21 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAK PERAN DINAS PERHUBUNGAN TERHADAP PEMELIHARAAN LAMPU PENERANGAN JALAN UMUM DI KABUPATEN PESAWARAN (Studi di Kecamatan Kedondong Kabupaten Pesawaran) Oleh Anna Karelina Permasalahan yang dikaji dalam skripsi ini adalah Peran Dinas Perhubungan terhadap Pemeliharaan Lampu Penerangan Jalan di Kabupaten Peswaran terkhususnya di Kecamatan Kedondong Provinsi Lampung karena banyaknya lampu jalan yang mati di daerah Kecamatan Kedondong sehingga tujuan penelitian ini adalah Untuk mengetahui peran Dinas Perhubungan terhadap Kerusakan Lampu Jalan yang ada di Kabupaten Peswaran khususnya di Kecamatan Kedondong Provinsi Lampung dan untuk mengetahui efektivitas pelaksanaan Permenhub UU nomor 27 tahun 2018 tentang Penerangan Jalan Umum oleh Dinas Perhubungan Kabupaten Pesawaran. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian lapangan (Field Research) dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan alat pengumpulan data melalui wawancara. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan Yuridis-sosiologis (lapangan) atau pendekatan empiris yang merupakan pendekatan penelitian dimana peneliti harus berhadapan langsung dengan masyarakat yang menjadi objek penelitian sehingga banyak peraturan-peraturan tidak tertulis berlaku sesuatu yang memiliki manfaat harus segera disediakan. Dalam masalah perbaikan lampu jalan yang rusak tidak selalu berjalan lancar sesuai yang diharapkan, terkadang ada juga faktor yang menjadi penghambat untuk melakukan perbaikan lampu tersebut. di Kabupaten Peswaran terkhususnya di Kecamatan Kedondong Provinsi Lampung terdapat banyak lampu jalan yang rusak dan belum melalui proses perbaikan, hal tersebut bukan karena Pihak Dinas Perhubungan dan pihak berwenang lainnya mengabaikan hal tersebut melainkan hambatan-hambatan yang terjadi diantaranya masalah anggaran dana, tenaga kerja, dan tidak selalu tersedianya bahan material. Namun hingga tahun 2023 target yang ingin dicapai sudah bisa dikatakan setengahnya tercapai. Oleh sebab itu bukan hanya pihak pemerintahan saja yang harus menjaga fasilitas dan teknologi yang ada melainkan harus ada campur tangan dari pihak masyarakat juga untuk menjaga kelangsungan fasilitas yang telah disediakan. Kata Kunci: Peran, Dinas Perhubungan, Penerangan Jalan Umum. ABSTRACT THE ROLE OF THE TRANSPORTATION SERVICE IN THE MAINTENANCE OF PUBLIK STREET LIGHTING IN PESAWARAN DISTRIC (Study In Kedondong Subdistrict Pesawaran District) By Anna Karelina The problem studied in this thesis is the role of the Department of Transportation in the Maintenance of Street Lighting in Peswaran Regency, especially in the Kedondong District, Lampung Province because there are many street lights that are off in the Kdeondong District area, so the purpose of this study is to find out the role of the Department of Transportation in the Damage to existing Street Lights. in Peswaran Regency, especially in Kedondong District, Lampung Province and to find out the effectiveness of the implementation of the Minister of Transportation Law number 27 of 2018 concerning Public Road Lighting by the Pesawaran Regency Transportation Service. The method used in this study is field research (Field Research) using a qualitative descriptive method with data collection tools through interviews. This study uses a juridical�sociological (field) approach or an empirical approach which is a research approach where researchers have to deal directly with the people who are the object of research so that many unwritten rules apply in society. In particular, what is the role of the Department of Transportation in the Maintenance of Street Lights in Peswaran Regency, especially in Kedondong District, Lampung Province. The results of the study concluded that everything that has benefits must be provided immediately. In the case of repairing damaged street lights, it doesn't always go smoothly as expected, sometimes there are also factors that become obstacles to repairing these lights. in Peswaran Regency, especially in Kedondong District, Lampung Province, there are many street lights that are damaged and have not gone through the repair process. Materials are not always available. But until 2023 the target to be achieved can be said to be half achieved. Therefore, it is not only the government that must maintain the existing facilities and technology, but there must also be intervention from the community to maintain the continuity of the facilities that have been provided. Keywords: Role, Deoartement of Transportasion, Public Street Lighting

    Studying Transfer Of Scientific Reasoning Abilities

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    Abstract. Students taking introductory physics courses not only need to learn the fundamental concepts and to solve simple problems but also need to learn to approach more complex problems and to reason like scientists. Hypotheticodeductive reasoning is considered one of the most important types of reasoning employed by scientists. If-then logic allows students to test hypotheses and reject those that are not supported by testing experiments. Can we teach students to reason hypothetico-deductively and to apply this reasoning to problems outside of physics? This study investigates the development and transfer from physics to real life of hypothetico-deductive reasoning abilities by students enrolled in an introductory physics course at a large state university The abilities include formulating hypotheses and making predictions concerning the outcomes of testing experiments. (The work was supported by NSF grant REC 0529065.

    Using action research to improve learning and formative assessment to conduct research

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    The paper reports on how educational research informed and supported both the process of refinement of introductory physics laboratory instruction and student development of scientific abilities. In particular we focus on how the action research approach paradigm combined with instructional approaches such as scaffolding and formative assessment can be used to design the learning environment, investigate student learning, revise curriculum materials, and conduct subsequent assessment. As the result of the above efforts we found improvement in students’ scientific abilities over the course of three years. We suggest that the process used to improve the curriculum under study can be extended to many instructional innovations.National Science Foundatio

    Acting like a physicist: Student approach study to experimental design

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    National studies of science education have unanimously concluded that preparing our students for the demands of the 21st century workplace is one of the major goals. This paper describes a study of student activities in introductory college physics labs, which were designed to help students acquire abilities that are valuable in the workplace. In these labs [called Investigative Science Learning Environment (ISLE) labs], students design their own experiments. Our previous studies have shown that students in these labs acquire scientific abilities such as the ability to design an experiment to solve a problem, the ability to collect and analyze data, the ability to evaluate assumptions and uncertainties, and the ability to communicate. These studies mostly concentrated on analyzing students’ writing, evaluated by specially designed scientific ability rubrics. Recently, we started to study whether the ISLE labs make students not only write like scientists but also engage in discussions and act like scientists while doing the labs. For example, do students plan an experiment, validate assumptions, evaluate results, and revise the experiment if necessary? A brief report of some of our findings that came from monitoring students’ activity during ISLE and nondesign labs was presented in the Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings. We found differences in student behavior and discussions that indicated that ISLE labs do in fact encourage a scientistlike approach to experimental design and promote high-quality discussions. This paper presents a full description of the study

    2007. When and how do students engage in sense-making in a physics lab

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    Abstract. The Rutgers PAER group developed and implemented ISLE labs in which students design their own experiments being guided by self-assessment rubrics. Studies reported in 2004 and 2005 PERC proceedings showed that students in these labs acquire such scientific abilities as an ability to design an experiment, to analyze data, and to communicate. These studies concentrated mostly on analyzing students' writings evaluated by specially designed scientific abilities rubrics. The new question is whether the ISLE labs make students not only write like scientists but also engage in discussions and act like scientists: plan an experiment, validate assumptions, evaluate results, and revise the experiment if necessary. Another important question is whether these activities require a lot of cognitive and metacognitive efforts or are carried out superficially. To answer these questions we monitored students' activity during labs. (The work was supported by the NSF grants DUE 0241078 and REC 0529065.

    Spending Time on Design: Does it Hurt Physics Learning?

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    This paper is the first in a series of three describing a controlled study “Transfer of scientific abilities”. The study was conducted in a large enrollment student introductory physics course taught via Investigative Science Learning Environment. Its goal was to find whether designing their own experiments in labs affects students’ approaches to experimental problem solving in new areas of physics and in biology, and their learning of physics concepts. The theoretical framework for the design of the study was based on transfer theories such as “preparation for future learning”, “actor-oriented transfer”, “transfer of situated learning’’ and “coordination classes”. In this paper we describe the design of the study and present data concerning the performance of experimental and control groups on multiplechoice and open-ended exam questions and on the lab exams that assess student understanding of the physics and the reasoning processes used in the lab experiments. We found that the experimental group outperformed the control on labbased and traditional exams and the difference increased as the year progressed. The project was supported by NSF grant DRL 0241078

    From Physics to Biology: Helping Students Attain All-Terrain Knowledge.

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    This paper is the third in a series of three describing a controlled study “Transfer of scientific abilities”. The study was conducted in a large-enrollment introductory physics course taught via Investigative Science Learning Environment. Its goal was to find whether designing their own experiments in labs affects students’ approaches to experimental problem solving in new areas of physics and in biology and their learning of physics concepts. The part of the project presented in this paper involves students in the experimental and control groups solving a biology-related problem that required designing an experiment and evaluating the findings. We found that students who were in the sections where they had to design their own experiments during the semester were able to transfer the abilities they acquired in physics laboratories to solve a novel biology problem. The project was supported by NSF grant DRL 0241078

    Design and reflection help students develop scientific abilities: Learning in Introductory Physics laboratories.

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    Design activities, when embedded in an inquiry cycle and appropriately scaffolded and supplemented with reflection, can promote the development of the habits of mind (scientific abilities) that are an important part of scientific practice. Through the Investigative Science Learning Environment (ISLE), students construct physics knowledge by engaging in inquiry cycles that replicate the approach used by physicists to construct knowledge. A significant portion of student learning occurs in ISLE instructional labs where students design their own experiments. The labs provide an environment for cognitive apprenticeship enhanced by formative assessment. As a result, students develop interpretive knowing that helps them approach new problems as scientists. This article describes a classroom study in which the students in the ISLE design lab performed equally well on traditional exams as ISLE students who did not engage in design activities. However, the design group significantly outperformed the non-design group while working on novel experimental tasks (in physics and biology), demonstrating the application of scientific abilities to an inquiry task in a novel content domain. This research shows that a learning environment that integrates cognitive apprenticeship and formative assessment in a series of conceptual design tasks provides a rich context for helping students build scientific habits of mind

    Comparing students’ learning and development of scientific abilities with apparatus-based versus video-based experimentation

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    [This paper is part of the Focused Collection on Instructional labs: Improving traditions and new directions.] In this paper, we describe the results of a research project whose goals were to (1) develop and implement video-based experimental investigations using the Investigative Science Learning Environment (ISLE) approach and (2) study how students who engage with video experiments develop scientific abilities and learn physics ideas in comparison to students who do the same investigations using physical apparatus. We developed six parallel ISLE-based investigations for the students to engage in, either with apparatus or with video arrays created in the Pivot platform. We found that substituting 30% of the apparatus-based activities with video-based activities did not affect student development of conceptual physics knowledge. On the other hand, the development of certain scientific abilities was significantly affected by whether students experimented with physical apparatus or used video experiments