8 research outputs found

    Bioluminescent Enzymatic Assay as a Tool for Studying Antioxidant Activity and Toxicity of Bioactive Compounds

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    A bioluminescent assay based on a system of coupled enzymatic reactions catalyzed by bacterial luciferase and NADH:FMN-oxidoreductase was developed to monitor toxicity and antioxidant activity of bioactive compounds. The assay enables studying toxic effects at the level of biomolecules and physicochemical processes, as well as determining the toxicity of general and oxidative types. Toxic and detoxifying effects of bioactive compounds were studied. Fullerenols, perspective pharmaceutical agents, nanosized particles, water-soluble polyhydroxylated fullerene-60 derivatives were chosen as bioactive compounds. Two homologous fullerenols with different number and type of substituents, C60O2–4(OH)20–24 and Fe0.5C60(OH) xOy (x + y = 40–42), were used. They suppressed bioluminescent intensity at concentrations >0.01 g L−1 and >0.001 g L−1 for C60O2–4(OH)20-24 and Fe0.5C60(OH)xOy, respectively; hence, a lower toxicity of C60O2–4(OH)20–24 was demonstrated. Antioxidant activity of fullerenols was studied in model solutions of organic and inorganic oxidizers; changes in toxicities of general and oxidative type were determined; detoxification coefficients were calculated. Fullerenol C60O2–4(OH)20–24 revealed higher antioxidant ability at concentrations 10−17−10−5 g L−1. The difference in the toxicity and antioxidant activity of fullerenols was explained through their electron donor/acceptor properties and different catalytic activity. Principles of bioluminescent enzyme assay application for evaluating the toxic effect and antioxidant activity of bioactive compounds were summarized and the procedure steps were described

    Bioluminescent Enzymatic Assay as a Tool for Studying Antioxidant Activity and Toxicity of Bioactive Compounds

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    A bioluminescent assay based on a system of coupled enzymatic reactions catalyzed by bacterial luciferase and NADH:FMN-oxidoreductase was developed to monitor toxicity and antioxidant activity of bioactive compounds. The assay enables studying toxic effects at the level of biomolecules and physicochemical processes, as well as determining the toxicity of general and oxidative types. Toxic and detoxifying effects of bioactive compounds were studied. Fullerenols, perspective pharmaceutical agents, nanosized particles, water-soluble polyhydroxylated fullerene-60 derivatives were chosen as bioactive compounds. Two homologous fullerenols with different number and type of substituents, C60O2–4(OH)20–24 and Fe0.5C60(OH) xOy (x + y = 40–42), were used. They suppressed bioluminescent intensity at concentrations >0.01 g L−1 and >0.001 g L−1 for C60O2–4(OH)20-24 and Fe0.5C60(OH)xOy, respectively; hence, a lower toxicity of C60O2–4(OH)20–24 was demonstrated. Antioxidant activity of fullerenols was studied in model solutions of organic and inorganic oxidizers; changes in toxicities of general and oxidative type were determined; detoxification coefficients were calculated. Fullerenol C60O2–4(OH)20–24 revealed higher antioxidant ability at concentrations 10−17−10−5 g L−1. The difference in the toxicity and antioxidant activity of fullerenols was explained through their electron donor/acceptor properties and different catalytic activity. Principles of bioluminescent enzyme assay application for evaluating the toxic effect and antioxidant activity of bioactive compounds were summarized and the procedure steps were described

    Measurement of Patient-Derived Glioblastoma Cell Response to Temozolomide Using Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging of NAD(P)H

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    Personalized strategies in glioblastoma treatment are highly necessary. One of the possible approaches is drug screening using patient-derived tumor cells. However, this requires reliable methods for assessment of the response of tumor cells to treatment. Fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) is a promising instrument to detect early cellular response to chemotherapy using the autofluorescence of metabolic cofactors. Here, we explored FLIM of NAD(P)H to evaluate the sensitivity of patient-derived glioma cells to temozolomide (TMZ) in vitro. Our results demonstrate that the more-responsive cell cultures displayed the longest mean fluorescence lifetime τm after TMZ treatment due to an increase in the protein-bound NAD(P)H fraction α2 associated with a shift to oxidative phosphorylation. The cell cultures that responded poorly to TMZ had generally shorter τm, i.e., were more glycolytic, and showed no or insignificant changes after treatment. The FLIM data correlate well with standard measurements of cellular drug response—cell viability and proliferation index and clinical response in patients. Therefore, FLIM of NAD(P)H provides a highly sensitive, label-free assay of treatment response directly on patient-derived glioblastoma cells and can become an innovative platform for individual drug screening for patients

    Antioxidant Activity and Toxicity of Fullerenols via Bioluminescence Signaling: Role of Oxygen Substituents

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    Fullerenols are nanosized water-soluble polyhydroxylated derivatives of fullerenes, a specific allotropic form of carbon, bioactive compounds, and perspective basis for drug development. Our paper analyzes the antioxidant activity and toxicity of a series of fullerenols with different number of oxygen substituents. Two groups of fullerenols were under investigation: (1) C60Oy(OH)x, C60,70Oy(OH)x, where x+y = 24–28 and (2) C60,70Oy(OH)x, Fe0,5C60Oy(OH)x, Gd@C82Oy(OH)x, where x+y = 40–42. Bioluminescent cellular and enzymatic assays (luminous marine bacteria and their enzymatic reactions, respectively) were applied to monitor toxicity in the model fullerenol solutions and bioluminescence was applied as a signaling physiological parameter. The inhibiting concentrations of the fullerenols were determined, revealing the fullerenols’ toxic effects. Antioxidant fullerenol’ ability was studied in solutions of model oxidizer, 1,4-benzoquinone, and detoxification coefficients of general and oxidative types (DGT and DOxT) were calculated. All fullerenols produced toxic effect at high concentrations (>0.01 g L−1), while their antioxidant activity was demonstrated at low and ultralow concentrations (<0.001 g L−1). Quantitative toxic and antioxidant characteristics of the fullerenols (effective concentrations, concentration ranges, DGT, and DOxT) were found to depend on the number of oxygen substituents. Lower toxicity and higher antioxidant activity were determined in solutions of fullerenols with fewer oxygen substituents (x+y = 24–28). The differences in fullerenol properties were attributed to their catalytic activity due to reversible electron acceptance, radical trapping, and balance of reactive oxygen species in aqueous solutions. The results provide pharmaceutical sciences with a basis for selection of carbon nanoparticles with appropriate toxic and antioxidant characteristics. Based on the results, we recommend, to reduce the toxicity of prospective endohedral gadolinium-fullerenol preparations Gd@C82Oy(OH)x, decreasing the number of oxygen groups to x+y = 24–28. The potential of bioluminescence methods to compare toxic and antioxidant characteristics of carbon nanostructures were demonstrated

    Development of Cellular and Enzymatic Bioluminescent Assay Systems to Study Low-Dose Effects of Thorium

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    Thorium is one of the most widespread radioactive elements in natural ecosystems, along with uranium, it is the most important source of nuclear energy. However, the effects of thorium on living organisms have not been thoroughly studied. Marine luminescent bacteria and their enzymes are optimal bioassays for studying low-dose thorium exposures. Luminescent bioassays provide a quantitative measure of toxicity and are characterized by high rates, sensitivity, and simplicity. It is known that the metabolic activity of bacteria is associated with the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). We studied the effects of thorium-232 (10−11–10−3 M) on Photobacterium phosphoreum and bacterial enzymatic reactions; kinetics of bacterial bioluminescence and ROS content were investigated in both systems. Bioluminescence activation was revealed under low-dose exposures (<0.1 Gy) and discussed in terms of “radiation hormesis”. The activation was accompanied by an intensification of the oxidation of a low-molecular reducer, NADH, during the enzymatic processes. Negative correlations were found between the intensity of bioluminescence and the content of ROS in bacteria and enzyme systems; an active role of ROS in the low-dose activation by thorium was discussed. The results contribute to radioecological potential of bioluminescence techniques adapted to study low-intensity radioactive exposures

    Non-Invasive Diagnosis of Malignancies Based on the Analysis of Markers in Exhaled Air

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    Novel non-invasive methods for the diagnosis of malignancies should be effective for early diagnosis, reproducible, inexpensive, and independent from the human factor. Our aim was to establish the applicability of the non-invasive method, based on the analysis of air exhaled by patients who are at different stages of oropharyngeal, larynx and lung cancer. The diagnostic device includes semiconductor sensors capable of measuring the concentrations of gas components in exhaled air, with the high sensitivity of 1 ppm. The neural network uses signals from these sensors to perform classification and identify cancer patients. Prior to the diagnostic procedure of the non-invasive method, we clarified the extent and stage of the tumor according to current international standards and recommendations for the diagnosis of malignancies. The statistical dataset for neural network training and method validation included samples from 121 patients with the most common tumor localizations (lungs, oropharyngeal region and larynx). The largest number of cases (21 patients) were lung cancer, while the number of patients with oropharyngeal or laryngeal cancer varied from 1 to 9, depending on tumor localization (oropharyngeal, tongue, oral cavity, larynx and mucosa of the lower jaw). In the case of lung cancer, the parameters of the diagnostic device are determined as follows: sensitivity&mdash;95.24%, specificity&mdash;76.19%. For oropharyngeal cancer and laryngeal cancer, these parameters were 67.74% and 87.1%, respectively. This non-invasive method could lead to relevant medicinal findings and provide an opportunity for clinical utility and patient benefit upon early diagnosis of malignancies