2,166 research outputs found

    Comparison between Dual-X-ray Absorptiometry and Bioelectrical Impedance Analyses in dietary practice

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    Body composition assessment is an essential part of assessing overall health, training progress, nutritional status, and monitoring the level of body fat and lean tissue content. This article is a review made to compare body composition analysis methods with the help of BIA and DXA as a dieticians’ working tool. The practical advantages of the bioimpedance method enable the wide application of this method in dietary practice. BIA can be a safe and helpful method for monitoring patient progression in terms of changes in body composition. Although DXA is currently the gold standard for measuring body composition in clinical trials, the use of this method is associated with numerous limitations resulting from the high cost of the technique, limited availability of this type of equipment and time consumption

    Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed reports as a source of information on food hazards

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    Introduction Food safety is a major challenge worldwide and an important factor frequently taken into account by consumers when making food choices. Over the years, a number of unfavorable phenomena related to food adulteration and an increase in its contamination have been observed, which in turn translates into a lower level of food quality and safety and a decrease in consumer confidence. Aim The aim of this study was to analyze the Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF) reports from 2019-2021 in terms of types of hazards in food. Materials and methods The research material consisted of the annual reports of the RASFF for the years 2019-2021. Results The submissions to the RASFF per product type system were dominated by those related to food. In 2020 and 2021, the most notifications concerned fruits and vegetables, dietetic food, food supplements, and fortified foods. In the group of 10 products causing the most frequent notifications, there are products of animal origin: meat and meat products (other than poultry), fish and fish products, milk and milk products, poultry meat and poultry meat products. The main threats associated with food in the last three years were contamination with Salmonella in poultry meat and poultry meat products, herbs and spices, and nuts, nut products and seeds; aflatoxins, especially in nuts, nut products and seeds; and pesticide residues in fruit and vegetables. Conclusion The observed increase in the number of notifications in the RASFF reports in 2019-2021 shows that all EU Member States are involved in monitoring food safety risks. The functioning of the RASFF system enables immediate action to be taken in the EU countries in relation to the risk, and allows for quick information transfer and elimination of products that are hazardous to the health of the consumer

    Functional food in the primary prevention of cardiovascular diseases

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    Cardiovascular diseases, metabolic disorders and obesity are a serious threat to civilization, especially in highly developed countries. Due to the number of deaths and complications they are among the health priorities in Poland. The aim of the study is to review the literature on the role of functional food in the primary prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Functional food, thanks to its antioxidant, hypocholesterolemic and anti-inflammatory properties, has a beneficial effect on lowering blood pressure, cholesterol levels, inhibiting LDL oxidation or inhibiting platelet aggregation. It is necessary to promote this type of food, because its action has a significant impact on the prevention of various diseases, especially cardiovascular, diet-related and civilization. Proper nutritional education is a way to improve human potential and health. Therefore, it is worth educating in order to promote these products and increase the interest in them as well as raise the nutritional awareness of the society

    Fluids in the diet of people practicing mountain tourism - consumption assessment

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    Proper hydration of the body and preventing dehydration is a factor that determines the preservation of health and life. The state of water and electrolyte homeostasis is necessary for the proper functioning of the human body. In conditions of increased physical activity, there is a greater exposure to the risk of dehydration, which deteriorates the functional efficiency of the body and the ability to perform physical effort, and increases the risk of thermal disorders. The aim of the study was to assess quantitatively and qualitatively the consumption of fluids among people practicing mountain hiking and to compare the obtained results with the current recommendations regarding the principles of proper hydration of the body. The research tool was a questionnaire consisting of open questions and choices regarding the method of hydration on a daily basis and in the post-exercise period. The research group consisted of 355 people aged 16 and over, including 263 women and 92 men. Daily fluid intake was usually between 1-2 l/day and 2-3 l/day. Insufficient hydration in the peri-exercise period has been observed. 39% of people start hydrating the body only during the hike, which is wrong. 61% of the respondents declare the consumption of liquids in an insufficient amount of 0.1-05 l for each hour of physical exertion, which leads to progressive dehydration. Among the surveyed people, 44% reach for caffeinated beverages in the pre-exercise period, 15% consume alcoholic beverages during this period. Introduction Forms of physical activity practiced in difficult terrain and climatic conditions in the mountains, such as: trekking, nordic walking, skyrunning, mountain biking, mountain climbing, rock climbing are demanding types of physical activity with an increased level of risk. Practicing physical activity at high altitudes above sea level and in various climatic conditions, it is extremely important, in addition to the appropriate supply of clothing and mountain equipment, to provide the body with the right amount of energy, fluids, macro and microelements according to the level of strenuous physical effort and energy expenditure. It is especially important to properly hydrate the body and prevent dehydration. A balanced balance of water and electrolytes is necessary for the proper functioning of the human body. Aim The aim of the study was to assess quantitatively and qualitatively the consumption of fluids among people practicing mountain hiking. Material and methods The study was conducted using the diagnostic survey method in January 2022 with the use of a proprietary survey questionnaire. The diagnostic survey using a questionnaire was conducted in an electronic form (on-line). The study involved 355 people aged 16 and over, including 263 women and 92 men. The questionnaire was divided into two parts: the metric and the proper part. The proper questions concerned the subject of hydration during mountain tourism, covered issues related to the habits and choices of the respondents in terms of the amount and quality of fluids supplied before, during and after the mountain hike. Questions about the type of fluids used and their knowledge of fluid needs. They were asked about recognizing the symptoms of dehydration and how to deal with dehydration. The collected results were subjected to statistical analysis. Results The vast majority of the respondents practiced mountain tourism in a recreational way, which was declared by 92% of the respondents (328 people). The surveyed people declared a varied frequency of mountain hiking. More than half of the participants set out on mountain trails several times a year, which was confirmed by 181 people. The remaining people practiced mountain tourism several times a month, which was declared by 15% (53 people), once a month by 14% (47 people), and once a year by 13% (44 people). Once a week 5% (16 people), several times a week 3% (13 people). The level of knowledge and the method of irrigation of the surveyed people, both in quantitative and qualitative terms, showed great diversity. Conclusions Among the surveyed people, 42% do not know their basic needs for fluids. On a daily basis, fluid intake is usually in the range of 1-2 l / day and 2-3 l / day. In conditions of increased physical activity, most of the surveyed people do not meet their fluid requirements and do not properly implement the strategy of pre-exercise hydration of the body. 61% of the respondents declare the consumption of liquids in the amount of 0.1-05 l for each hour of physical effort, which is below the recommended amount. Too little fluid during exercise leads to dehydration of the body. Among the surveyed people, 44% reach for drinks with caffeine in the composition in the pre-workout period. Among the surveyed people, 15% consume alcoholic beverages (mainly beer) in the period around exercise. There is a need for education in this area

    The CIA 3.0 and EDE-Q questionnaire as a tool for assessing eating disorders among students of the Academy of Applied Sciences in Nowy Sacz

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    Introduction Eating disorders are a serious problem affecting people of all ages and genders, cultures and origins, affecting not only the physical sphere, but above all the human psyche. In many cases, they are still taboo, as eating disorder issues can often be mistaken for trivialities. Their psychopathology is very complex and it is impossible to pinpoint a single cause. However, it is indisputable that food intake is related to the physiological, but also psychological and social spheres. The core of psychopathology is a distorted perception of the importance of figure, weight, appearance and their constant control. Aim The aim of the study was to determine the scale of eating disorders among students of ANS in Nowy SÄ…cz and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the change in body weight of students. Material and methods The research tool was a questionnaire developed on the basis of the EDE-Q 6.0 and CIA 3.0 questionnaires (Christopher et al., 2008), consisting of open and closed questions regarding the perception of the importance of one's figure, body weight, appearance and their control. Based on the students' answers, the body mass index before and after the pandemic was calculated COVID-19, and also analyzed answers that may indicate problems with nutrition and attitude to your own body. The study was conducted online via the Google Forms online survey platform, in the period from 7 to 21 October 2022, on a representative group of 255 students of the Academy of Applied Sciences in Nowy SÄ…cz. Results The survey participants were mostly young women (average age 21.24), undergraduate full-time students, living in rural areas. There were no significant differences in body mass index (BMI) between men and women before and during the pandemic. In the study group, the question concerning the influence of diet, physical exercise or feelings regarding nutrition, figure and body weight deserve attention, with more than 50% of students indicating the influence of the above-mentioned factors. factors for: critical thinking about yourself, source of nervousness, worry, making you feel guilty, or feeling ashamed of yourself. In the questions regarding the sense of satisfaction with their figure, body weight and appearance, over 50% of students indicated a lack of satisfaction, i.e. a negative perception of themselves in terms of body weight (striving to lose weight, fear of gaining weight, feeling of being fat, limiting amount of food eaten). Conclusion Based on the conducted research, it can be concluded that students of the ANS in Nowy SÄ…cz are at risk of eating disorders. It is therefore worth taking preventive measures aimed at raising awareness of the scale of the problem and popularizing the available forms of psychological support in this area

    Return to physical activity after recovering from COVID-19

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    Introduction Physical activity is the basis of a healthy lifestyle. The COVID-19 pandemic and the disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus seriously burden the human body, which is a direct cause of a long-term return to high physical fitness. Weakness after infection may persist for many weeks, which is associated with a decrease in the efficiency of athletes, both at the amateur level and characterized by a high level of training. Aim The aim of the study was to determine the occurrence of difficulties related to returning to physical activity after recovering from COVID-19. Material and methods The research tool was a questionnaire consisting of single and multiple-choice questions regarding issues related to practicing physical activity, being ill with COVID-19 and difficulties resulting from returning to fitness before the disease. Results The respondents were dominated by men aged 18-30 undertaking planned physical activity (runners). The analysis of the data showed that most of the participants were characterized by daily physical activity for which they spend 1-2 hours a day. Among the respondents, 69% declared being vaccinated against COVID-19. Data analysis showed that 70% of the respondents suffered from COVID-19, which resulted in fatigue and increased body temperature. The time to return to physical activity after the infection cleared up took mainly 2 to 4 weeks. Conclusions Return to physical activity after recovering from COVID-19 should be skillfully planned, taking into account optimal regeneration and nutrition of the body. The intensity of aerobic training units should be increased gradually so as not to lead to hyperventilation of the lungs. Return to activity should be preceded by medical examinations

    The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the lifestyle of students of the State University of Applied Sciences in Nowy SÄ…cz

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    Introduction A properly balanced diet and physical activity guarantee health and good psychophysical condition. The timing of the pandemic is associated with numerous limitations affecting food preferences and physical activity. Aim The study aimed was to determine the impact of pandemic isolation on student activity and dietary habits during COVID-19 isolation. Material and methods The study group consisted of students (n = 526) of the State University of Applied Sciences in Nowy Sacz. The research was an online survey (Google Forms). The questions included in the questionnaire concerning dietary habits and physical activity. Based on the data provided by the students, the body mass index (BMI) was calculated before and during the pandemic. Results Young women (n = 388) living in rural areas dominated among the respondents. A significantly higher mean BMI value was observed in men compared to women (p <0.05). However, no significant changes in the value of BMI were observed before and during the pandemic, both in women and men. On the other hand, its higher average value was observed for men and women living in the city compared to those living in the countryside. The impact of the pandemic on the reduction of physical activity was observed by all respondents, especially those living in the city. Women noted a greater impact of the pandemic on eating behavior, compared to men. Conclusions The COVID-19 pandemic changed the dietary habits and physical activity of students at the State University of Applied Sciences in Nowy Sacz

    COVID-19 and the nutrition of children and adolescents

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    Introduction During childhood and adolescence, a properly balanced diet is very important, as it has a direct impact on health. During the COVID-19 pandemic, care for the proper diet has become particularly important, especially due to the growing wave of overweight and obesity among children and adolescents, observed especially in adolescence. Aim The aim of the study was to determine the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the nutrition of children and adolescents. Material and methods The research tool was a questionnaire consisting of questions mainly related to the nutrition of children and adolescents. Adolescents are only included if they and their parents or legal guardians have given their informed consent to participate. If they expressed their willingness to participate in the study, the students received an electronic link to the questionnaire. Results Most of the respondents were girls / women living in the countryside. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on eating behavior was observed in 61% of respondents. Social isolation in 61% of people did not affect the regularity of eating meals. Most of the respondents (54%) did not observe an increase in their appetite during the lockdowns. The number of people consuming 1 and 5 meals has increased, and the number of people consuming 2 and 3 meals a day has decreased. Conclusions The time of social isolation associated with the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the nutrition of children and adolescents. The number of people eating 1 and 5 meals during social isolation has increased, and the number of people eating 2 and 3 meals has decreased. During social isolation, a decrease in the physical activity of children and adolescents was observed

    Assessment of nutrition and lifestyle of truck drivers

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    Introduction Man's lifestyle is of great importance for his health. Failure to comply with the rules of care for the physical and psychological sphere may be a risk factor for the development of lifestyle diseases. Drivers are a professional group that is particularly vulnerable to the influence of factors inconsistent with the principles of a healthy lifestyle, the most common of which are: improper habits and eating habits, the use of stimulants, insufficient physical activity, sedentary work, etc. Aim The aim of the study was to assess the diet and lifestyle of truck drivers. Material and methods The research tool was a questionnaire consisting of open-ended and choice questions concerning issues related to eating behaviors, regularity and frequency of eating meals, specific product groups, and health status. Based on the data provided by the drivers, the body mass index (BMI) was calculated. Results The respondents were dominated by men. Data analysis showed that some of them are overweight. Most of the respondents are characterized by proper eating habits related to the frequency and quality of the meals they eat. The most common ailments resulting from and related to the specificity of the work performed are back pain, nervousness, and sleep disorders. Conclusions There is a need to promote a healthy lifestyle among drivers, taking into account in particular the change and shaping of correct eating habits. The research can be the basis for further activities aimed at educating this professional group


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    To achieve an understanding of consumers and their behaviour it is essential to plan and execute an effective programme of action for any business, enabling it to influence consumer choices. Many factors make up the totality of consumer behaviour, but through this diversity the market develops, creates new facilities, adapts to needs and produces new products and services. The aim of the study was to identify the factors influencing consumers' purchasing decisions and the frequency of coffee consumption. The Pen-And-Paper Personal Interview (PAPI) method was conducted in a narrow subject perspective, so the results obtained cannot be generalised to the entire population of adults in Poland. The results obtained contribute to the understanding of potential pathways of choice, frequency and context of coffee consumption by consumers
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