18 research outputs found

    Hsp60 Is Actively Secreted by Human Tumor Cells

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    Background: Hsp60, a Group I mitochondrial chaperonin, is classically considered an intracellular chaperone with residence in the mitochondria; nonetheless, in the last few years it has been found extracellularly as well as in the cell membrane. Important questions remain pertaining to extracellular Hsp60 such as how generalized is its occurrence outside cells, what are its extracellular functions and the translocation mechanisms that transport the chaperone outside of the cell. These questions are particularly relevant for cancer biology since it is believed that extracellular chaperones, like Hsp70, may play an active role in tumor growth and dissemination. Methodology/Principal Findings: Since cancer cells may undergo necrosis and apoptosis, it could be possible that extracellular Hsps are chiefly the result of cell destruction but not the product of an active, physiological process. In this work, we studied three tumor cells lines and found that they all release Hsp60 into the culture media by an active mechanism independently of cell death. Biochemical analyses of one of the cell lines revealed that Hsp60 secretion was significantly reduced, by inhibitors of exosomes and lipid rafts. Conclusions/Significance: Our data suggest that Hsp60 release is the result of an active secretion mechanism and, since extracellular release of the chaperone was demonstrated in all tumor cell lines investigated, our observations most likel

    Consensus guidelines for the detection of immunogenic cell death

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    none82siApoptotic cells have long been considered as intrinsically tolerogenic or unable to elicit immune responses specific for dead cell-associated antigens. However, multiple stimuli can trigger a functionally peculiar type of apoptotic demise that does not go unnoticed by the adaptive arm of the immune system, which we named "immunogenic cell death" (ICD). ICD is preceded or accompanied by the emission of a series of immunostimulatory damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs) in a precise spatiotemporal configuration. Several anticancer agents that have been successfully employed in the clinic for decades, including various chemotherapeutics and radiotherapy, can elicit ICD. Moreover, defects in the components that underlie the capacity of the immune system to perceive cell death as immunogenic negatively influence disease outcome among cancer patients treated with ICD inducers. Thus, ICD has profound clinical and therapeutic implications. Unfortunately, the gold-standard approach to detect ICD relies on vaccination experiments involving immunocompetent murine models and syngeneic cancer cells, an approach that is incompatible with large screening campaigns. Here, we outline strategies conceived to detect surrogate markers of ICD in vitro and to screen large chemical libraries for putative ICD inducers, based on a high-content, high-throughput platform that we recently developed. Such a platform allows for the detection of multiple DAMPs, like cell surface-exposed calreticulin, extracellular ATP and high mobility group box 1 (HMGB1), and/or the processes that underlie their emission, such as endoplasmic reticulum stress, autophagy and necrotic plasma membrane permeabilization. We surmise that this technology will facilitate the development of next-generation anticancer regimens, which kill malignant cells and simultaneously convert them into a cancer-specific therapeutic vaccine.Kepp, Oliver; Senovilla, Laura; Vitale, Ilio; Vacchelli, Erika; Adjemian, Sandy; Agostinis, Patrizia; Apetoh, Lionel; Aranda, Fernando; Barnaba, Vincenzo; Bloy, Norma; Bracci, Laura; Breckpot, Karine; Brough, David; Buqué, Aitziber; Castro, Maria G; Cirone, Mara; Colombo, Maria I; Cremer, Isabelle; Demaria, Sandra; Dini, Luciana; Eliopoulos, Aristides G; Faggioni, Alberto; Formenti, Silvia C; Fučíková, Jitka; Gabriele, Lucia; Gaipl, Udo S; Galon, Jérôme; Garg, Abhishek; Ghiringhelli, François; Giese, Nathalia A; Guo, Zong Sheng; Hemminki, Akseli; Herrmann, Martin; Hodge, James W; Holdenrieder, Stefan; Honeychurch, Jamie; Hu, Hong-Min; Huang, Xing; Illidge, Tim M; Kono, Koji; Korbelik, Mladen; Krysko, Dmitri V; Loi, Sherene; Lowenstein, Pedro R; Lugli, Enrico; Ma, Yuting; Madeo, Frank; Manfredi, Angelo A; Martins, Isabelle; Mavilio, Domenico; Menger, Laurie; Merendino, Nicolò; Michaud, Michael; Mignot, Gregoire; Mossman, Karen L; Multhoff, Gabriele; Oehler, Rudolf; Palombo, Fabio; Panaretakis, Theocharis; Pol, Jonathan; Proietti, Enrico; Ricci, Jean-Ehrland; Riganti, Chiara; Rovere-Querini, Patrizia; Rubartelli, Anna; Sistigu, Antonella; Smyth, Mark J; Sonnemann, Juergen; Spisek, Radek; Stagg, John; Sukkurwala, Abdul Qader; Tartour, Eric; Thorburn, Andrew; Thorne, Stephen H; Vandenabeele, Peter; Velotti, Francesca; Workenhe, Samuel T; Yang, Haining; Zong, Wei-Xing; Zitvogel, Laurence; Kroemer, Guido; Galluzzi, LorenzoKepp, Oliver; Senovilla, Laura; Vitale, Ilio; Vacchelli, Erika; Adjemian, Sandy; Agostinis, Patrizia; Apetoh, Lionel; Aranda, Fernando; Barnaba, Vincenzo; Bloy, Norma; Bracci, Laura; Breckpot, Karine; Brough, David; Buqué, Aitziber; Castro, Maria G; Cirone, Mara; Colombo, Maria I; Cremer, Isabelle; Demaria, Sandra; Dini, Luciana; Eliopoulos, Aristides G; Faggioni, Alberto; Formenti, Silvia C; Fučíková, Jitka; Gabriele, Lucia; Gaipl, Udo S; Galon, Jérôme; Garg, Abhishek; Ghiringhelli, François; Giese, Nathalia A; Guo, Zong Sheng; Hemminki, Akseli; Herrmann, Martin; Hodge, James W; Holdenrieder, Stefan; Honeychurch, Jamie; Hu, Hong Min; Huang, Xing; Illidge, Tim M; Kono, Koji; Korbelik, Mladen; Krysko, Dmitri V; Loi, Sherene; Lowenstein, Pedro R; Lugli, Enrico; Ma, Yuting; Madeo, Frank; Manfredi, Angelo A; Martins, Isabelle; Mavilio, Domenico; Menger, Laurie; Merendino, Nicolò; Michaud, Michael; Mignot, Gregoire; Mossman, Karen L; Multhoff, Gabriele; Oehler, Rudolf; Palombo, Fabio; Panaretakis, Theocharis; Pol, Jonathan; Proietti, Enrico; Ricci, Jean Ehrland; Riganti, Chiara; Rovere Querini, Patrizia; Rubartelli, Anna; Sistigu, Antonella; Smyth, Mark J; Sonnemann, Juergen; Spisek, Radek; Stagg, John; Sukkurwala, Abdul Qader; Tartour, Eric; Thorburn, Andrew; Thorne, Stephen H; Vandenabeele, Peter; Velotti, Francesca; Workenhe, Samuel T; Yang, Haining; Zong, Wei Xing; Zitvogel, Laurence; Kroemer, Guido; Galluzzi, Lorenz