriculaire chez le sujet âgé. Mais le bénéfice des AVK est à confronter au risque accru de complications hémorragiques dans cette population. Notre travail porte sur la fréquence de prescription des AVK dans une population de 115 patients hospitalisés, âgés de 75 ans et plus, en fibrillation auriculaire et chuteurs. Cette fréquence est de 28% dans notre cohorte et le facteur qui semble le plus fréquemment associé à la prescription des AVK est un antécédent d AVC ischémique (38%). Nous avons cependant une proportion importante de complications hémorragiques liées aux AVK (28%). La décision thérapeutique est motivée dans la moitié des dossiers. La cause de chute corrigée justifie la prescription des AVK dans 90% des cas et à l inverse, un risque de chute persistant est l argument dans 85% des non prescriptions justifiées.NANTES-BU Médecine pharmacie (441092101) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Place of death in France: impact of the first wave (March–May 2020) of the Covid-19 epidemic

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    Abstract Background The Covid-19 epidemic entailed a major public health issue in France challenging the efficiency of the public health system. The distribution of deaths by place in France may have been affected by the epidemic and mitigation actions. This article presents mortality rate ratios by place of death in France during the first lockdown (17 March – 10 May, 2020) of the Covid-19 epidemic. Methods We considered five places of death recorded in death certificates. Deaths in 2020 were compared to deaths from 2015 to 2019. We employed quasi-Poisson regressions in order to stablish mortality rate ratios (MRR) during the Covid-19 epidemic, for all-cause and non-Covid-19 deaths. Analysis was conducted in Metropolitan France, and for three groups of regions defined according to the intensity of the first COVID-19 epidemic wave. Results A significant increase in all-cause and non-COVID-19 mortality at home was observed for all age groups. Also, an increase in mortality was observed in nursing homes, mostly due to Covid-19. Non-covid-19 mortality in public hospitals decreased significantly in all the country. These trends were mainly observed for cancers. Conclusions Overall mortality increased during the first wave of the Covid-19 epidemic. Most Covid-19 deaths took place in public hospitals and nursing homes at old ages. There was a displacement of non-Covid-19 mortality from public hospitals to home and nursing homes, particularly in the most highly exposed area. Among hypotheses to explain such a displacement, population avoidance of hospital care, or redeployment of hospital activity in this emergent context can be cited. Further analysis is needed to understand the reasons of the increase in non-Covid-19 mortality in nursing homes and at home

    Session eau, sociologie, education

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    Synthèse des débats Aucune éducation à l'eau ne peut faire l'économie de la connaissance des rapports culturels à l'environnement, des rapports individuels et locaux à l'espace, de l'histoire du territoire. L'analyse des représentations mentales de l'eau permet de définir des profils d'attitude qui vont faciliter la construction de programmes d'éducation adaptés. L'eau potable est un bien de grande valeur. Le refus de gérer l'eau comme une marchandise nécessite la mise en place de procédure..