27 research outputs found


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    Nowadays everybody is getting puzzled and confused about choosing right oil for daily use. Most of the ads in the market revolving around sunflower oil only with different brand names claiming it is heart friendly. In recent years, younger generation may not be familiar much with our age old traditional oils like sesame oil. Sesame oil is also called as gingelly oil or til oil is rich in vitamin E and B. It is a good source of minerals like calcium, manganese and phosphorous and promotes healing. It contains high amounts of polyunsaturated fatty acids and decreases high blood pressure. Because of its antioxidant property, it decreases cholesterol and good for heart. It acts like a sedative, relieves mental fatigue and promotes sleep when it is used for head massage. It is having laxative nature, relieving constipation. When applied topically on to the skin it is acting as an excellent moisturizer and an emollient. Because of its natural antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties it keeps away the skin and tooth infections. Hence, it can be used by one and all without any hesitation for regular cooking. However, it is not preferred for deep frying. Let us once again say OLD IS GOL


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    Life style factors are contributing significantly in cancer prevention. With the intake of proper and balanced diet ,cancer prevention is possible. Many foods are associated either with incidence or prevention of cancer. Plant based foods like fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains rich in fiber, b-carotene, vitamins and antioxidants can prevent cancer. Fiber rich foods increase bowel movement, decreasing the absorption of cholesterol. Pumpkin, carrots contain b-carotenes. Leafy vegetables, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, peas and beans are rich in fiber and stimulate cancer preventing enzyme induction. Vitamin C rich citrus fruits can stimulate immune system. Garlic and onions can stimulate enzymes that can suppress tumor growth. Turmeric used in cooking can prevent colorectal cancer. Topical application of turmeric can prevent breast cancer in women. On the other hand, certain foods can cause cancer. Refined foods, high fat foods, deep fried foods, processed foods and low fiber foods increase cancer risk. Red meat, processed meat and barbeques contain a carcinogen called acrylamide. Foods prepared with hydrogenated fats contain transfats which increase risk for breast, ovarian, cervical and lung cancer. Consumption of alcohol increasing the risk for cancers of digestive system. LET US EAT RIGHT FOODS AND AVOID WRONG FOODS


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    Cancer is a chronic disease and the prevalence is increasing at a faster rate in recent years. Most of the cancers are incurable, treatment is very expensive and is not affordable even for above middle-class people. A strong correlation is observed between lifestyle factors and cancer incidence or prevention. Let us know about cancer prevention lifestyle focussing mainly on the role of physical activity and diet. Most of the people leading sedentary life style. There is an overall decline in the level of physical activity. There is strong evidence between adequate physical activity and prevention of colon cancer and breast cancer. Regular and proper physical activity increases the motility of digestive system and decreases the residence time of food carcinogens. Further it will decrease obesity as well as abdominal fat deposition. Moreover regular physical activity is associated with a decrease in the circulating levels of sex hormones, insulin and insulin like growth factor; all are associated with cancer incidence. Let us be active to make world cancer free. Meet you again in the next issue with the role of diet in cancer prevention


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    Polycystic ovary syndrome is a condition in which a woman has an imbalance of female sex hormones. This may lead to menstrual cycle changes, cysts in the ovaries, trouble getting pregnant, and other health changes. In PCOS, mature eggs are not released from the ovaries. Instead, they can form very small cysts in the ovary. These changes can contribute to infertility. Common symptoms of PCOS include Menstrual disorders, Infertility, High levels of testosterone and Metabolic syndrome. Obesity, sedentary life style with inadequate physical activity, stress, junk food consumption are thought to be contributing factors in addition to genetic origin. In recent years many of the girls and women are suffering from PCOS because of wrong eating habits, stressful living conditions and lack of physical activity. Weight loss has been the major recommendation by physicians for women with PCOS. Lifestyle modifications including stress reduction, moderate exercise, and group support, along with a decrease in total calorie intake and avoiding junk food consumption have had positive results. A decrease of only 5% of total body weight is associated with decreased insulin levels, increased fertility, reduced hirsutism and acne, and lower testosterone levels. Whole grains, fruits and vegetables with foods containing protein and natural fat along with vitamins and minerals are beneficial


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    Slightly elevated blood pressure is known as prehypertension. Prehypertension will likely turn into high bloodpressure (hypertension) . Both prehypertension and high blood pressure increase risk of heart attack, stroke and heartfailure. Prehypertension is a systolic pressure from 120 to 139 mm Hg or a diastolic pressure from 80 to 89 mmHg.Prehypertension doesn't cause symptoms. The only way to detect prehypertension is to keep track of blood pressurereadings.Risk factors for prehypertension include: overweight or obese, age, younger adults are more likely to haveprehypertension than are older adults, sex, prehypertension is more common in men than in women,family history ofhigh blood pressure,sedentary lifestyle,diet high in sodium or low in potassium,tobacco use,excessive alcoholuse.Certain chronic conditions including high cholesterol, diabetes and sleep apnea — may increase the risk ofprehypertension.Weight loss, exercise and other healthy lifestyle changes can often control prehypertension . Eatinghealthy foods, regular exercise, maintaining a healthy weight, less alcohol intake can prevent prehypertension.Let us start adopting healthier habits today


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    Pre-diabetes is a condition where the body's cells begin to show resistance to insulin. Glucose circulates in the blood instead of being used by the cells for energy. Blood sugar levels become elevated. Increased weight, unhealthy diet and a sedentary lifestyle can lead to pre-diabetes. WHAT IS PRE-DIABETES A diagnosis of pre-diabetes means that the cells in your body are becoming resistant to insulin and your blood glucose levels are higher than they should be. Since the levels aren't as high as they would be if you had Type 2 diabetes, the term "pre-diabetes" is used. SYMPTOMS AND TREATMENT OF PREDIABETES Prediabetes almost always precedes type 2 diabetes. High blood sugar levels are not only linked to type 2 diabetes, but to an increased risk of heart disease and stroke. Prediabetes was formerly referred to as impaired fasting glucose (IFG)i.e 100-120 mg/dl or impaired glucose tolerance (IGT)i.e 140-200 mg/dl.People diagnosed with prediabetes (impaired glucose tolerance) can reduce their risk of developing type 2 diabetes by losing just 5 to 7 percent of their body weight and exercising regularly, according to a clinical study by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK)


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    Phytoestrogens mainly belongs to phenolic group of compounds known as flavonoids. Foods which are having highest phytoestrogen content include nuts, oil seeds, soy products, cereals, legumes etc. The highest concentrations of isoflavonoes are found in soybean products. In recent years soya food preparations are widely used for many of their beneficial effects like, as a good substitute for protein and as it is claimed to have cholesterol lowering effects. But there are controversial reports regarding their health benefits. Excessive consumption these phytoestrogens may cause decrease in male infertility and reproductive capability by causing alterations in the hypothalamo-pitutory-gonadal axis. Phytoestrogens have been indicated for centuries in the treatments of menstrual and menopausal problems in women. So phytoestrogens may be beneficial in healthy females. Females with breast cancer should be aware of potential risks of using phytoestrogen rich soya products. So be moderate with the consumption of soya products


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    Learning is a lifelong process of transforming information and experience into knowledge, skills, behaviorand attitudes. Memory is the ability of the brain to store, retain and subsequently to recall information received fromthe world. Cognition can be defined as organization of information. It includes acquiring information (perception),selecting (attention), representing (understanding) and retaining (memory) information and using it to guidebehavior (reasoning and coordination of motor outputs).There are so many conditions associated with memory and cognitive impairment which include Aging,Alzheimer’s disease, Stroke, Stress, Head injuries, Seizures, Benzodiazepines, Brain tumors, Depression, Temporallobe defects and Schizophrenia etc.Choline rich foods can enhance memory and learning and may be useful in improving cognitive abilities. Theseinclude sea foods, liver, egg yolk, soysbeans, broccoli, ash gourd. Coloured fruits and vegetables are good source ofantioxidants which improve concentration. It is advised to decrease the consumption of foods rich in transfats likehydrogenated oils, fried foods, beef, pork, mutton and ice creams and pastries. Such foods increase the deposition offats in the neurons and impair cognition. Tea, cocoa and turmeric are reported to have good nootropic activity i.e.improving memory and learning. Apart from the foods, one should keep the brain active to maintain its cognitivefunction well

    Say No to Indiscriminate usage of NSAIDs

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    Say No to Indiscriminate usage of NSAIDsIt will be our tradition to start every issue with a topic which demands attention of peopleespecially pharma professionals and of course the researchers. NSAIDs are proved to be verybeneficial as analgesic, antipyretic and anti inflammatory agents. Their usage is becoming moreand more as they are available as OTC drugs. Its worth to remember that they too possessesnumber of side effects, including GI side effects, Nephropathy, liver failure and prolongedbleeding after an injury or surgery. It is now reported NSAIDs causes dementia and showsnegative effect on protein synthesis. Their cardiovascular risk was in the head lines for severalmonths. One more fact is that no NSAID should be taken for more than 10 days, unless a doctorhas prescribed otherwise. Unnecessary and indiscriminate usage of NSAIDS increasingalarmingly (Green, 2001) and should be taken care of. They often take along with prescriptiondrugs and there are several incidences of drug interactions. For example concomitant usage ofanticoagulants or oral glucocorticoids should be avoided. (Ibuprofen, Clinical Pharmacologywww.clinicalpharmacology.com). So, indiscriminate usage of NSAIDs should be regulated


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    Prevalence of lifestyle diseases is increasing day by day. Mostly the younger generation do not have much awareness about healthy nutritional supplements. One such important cereal grain not used mostly by youngsters is barley It is a good old grain with so many health benefits like weight reduction, decreasing blood pressure, blood cholesterol, blood glucose in Type 2 diabetes and preventing colon cancer. It is easily available and cheap grain. It contains both soluble and insoluble fiber, protein, vitamins B and E, minerals selenium, magnesium and iron, copper, flavonoids and anthocynins. Barley contains soluble fiber, beta glucan binds to bile acids in the intestines and thereby decreasing plasma cholesterol levels. Absorbed soluble fiber decreases cholesterol synthesis by liver and cleansing blood vessels. Insoluble fiber provides bulkiness in the intestines, thereby satiety. decreased appetite. It promotes intestinal movements relieving constipation, cleansing colonic harmful bacteria and reduced incidence of colonic cancer. It is a good source of niacin ,reducing LDL levels and increasing HDL levels. Selenium and vitamin E providing beneficial antioxidant effects. Magnesium, a cofactor for many carbohydrate metabolism enzymes and high fiber content contributes for its blood glucose reducing effect in Type 2 diabetes. It is having good diuretic activity and is useful in urinary tract infections. Barley contains gluten, contraindicated in celiac disease