74 research outputs found

    Why Post That? Re-thinking the Problem of Absent Presence within Social Media

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    While social media have the potential to promote positive relations online, the increasing use of contemporary apps, such as Instagram, distances many from important face-to-face interactions. In this study, we rethink the problem of ‘absent presence’ within social media by revealing the language games of Instagram. Drawing on social media literature and Gergen’s (2002) concern about the erosion of cultural norms due to the absent presence generated by new media, we engaged in a qualitative study of active Instagram users. Employing a unique ‘prompt and response’ interview approach, in which we asked participants to explain why they would (or would not) post particular statements, we gain insights into social norms of Instagram as expressed by active social media users. The results of this study show that participants base their posting decisions largely on their perception of a desired self, without much concern for who is posting or why they are posting. Because our findings reveal that posting on Instagram is done without much engagement with others and is often done only if a message corresponds with their own experiences or self-identification, this study extends the concern about absent presence. Specifically, we argue that the complex blurring of monologic and dialogic forms of communication found in contemporary social media apps generates hollow and inconsequential language games that maintain narrow concepts of self and fail to generate interactions necessary to co-create relevant and meaningful social values

    SundhedsadfÌrd influeres af psykosocial sürbarhed - en kvalitativ undersøgelse blandt migrantmÌnd i Danmark

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    Introduktion; Grundet øget risiko for visse livsstilsrelaterede sygdomme udgør migranter en vigtig målgruppe for sundhedsfremme- og forebyggelsesinterventioner. Det kan imidlertid være vanskeligt at tiltrække migrantmænd til sådanne interventioner, blandt andet grundet psykosocial sårbarhed. Formålet med undersøgelsen var at opnå indsigt i oplevelsen af psykosocial sårbarhed og betydningen for sundhedsadfærd blandt migrantmænd. Dette gøres via en sekundær analyse af interviewdata vedrørende generelle barrierer for kost- og motionsadfærd blandt denne gruppe. Materiale og metoder; Semi-strukturerede gruppe- og enkeltinterviews blev gennemført med 17 migrantmænd med livsstilsrelaterede sygdomme eller overvægt. Interviewpersonerne boede i København og havde pakistansk, tyrkisk og somalisk oprindelse. Rekruttering foregik via informationsmøder samt ressourcepersoner i to boligområder. Interviewene blev transskriberet og analyseret tematisk. Resultater; En vigtig barriere for sundhedsadfærd var psykosocial sårbarhed relateret til mændenes rolle i familien (oplevelse af fremmedgjorthed og utilstrækkelighed) og deres socioøkonomiske position. Mændene oplever disse psykosociale problemstillinger som mere akutte og væsentlige at håndtere end sundhedsadfærd. Konklusion; Psykosocial sårbarhed udgør en væsentlig barriere for migrantmænds sundhedsadfærd. Psykosociale behov bør derfor indtænkes i interventioner rettet mod migrantmænd

    Treatment with 24 h-delayed normo- and hyperbaric oxygenation in severe sepsis induced by cecal ligation and puncture in rats

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    Abstract Background Septic shock remains a leading cause of death worldwide. Hyperbaric oxygen treatment (HBO2) has been shown to alter the inflammatory response during sepsis and to reduce mortality. A therapeutic window of HBO2 treatment has been demonstrated experimentally, but optimal timing remains uncertain. We investigated the effects of 24 h delayed normobaric oxygen (NBO2) and HBO2 treatment on the endogenous production of the inflammatory markers interleukin (IL)-6, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α and IL-10, and on mortality in rats with cecal ligation and puncture (CLP) induced sepsis. Method Fifty-five male Sprague-Dawley rats underwent CLP and were randomized to the following groups: 1) HBO2 2.5 bar absolute pressure (pabs); 2) NBO2 1.0 bar pabs; 3) Control (no-treatment), and they were individually monitored for 72 h with intermittent blood sampling. Results IL-6, TNF-α, and IL-10 were increased 24 h after the procedure, and IL-6 was significantly higher in non-survivors than in survivors. The level of IL-10 was significantly higher at hour 48 in the HBO2 group compared to control (p = 0.01), but this was not the case at other time points. No other significant differences in cytokine levels were found for any group comparisons. Delayed NBO2 and HBO2 treatment failed to change the mortality in the animals. Conclusion High levels of IL-6 in non-surviving animals with sepsis suggest that IL-6 is a potential biomarker. We found a significantly higher concentration of IL-10 in the HBO2 group at hour 48 vs. control animals. However, 24 h–delayed treatment with HBO2 did not change the levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines and survival, suggesting that earlier intervention may be required to obtain an anti-inflammatory effect

    Involving patients in medicines optimisation in general practice:a development study of the "PREparing Patients for Active Involvement in medication Review" (PREPAIR) tool

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    BACKGROUND: Many patients have multiple health conditions and take multiple medications (polypharmacy). Active patient involvement may improve treatment outcomes and ensure patient-centred care. Yet, patient involvement remains a challenge in clinical practice. We aimed to develop and pilot test a questionnaire-based preparation and dialogue tool, the PREparing Patients for Active Involvement in medication Review (PREPAIR) tool, to encourage the involvement of patients with polypharmacy in medicines optimisation in general practice. METHODS: We conducted a literature review followed by a co-production process to develop the tool: a workshop with six GPs and pilot testing, including observations and interviews, with 22 patients, three GPs and three practice staff. During this process, we made continuous adaptations to the prototype. We analysed the qualitative data thematically, focusing on the development process and mechanisms of impact. FINDINGS: The final PREPAIR tool included five items concerning the patient’s experience of 1) adverse drug reactions, 2) excess medication, 3) unnecessary medication, 4) medication satisfaction and 5) medication-related topics to discuss with the GP (open-ended question). The applied workflow during testing was as follows; the patient completed the PREPAIR tool at home, to encourage reflection on the medication, and brought it to the GP consultation. During the consultation, the GP and the patient reviewed the patient’s responses and discussed potential medication-related problems. For some patients, the increased reflection led to worries about the medications. Still, the pilot testing showed that, when using the PREPAIR tool, the patients arrived at the clinic well prepared and empowered to speak. From the PREPAIR-supported dialogue, the GPs obtained a better understanding of patients’ perspectives and provided a more patient-centred consultation. For the patients, the PREPAIR-supported dialogue ultimately promoted an increased sense of security, satisfaction and insight into their medication, despite initial worries for some patients. CONCLUSIONS: We developed a brief tool to support active patient involvement in medication review in general practice. The PREPAIR-tool was well received by both patients and GPs and fitted well into the existing clinical practice. Our findings suggest that the PREPAIR-tool can support patient involvement during consultations and facilitate patient-centred care. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s12875-022-01733-8

    The inflammatory biomarker YKL-40 decreases stepwise after exercise stress test

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    BACKGROUND: Serum YKL-40 is an inflammatory biomarker associated with disease activity and mortality in diseases characterized by inflammation such as coronary artery disease (CAD). Exercise has a positive effect on CAD, possibly mediated by a decreased inflammatory activity. This study aimed to compare serial measurements of serum YKL-40 before and after exercise in patients with stable CAD versus controls. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Eleven patients with stable CAD verified by coronary angiography (>70% stenosis) and 11 patients with a computer tomography angiography with no stenosis or calcification (calcium score=0) (controls) performed a standard clinical maximal exercise test. Serum YKL-40 was measured before exercise, immediately after exercise, and every hour for 6 h. RESULTS: Cardiovascular risk factors were more prevalent among the CAD patients compared with the controls. CAD patients had higher serum concentration of YKL-40 at baseline compared with controls, median (interquartile range) 94 (52–151) versus 57 (45–79) μg/l. Serum YKL-40 decreased stepwise after exercise, with a median decrease of 16 (13–39) μg/l for the CAD patients and 13 (10–22) μg/l for the controls from baseline to the lowest value. Thereafter, values increased again toward baseline level. Time after exercise was a significant factor for decrease in serum YKL-40 (P<0.0001), but no difference in YKL-40 decrease over time could be demonstrated between the groups (P=0.12). CONCLUSION: Serum YKL-40 is elevated in patients with documented CAD compared with controls, and it decreases stepwise after exercise in both groups, indicating an anti-inflammatory effect of exercise independent of the presence of coronary atherosclerosis
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