10 research outputs found

    Sequestration of Highly Expressed mRNAs in Cytoplasmic Granules, P-Bodies, and Stress Granules Enhances Cell Viability

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    Transcriptome analyses indicate that a core 10%–15% of the yeast genome is modulated by a variety of different stresses. However, not all the induced genes undergo translation, and null mutants of many induced genes do not show elevated sensitivity to the particular stress. Elucidation of the RNA lifecycle reveals accumulation of non-translating mRNAs in cytoplasmic granules, P-bodies, and stress granules for future regulation. P-bodies contain enzymes for mRNA degradation; under stress conditions mRNAs may be transferred to stress granules for storage and return to translation. Protein degradation by the ubiquitin-proteasome system is elevated by stress; and here we analyzed the steady state levels, decay, and subcellular localization of the mRNA of the gene encoding the F-box protein, UFO1, that is induced by stress. Using the MS2L mRNA reporter system UFO1 mRNA was observed in granules that colocalized with P-bodies and stress granules. These P-bodies stored diverse mRNAs. Granules of two mRNAs transported prior to translation, ASH1-MS2L and OXA1-MS2L, docked with P-bodies. HSP12 mRNA that gave rise to highly elevated protein levels was not observed in granules under these stress conditions. ecd3, pat1 double mutants that are defective in P-body formation were sensitive to mRNAs expressed ectopically from strong promoters. These highly expressed mRNAs showed elevated translation compared with wild-type cells, and the viability of the mutants was strongly reduced. ecd3, pat1 mutants also exhibited increased sensitivity to different stresses. Our interpretation is that sequestration of highly expressed mRNAs in P-bodies is essential for viability. Storage of mRNAs for future regulation may contribute to the discrepancy between the steady state levels of many stress-induced mRNAs and their proteins. Sorting of mRNAs for future translation or decay by individual cells could generate potentially different phenotypes in a genetically identical population and enhance its ability to withstand stress

    Stress-induced granules appear only in <i>UFO1-MS2L</i> stressed cells.

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    <p>A. Wild type and <i>UFO1-MS2L</i> cells transformed with p<i>CP-MS2L-GFPx3</i> at <i>A</i><sub>600</sub>β€Š=β€Š0.5, were transferred to SC 2% glucose without methionine for 1 hour to induce the CP<sup>GFP</sup>. Cells were untreated or exposed to 1 mM arsenate, 8.8 mM H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub>, or UV-irradiated with 40 mJ/cm<sup>2</sup>. Aliquots were collected 30 minutes after each treatment. Fluorescent granules appear only in cells with the tagged <i>UFO1-MS2L</i> gene. B. <i>UFO1-MS2L</i> cells expressing p<i>CP-MS2L-GFPx3</i> grown as above, treated with 1 mM arsenate for 30 minutes (stress), and transferred to fresh SC glucose medium. Stress recovery 30β€² and 60β€² indicate time after transfer to fresh SC. C. <i>UFO1-MS2L</i>, <i>yap1Ξ”</i> or <i>UFO1-MS2L</i>, <i>pdr1Ξ”</i> cells grown as above and untreated (Utrd), exposed to 1 mM arsenate, 8.8 mM H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub>, or UV-irradiated with 40 mJ/cm<sup>2</sup>.</p

    Yeast strains.

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    <p>Yeast strains.</p

    <i>UFO1-MS2L</i> and <i>MFA2-U1A</i> mRNAs are sequestered in the same PBs after arsenate stress.

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    <p>A. Control wild type cells at <i>A</i><sub>600</sub>β€Š=β€Š0.5 producing U1A<sup>GFP</sup> untreated or treated with 1 mM arsenate for 30 minutes. B. wild type <i>UFO1-MS2L</i> cells at <i>A</i><sub>600</sub>β€Š=β€Š0.5 expressing p<i>MFA2-U1A</i>, with their respective RNA-binding proteins, CP<sup>mCherry</sup> and U1A<sup>GFP</sup>, untreated or treated with 1 mM arsenate and stained with Hoechst 33342 at a final concentration of 2.5 Β΅g/mL for 30 minutes.</p

    Induction of Hsp12 protein and mRNA, and mRNA decay after stress.

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    <p>A. WB of protein produced from genomic <i>HSP12-GFP</i> in response to stress. B. <i>UFO1</i> and <i>HSP12</i> mRNA levels in untreated cells analyzed by qRT-PCR. mRNA levels were normalized to <i>ACT1</i>. C. Induction of <i>HSP12</i> mRNA by stress. Wild type cells at <i>A</i><sub>600</sub>β€Š=β€Š0.5, treated with 1 mM arsenate, 8.8 mM H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub>, irradiated with 40 mJ/cm<sup>2</sup> UV or shifted from 30Β°C to 37Β°C for 40 minutes. Aliquots were collected at the times indicated and analyzed by qRT-PCR. D. <i>HSP12</i> mRNA decay. p<i>GAL-HSP12</i> was expressed in <i>hsp12Ξ”</i> mutants by overnight induction with 2% galactose. Next morning cells at <i>A</i><sub>600</sub>β€Š=β€Š0.5 were untreated, or stressed with 1 mM arsenate or 8.8 mM H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> for 30 minutes, or irradiated with 40 mJ/cm<sup>2</sup> UV. The cells were washed and transferred to SC medium with 4% glucose. Samples were collected immediately after addition of glucose and at the times indicated and analyzed by qRT-PCR. mRNA levels were normalized to <i>ACT1</i> and to time 0 (untreated log cells).</p

    <i>UFO1-MS2L</i> mRNAs induced by stress colocalize with subunits of PBs and SGs.

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    <p>A. <i>UFO1-MS2L</i> cells at <i>A</i><sub>600</sub>β€Š=β€Š0.5 that produce PB marker protein, Dcp1<sup>RFP</sup>, or the SG marker, eIF4E<sup>RFP</sup>, were transferred to fresh SC 2% glucose medium without methionine for 1 hour. B. Cells as in A, deprived for glucose for 30 minutes. C. Cells as in B, treated for 30 minutes with 1 mM arsenate, or D. 8.8 mM H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub>. E. Cells at <i>A</i><sub>600</sub>β€Š=β€Š0.5 that produce both the PB marker protein, Dhh1<sup>GFP</sup>, and eIF4E<sup>RFP</sup>, treated with 1 mM arsenate for 30 minutes in the presence or the absence of glucose.</p

    Ectopic high level gene expression affects viability of mutants unable to form PBs and SGs.

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    <p>A. Visualization of wild type, <i>pat1Ξ”</i>, <i>edc3Ξ”</i>, <i>pat1Ξ”</i> or <i>edc3Ξ”</i>, <i>lsm4Ξ”c</i> cells expressing the PB marker Dcp2<sup>mCherry</sup> and the SG marker Pab1<sup>GFP</sup> untreated or exposed for 30 minutes to 1 mM arsenate or 8.8 mM H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub>, irradiated with 40 mJ/cm<sup>2</sup> UV, or incubated in SC medium without glucose for 30 minutes. B. Viability of wild type, <i>pat1Ξ”; edc3Ξ”</i>, <i>pat1Ξ”</i> or <i>edc3Ξ”</i>, <i>lsm4Ξ”c</i> cells untreated (Unt) or treated with 1 mM arsenate, 8.8 mM H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> or irradiated with 40 mJ/cm<sup>2</sup> UV analyzed by the spot test viability assay. C. Wild type, <i>pat1Ξ”; edc3Ξ”</i>, <i>pat1Ξ”</i> or <i>edc3Ξ”</i>, <i>lsm4Ξ”c</i> cells expressing empty p<i>GAL</i>-vector (YCp), p<i>GAL-GFP-UFO1</i>, p<i>GAL-HSP12</i> or <i>MFA2</i>-U1A (pRP1193) were grown in SC medium with 2% glucose or induced in 2% galactose medium overnight, diluted and regrown in the same media to <i>A</i><sub>600</sub>β€Š=β€Š0.5 for spot test analysis on SC plates with 2% glucose or 2% galactose, respectively. D. WB analysis of w.t or <i>edc3Ξ”</i>, <i>pat1Ξ”</i> cells expressing <i>UFO1</i>, <i>HSP12</i> or <i>MFA2</i> from the <i>GAL</i> promoter. Glu (noninducing conditions) and Gal (inducing). The intensities of each protein band were normalized to the Ξ±-tubulin loading control using ImageJ <a href="http://www.plosgenetics.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pgen.1002527#pgen.1002527-Rasband1" target="_blank">[79]</a>. E. Comparison of <i>UFO1</i> and <i>HSP12</i> mRNA decay. p<i>GAL-GFP-UFO1</i> or p<i>GAL-HSP12</i> was expressed in w.t or <i>edc3Ξ”</i>, <i>pat1Ξ”</i> cells by overnight induction with 2% galactose. Next morning cells at <i>A</i><sub>600</sub>β€Š=β€Š0.5 were washed and transferred to SC medium with 4% glucose. Samples were collected immediately after addition of glucose and at the times indicated and analyzed by qRT-PCR. mRNA levels were normalized to <i>ACT1</i> and to time 0 (untreated log cells).</p

    <i>ASH1</i> and <i>OXA1</i> mRNA granules interact with PBs.

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    <p>A. <i>ASH1-MS2L</i> cells at <i>A</i><sub>600</sub>β€Š=β€Š0.5 with p<i>CP-MS2L-GFPx3</i> and the PB marker, Edc3<sup>mCherry</sup>, either untreated, treated with 1 mM arsenate or with 8.8 mM H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> for 30 minutes or transferred to SC without glucose for 30 minutes. Merge Γ—5 represents 5 times enlargement of selected granules indicated with white arrows in the whole cells. B. <i>OXA1-MS2L</i> cells treated as in A., and visualized by confocal microscopy. C. Histograms of <i>ASH1-MS2L</i> cells or D. <i>OXA1-MS2L</i> cells, showing percentages of overlapping, docked, or distinct granule types in a population of cells untreated, treated with 1 mM arsenate or with 8.8 mM H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> for 30 minutes or stressed in SC without glucose (nβ€Š=β€Š>100 cells).</p

    Transcription of <i>UFO1</i> in response to arsenate, H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub>, and UV.

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    <p>A. Wild type cells were grown in SC 2% glucose medium overnight, diluted to <i>A</i><sub>600</sub>β€Š=β€Š0.1, regrown to <i>A</i><sub>600</sub>β€Š=β€Š0.5 and treated with 1 mM arsenate, 8.8 mM H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub>, or irradiated with 40 mJ/cm<sup>2</sup> UV. Aliquots were collected at the indicated times and analyzed by qRT-PCR. mRNA levels were normalized to <i>ACT1</i> and to time 0 (untreated log cells). B. p<i>GAL-GFP-UFO1</i> was expressed in <i>ufo1Ξ”</i> mutants by overnight induction with 2% galactose. Next morning cells were diluted to <i>A</i><sub>600</sub>β€Š=β€Š0.1, regrown to <i>A</i><sub>600</sub>β€Š=β€Š0.5 then untreated, or stressed with 1 mM arsenate or 8.8 mM H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> for 30 minutes, or irradiated with 40 mJ/cm<sup>2</sup> UV. The cells were washed and transferred to SC with 4% glucose. Samples were collected immediately after addition of glucose and at the times indicated and analyzed by qRT-PCR. mRNA levels were normalized to <i>ACT1</i> and to time 0 (untreated log cells). C. Western blot analysis of Ufo1<sup>GFP</sup> protein produced from the tagged genomic <i>UFO1-GFP</i> gene. Anti-GFP antibodies were used to detect Ufo1<sup>GFP</sup> and anti-Ξ±-tubulin antibodies to detect Ξ±-tubulin that serves as a loading control. D. <i>UFO1</i> mRNA levels in untreated wild type, <i>yap1Ξ”</i> or <i>pdr1Ξ”</i> mutants. mRNA levels were normalized to <i>ACT1</i> and to w.t. mRNA levels. E. <i>yap1Ξ”</i> or <i>pdr1Ξ”</i> mutants grown, treated and analyzed as in <a href="http://www.plosgenetics.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pgen.1002527#pgen-1002527-g001" target="_blank">Figure 1A</a>. mRNA levels were normalized to <i>ACT1</i> and to time 0 (untreated log cells).</p

    Pathways for mRNA under normal and stress conditions.

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    <p>Under normal growth conditions after transcription a mRNA could go directly to the polysomes for translation (a), or the mRNAs could be escorted by subunits of the RNA polymerase complex to the PBs and sorted either for the polysomes for translation (b), or the mRNA could undergo decay in the PBs (c). Under stress conditions pre-existing mRNAs could undergo enhanced translation as we propose for <i>HSP12</i> mRNA (Ξ±), or be retracted from the polysomes (Ξ²) for future sorting for storage or decay (Ξ³ or Ξ΄). Furthermore, after stress mRNAs can shuttle between PBs and SGs (Ξ³) from where they can return to translation (Ξ΅). mRNA lifecycles under normal growth conditions have blue arrows, stress conditions are indicated with brown arrows. A more comprehensive description of the mRNA lifecycle, particularly of mRNA decay, can be found in <a href="http://www.plosgenetics.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pgen.1002527#pgen.1002527-Harigaya1" target="_blank">[80]</a>.</p