18 research outputs found


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    The effect of age of Pharaoh quail on dressing percentage, carcass composition, and sensory and physicochemical properties of their meat was determined. Compared to 42-day-old birds, Pharaoh quail aged 33 days had lower body weight (169.1 vs 139.4 g), carcass weight (111.7 vs 88.8 g) and dressing percentage 66.1 vs 63.7%). The carcasses of 42-day-old birds contained more breast muscles (30.9%), leg muscles (18.3%), skin with subcutaneous fat (6.5%) and remainders of the carcass (31.0%) compared to birds at 33 days of age (30.8; 16.7; 6.2 and 30.0%, respectively). Older birds showed higher values of pH15, redness (a*) and yellowness (b*) and lower values of sensory meat properties except aroma intensity.Określono wpływ wieku przepiórek Faraon na ich wydajność rzeźną, skład tuszki, właściwości sensoryczne i fizykochemiczne mięsa. Przepiórki Faraon w wieku 33 dni, w porównaniu do 42-dniowych ptaków miały mniejszą masę ciała 139,4 vs 169,1 g), masę tuszki (88,8 vs 111,7 g) i wydajność rzeźną (63,7 vs 66,1%). Tuszki 42-dniowych przepiórek zawierały więcej mięśni piersiowych (30,9%), mięśni nóg (18,3%), skóry z tłuszczem podskórnym (6,5%) pozostałości tuszki (31,0%), w porównaniu z ptakami w wieku 33 dni (30,8; 16,7; 6,2 i 30,0%). U starszych ptaków stwierdzono większe wartości pH15, natężenia barwy czerwonej (a*) i żółtej (b*) a mniejsze dla cech właściwości sensorycznych mięsa, z wyjątkiem natężenia zapachu


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    The effect of age of Pharaoh quails on dressing percentage, carcass composition, and sensory and physicochemical properties of their meat was determined. Compared to 42-day-old birds, Pharaoh quail aged 33 days had lower body weight (169.1 vs 139.4 g), carcass weight (111.7 vs 88.8 g) and dressing percentage (66.1 vs 63.7%). The carcasses of 42-day-old birds contained more breast muscles (30.9%), leg muscles (18.3%), skin with subcutaneous fat (6.5%) and remainders of the carcass (31.0%) compared to birds at 33 days of age (30.8; 16.7; 6.2 and 30.0%, respectively). Older birds showed higher values of pH15, redness (a*) and yellowness (b*) and lower values of sensory meat properties except aroma intensity


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    The quality of Pharaoh quail eggs obtained at 8, 13, 18 and 23 weeks of age was evaluated. Eggs laid by the oldest quail were characterized by the greatest weight (12.2 g), length (32.6 mm), width (25.8 mm) and shell surface area (25.3 cm2). The lowest shell weight was found in eggs from the youngest quail (0.9 g), and the lowest shell proportion (8.2%) was characteristic of eggs from the oldest layers. The oldest quail (23 weeks old) produced eggs with the highest weight and albumen index, and the lowest yolk content. In addition, eggs from 23-week-old layers had the highest height of thick albumen (5.0 mm) and yolk (11.1 mm) after breaking open the egg. Layer age had a significant effect on pH of egg albumen and yolk

    polymorphism of prolactin gene and its association with growth and some biometrical traits in ducks

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    The main aim of the study was to estimate the polymorphism of prolactin (PRL) gene and its relation with some morphological traits (body weight – BW, length of trunk with neck – LTN, length of trunk – LT, chest girth – CG, length of breast bone – LBB, length of shank – LS) of Muscovy, Pekin and Mulard ducks. A secondary objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of age, origin on ducks' growth performances. Three genotypes at locus PRL/XbaI and one genotype at locus PRL/PstI were found. The results showed that Pekin ducks with the PRL/TT genotype in selected terms of evaluation characterised by higher (p < 0.05) LS and LBB values than those with the PRL/TG genotype. In Mulard ducks, PRL/XbaI polymorphism had an effect (p < 0.05) on BW and LS in birds aged 10 and 12 weeks (wk). The effect of age, origin on the growth traits of ducks was evaluated as well. All growth traits examined significantly increased with age. There was a significant (p < 0.01) effect of the ducks' origin. Until the 7 wk of age, the Muscovies were lighter and had lower (p < 0.01) values of LTN, LT, CG, LBB, LS than Pekin and Mulard ducks. The results confirm that there were significant associations between interaction of considered factors and estimated traits

    Effect of intramuscular injections of DL-α-tocopheryl acetate on growth performance and extracellular matrix of growing lambs.

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    The effect of intramuscular injections of vitamin E on growth, carcass traits, intramuscular collagen (IMC) characteristics and decorin of growing lambs was studied. A total of 24 15-day-old Ile de France suckling male lambs were divided into two groups and weekly intramuscular injections of DL-α-tocopheryl acetate (control group, 0 IU; Vitamin E treatment, 150 IU) were given until the lambs were 64 days old. Lambs were individually weighted at 15, 29, 43, 57 days of age and at slaughter (71 days old). Dry matter intake and average daily weight gain were recorded. Hot and cold carcass weights were recorded and dressing percentages were calculated after dressing and chilling (2°C to 4°C for 24 h). Carcass shrink losses were calculated as well. Longissimus muscle (LM) pH and area were measured. The pelvic limb was removed and its percentage was calculated based on cold carcass weight. IMC and decorin analyses were assessed on LM and semimembranosus muscle (SM). DL-α-tocopheryl acetate treatment reduced (P<0.05) collagen maturity and increased (P<0.05) decorin in both LM and SM muscles of growing lambs, while it did not affect IMC content. In addition, vitamin E did not influence growth, carcass weight, dressing percentage, carcass shrink losses and area of LM but decreased (P<0.05) the pelvic limb percentage. The LM pH values were higher (P<0.05) in vitamin group than in control group. Furthermore, different IMC characteristics between the muscles (P<0.01) were apparent. Multiple intramuscular injections of DL-α-tocopheryl acetate influence extracellular matrix in lambs, which could affect meat tenderness

    Vplyv fytogénneho aditíva na ukazovatele krvného séra a profilu mastných kyselín v mäse výkrmových moriek

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    The aim of the study was to determine the effect of a phytogenic additive on blood serum indicator levels and fatty acids profile of breast, leg muscles and liver in fattening turkeys. The experiment was realized in private turkey farm and in the Department of Animal Nutrition, Faculty of Agrobiology and Food Resources, Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra. A total of 300 clinically healthy female turkeys (broad-breasted white turkey, hybrid XL) were used in the experiment. Female turkeys were randomly divided into two groups (150 pcs per each). In the control group, turkey were fed with standard complete feed mixtures for fattening, in the experimental group, standard diets from the beginning to 12th week were supplemented with the a blend of essential oils from origanum, anise and citrus fruits as well as a prebiotic rich fructooligosaccharides in dosage 1kg per 1000 kg of feed mixture. Fattening lasted 18 weeks. Blood serum was collected at the end of the experiment, during the slaughter of birds. Samples of breast and leg muscles, and liver for fatty acids composition evaluation were collected during birds dissection (10 samples per each group). After the 12 weeks of phytoadditive supplementation, a tendency of lower activity of serum alanine aminotransferase (53.963 vs. 3.499 U/L) and aspartate aminotransferase (6.238 vs. 1.012 U/L) in experimental group of turkeys was found (P 0.01) content of cis-8,11,14-eicosadienoic and arachidonic acids. The phytoadditive supplementation significantly (P < 0.01) decreased content of some unsaturated fatty acids in turkeys tissues, as well. In experimental group of turkey have been recorded lower level of elaidic and oleic acids in the breast muscle and cis-11,14-eicosadienoic and arachidonic acids in the liver, compare to birds from control group.Cieľom práce bolo determinovanie vplyvu fytogénneho aditíva na ukazovatele krvného sera a profil mastných kyselín v prsnom, stehennom svale a pečeni výrkmových moriek. Experiment bol realizovaný na privátnej farme moriek a Katedre výživy zvierat, Fakulta agrobiológie a potravinových zdrojov, Slovenská poľnohospodárska univerzita v Nitre. Celkom bolo v pokuse sledovaných 300 klinicky zdravých samíc moriek (morka biela širokoprsá, hybrid XL). Samice moriek boli rozdelené do dvoch skupín (150 ks v každej skupine). V kontrolnej skupine boli morky kŕmené štandardnými kompletnými kŕmnymi zmesami pre výkrm moriek, v pokusnej skupine boli morky kŕmené identicky, avšak prvých 12 týždňov s kŕmnymi zmesami obohatenými o zmes esenciálnych olejov z oregano, anízu, citrusových plodov a prebioticky obohatenými fruktooligosacharidmi v koncentrácii 1 kg na 1000 kg kŕmnej zmesi. Výkrm trval 18 týždňov. Krv bolo odobratá na konci experimentu po porážke moriek. Vzorky prsných a stehených svalov, ako aj pečene pre stanovenie profilu mastných kyselín boli odobraté počas jatočnej rozrábky (10 vzoriek z každej skupiny). Po 12 týždňovej suplementácii fytogénnym aditívom bola zistená tendencia nižšej aktivity sérovej alanín aminotransferázy (53,963 vs. 3,499 U/L) a aspartát aminotransferázy (6,238 vs. 1,012 U/L) v pokusnej skupine moriek (P 0,01) obsah cis 8,11,14 kyseliny eikosadiénovej a arachidónovej. Fytogénne aditívum preukazne (P < 0,01) znížilo obsah niektorých nenasýtených mastných kyselín u moriek. V pokusnej skupine moriek sa zistil nižší obsah kyseliny elaidovej a olejovej v prsnom svale a cis-11,14- eikosadiénovej a arachidónovej kyseliny v pečeni v porovnaní s kontrolnou skupinou

    Vplyv fytogénného aditíva na nutričné zloženie mäsa moriek

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    The aim of the study was to analyze the effect of a blend of phytogenic additive on nutritional and mineral composition of breast, thigh muscles and liver in fattening turkeys. A total 300 female turkeys were monitored in the trial. 1-day old broad-breasted white turkeys hybrid XL were randomly divided into two groups (150 pcs per each). Turkeys in control group were fed by standard diet for fattening and in experimental group from the 1st to the 12th week by complete feed mixture with supplementation of a blend of essential oils from origanum, anise and citrus fruits as well as a prebiotic rich fructooligosaccharides in dosage 1 kg per 1000 kg of feed mixture. Turkeys were housed in group on deep litter. Experiment lasted 18 weeks. Samples of breast and thigh muscles, and liver for nutritional analysis were collected during turkey’s dissection (10 samples per each group). After the determination of nutrients, there were found significant (P 0.05) content of DM and fat was recorded in liver. After analysis the macro and microelements, significant (P 0.05) concentrate only in content of manganese in experimental group. Occurrence of manganese was not observed in both muscles.Cieľom štúdie bolo analyzovanie vplyvu zmesi fytogenného aditíva na živinové a minerálne zloženie v prsnom svale, stehennom svale a pečeni výkrmových moriek. V pokuse bolo monitorovaných celkovo 300 jedincov samíc moriek. Morky plemena mäsový medzilíniový úžitkový kríženec morka širokoprsá biela, hybrid XL, vo veku 1 deň boli rozdelené do dvoch skupín (150 kusov v každej skupine). Morkám v kontrolnej skupine bola skrmovaná štandardná kompletná kŕmna zmes pre výkrm a v experimentálnej skupine od 1. do 12. týždňa bola skrmovaná kompletná krmná zmes s prídavkom zmesi esenciálnych olejov z oregana, anízu, citrusových plodov a prebioticky obohatená o fruktooligosacharidy v dávke 1 kg na 1000 kg kŕmnej zmesi. Morky boli ustajnené skupinovo na hlbokej podstielke. Pokus trval 18 týždňov. Vzorky prsného svalu, stehenného svalu a pečene, určené na analýzu živín, boli odobrané počas jatočnej rozrábky (10 vzoriek z každej skupiny). Po stanovení obsahu živín boli zistené signifikantné (P ˂ 0.05) rozdiely medzi kontrolnými a experimentalnými vzorkami prsných svalov a to v obsahu dusikatých látok a tuku. Štatisticky významné (P ˂ 0.05) rozdiely sme spozorovali vo všetkých analyzovaných vzorkách stehenného svalu. Fytoaditívny prídavok výrazne (P ˂ 0.05) zvýšil obsah dusikatých látok v prsnom (z 91.13 na 93.7%) a stehennom svale (z 79.78 na 85.73%) a popolovín v stehennom svale (z 4.25 na 4.61%). Tendencia vyššieho (P ˃ 0.05) obsahu sušiny a tuku bola zaznamenaná v pečeni. Po analýze makro a mikroprvkov sme zistili významné (P ˂ 0.05) rozdiely v obsahu všetkých minerálnych látok okrem draslíka a mangánu. V porovnaní s kontrolnou skupinou, v pokusnej skupine boli zistené významne (P ˂ 0.05) vyššie množstvá zinku vo vzorkách prsných svalov, horčíku a medi vo vzorkách stehenných svalov. V experimentálnej skupine vo vzorkách z pečene bola zistená vyššia (P ˃ 0.05) koncentrácia iba v obsahu mangánu. Výskyt mangánu nebol spozorovaný ani v jednom zo svalov

    Body conformation and morphometry of some internal organs of Pharaoh quail of different ages

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    The effect of age of Pharaoh quail on body weight, body conformation and development of internal organs, including the digestive tract, was determined. At the age of 35 days, Pharaoh quail were characterized by significantly lower body weight, length of trunk with neck, and length of trunk compared to 45-day-old birds. Younger quail had slightly shorter breast bone and lower thighs, smaller chest girth, and the same length of shanks. Body conformation indices were significantly (P?0.05) higher in 35-day-old birds. Pharaoh quail, evaluated at 35 and 45 days of age, did not differ significantly in the length of the oesophagus and crop, the length of intestine and its segments, and the weight and proportion of gizzard, proventriculus and heart. As birds aged, liver weight increased significantly, as did the weight and proportion of testicles in males