19 research outputs found

    Neuroeconomic Conditioning of the Influence of a Market Demand of Consumers on an Innovative Character of Polish Companies

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    The aim of the article is an identification of key sources of an innovative character and their conditioning in contemporary Polish economy. In the discussion, it is stated that consumers – the smallest, but the most numerous economic unit – through their expectations of the way / form of meeting their own needs, create a direction and dynamics of innovative business and confirm or undermine the legitimacy of accepted directions of actions of the supply side and greatly determine their economic force. In addition, the discussion concerning market decisions (their sources) of consumers and businessmen is based on the results of neuroanatomical brain research. Analyses, that were carried out, allow for stating that: 1) consumers in a market play take on the following roles: creators of an innovative activity based on the reported potential demand; evaluating results of actions taken by innovative businessmen through effective demand; 2) in Poland, there has been a gradual redefinition of key factors of innovative character; 3) businessmen (over 90%) consider coming closer to consumers, meeting their needs through the use of the Internet, interactive and social media as the most important initiatives; 4) an action of businessmen within the scope of improving operative efficiency, aiming at accelerating reactions to market consumers expectations increase; 5) brain activity accounts for nearly ¾ decisions made – each choice constitutes a completely real process engaging a particular neuron number (including von Economo neurons), which influences particular behaviour; 6) a network of neural connections in the brain changes as one gains knowledge and experience – in effect, brain structures become more flexible

    Kultura ekonomiczna na obszarze peryferyjnym i jej ewolucja

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    Zdigitalizowano i udostępniono w ramach projektu pn. Rozbudowa otwartych zasobów naukowych Repozytorium Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku, dofinansowanego z programu „Społeczna odpowiedzialność nauki” Ministra Edukacji i Nauki na podstawie umowy SONB/SP/512497/2021.688

    Consumption as an Active Element of The Economic Process in Contemporary Economy

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    The goal of the article is to analyse consumption as an active element of the economic process. The considerations aim to show that consumption not so much concludes but rather initiates the economic cycle. Consumption determines the situation of individuals by influencing their work performance, its rate and intellectual efficiency. The satisfaction of needs, collection and allocation of consumption resources leads to specific effects (in this indirect effect of consumption). The considerations highlight that the development of productive forces is not a step process. Rather, it should be smooth and spread over [email protected] of Economics and Management, University of BialystokAlderfer C. P. 1972 Existence. Relatedness, and Growth. Human Needs in Organizational Settings, New York: Free Press, cited from: [http://www.valuebasedmanagement.net/methods_alderfer_erg_theory.html, 27.05.2014].Aron A. 1977 Maslow's Other Child, “Journal of Humanistic Psychology”, Vol. 17.Becker G. S. 1990 Ekonomiczna teoria zachowań ludzkich, PWN, Warszawa.Becker G. S. 1975 Human Capital, NBER, New York.Bywalec C. 2010 Konsumpcja a rozwój gospodarczy i społeczny, C. H. Beck, Warszawa.Bywalec C. Rudnicki L. 2002 Konsumpcja, PWE, Warszawa.Coleman J. S. 1998 Social Capital In the Creation of Human Capital, “The American Journal of Sociology”, Vol. 94.Daniels M. 1982 The Development of the Concept of Self-Actualization in the Writings of Abraham Maslow, “Current Psychological Reviews”, Vol. 2 (1).Fukuyama F. 2007 Kapitał społeczny a droga do dobrobytu, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa.Gajewski S. 1994 Zachowanie się konsumenta a współczesny marketing, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, Łódź.Gardocka-Jałowiec A. 2007 Instytucje a sprawność gospodarki, [in:] Ekonomia ogólna, K. Me-redyk (eds.), UwB, Bialystok.Geller L. 1982, The Failure of Self-Actualization Theory: A Critique of Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow, “Journal of Humanistic Psychology”, Vol. 22 (2), pp. 56-73, DOI: 10.1177/0022167882222004.Kiełczewski D. 2008 Konsumpcja a perspektywy zrównoważonego rozwoju, UwB, Białystok.Kieżel E. 2004 Racjonalność konsumpcji i zachowań konsumentów, PWE, Warszawa.Kramer J. 1997 Konsumpcja w gospodarce rynkowej, PWE, Warszawa.Małysa-Kaleta A. 2010 Kierunki oraz determinanty przemian konsumpcji w Polsce i Czechach na tle procesów integracji europejskiej, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Katowicach, Katowice.Marx K. H. 1986 Zarys krytyki ekonomii politycznej, Książka i Wiedza, Warszawa.Maslow A. H. 1990 Motywacja i osobowość, Instytut Wydawniczy PAX, Warszawa.Menger C. 2007 Principles of Economics, Ludwig von Mises Institute, Auburn.Neher A. 1991 Maslow's Theory of Motivation a Critique, “Journal of Humanistic Psychology”, Vol. 31 (3), pp. 89-112, DOI: 10.1177/0022167891313010.Nonaka I., Takeuchi H. 2000, Kreowanie wiedzy w organizacji, Poltext, Warszawa.Olejniczuk-Merta A. 2011 Konsumpcja w innowacyjnej gospodarce, „Konsumpcja i rozwój”, nr 1.Poskrobko B. 2011 Gospodarka oparta na wiedzy, Wyższa Szkoła Ekonomiczna w Białymstoku, Białystok.Sirianni C., Friedland L. 1998, Social Capital and Civic Innovation: Learning and Capacity Building from the 1960s to the 1990s. www.cpn.org./cpn/sections/newcitizenship/theory/socialcapitalcivicinnov.htm#1community; Portes A., Social capital: its origins and applications in modern sociology, “Annual Review of Sociology”, vol. 24Smith E. A. 2001 The Role of Tacit and Explicit Knowledge in the Workplace, “Journal of Knowledge Management”, Vol. 5 (4), pp. 311-321.Schultz T. W. 1976 Investment in Human Capital, The Free Press, New York.Światowy G. 2006 Zachowania konsumentów, PWE, Warszawa.168-1785(77)16817

    Disposable income and consumption expenses in pensioners’ households in Poland in the years 2010-2019 – the analysis of changes in view of demographic transformations

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    Purpose – The aim of the article is to study the changes of disposable income and consumption expenses in pensioners’ households in the years 2010-2019 and the attempt to draw conclusions corresponding to the deepening process of society ageing.Research method – Categories of disposable income and consumption expenses as well as selected issues from the field of demographic transformations were presented in the theoretical considerations, using the descriptive analysis method. The basis of empirical considerations were secondary data from the Central Statistical Office. Conclusions – The average amount of pension benefits in the common occupational system is generally lower than the average work income and it can be claimed that it gets lower systematically. Disposable incomes in pensioners’ households in 2019 were about 50% higher than in 2010. This tendency was reflected in the increase (of about 3% a year on average) of real expenses on con-sumption produce and services per capita in households. The increase was comparable to the general increase of consumption expenses of households in Poland. In the years 2010-2019 expenses related to food, house maintenance and energy carriers were increasing more slowly than the rise of income.Originality / value / implications / recommendations – Conducted considerations constitute a point of view in the evaluation of the changes in the income situation of pensioners’ households in view of the deepening process of ageing of the Polish society. In times of extensive demographic changes related to the ongoing process of society ageing, the elderly constitute a numerous and important consumer group on the market.Anna Gardocka-Jałowiec: [email protected] Niemczyk: [email protected] Gardocka-Jałowiec - Faculty of Economics and Finance, University of BialystokAgata Niemczyk - Department of Tourism, Institute of Management at the Cracow University of EconomicsBerbeka J., Klimek K., Niemczyk A., Rudnicki M., Seweryn R., 2021, Turystyka a jakość życia seniorów, Difin, Warszawa.Budżety gospodarstw domowych w 2010 r., 2011, GUS, Warszawa.Budżety gospodarstw domowych w 2011 r., 2012, GUS, Warszawa.Budżety gospodarstw domowych w 2012 r., 2013, GUS, Warszawa.Budżety gospodarstw domowych w 2013 r., 2014, GUS, Warszawa.Budżety gospodarstw domowych w 2014 r., 2015, GUS, Warszawa.Budżety gospodarstw domowych w 2015 r., 2016, GUS, Warszawa.Budżety gospodarstw domowych w 2016 r., 2017, GUS, Warszawa.Budżety gospodarstw domowych w 2017 r., 2018, GUS, Warszawa.Budżety gospodarstw domowych w 2018 r., 2019, GUS, Warszawa.Budżety gospodarstw domowych w 2019 r., 2020, GUS, Warszawa.Emerytury i renty w 2012 r., 2013, GUS, Warszawa.Emerytury i renty w 2019 r., 2020, GUS, Warszawa.Gardocka-Jałowiec A., 2015, Zmiany konsumpcji a kreowanie innowacji, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku, Białystok.Konsumpcja w Polsce w 2011 r., 2020, IBRKiK, Warszawa.Lopes de Castro G., 2008, Consumption, disposable income and liquidity constraints, “Banco de Portugal. Economic Bulletin”, pp. 75-84, https://www.bportugal.pt/sites/ default/files/anexos/papers/ab200607_e.pdf [date of entry: 15.06.2021].Prognoza ludności na lata 2008-2035, 2009, GUS. Departament Badań Statystycznych, Warszawa.Racjonalność konsumpcji i zachowań konsumentów, 2004, Kieżel E. (red.), PWE, Warszawa.Rajan R.G., 2010, Fault lines: how hidden fractures still threaten the world economy, Princeton University Press, Princeton – New York.Solomon M.R., Bamossy G., Askegaard S., Hogg M.K., 2010, Consumer behaviour. A european perspective, Prentice Hall, New York – London.Starzenie się społeczeństwa polskiego i jego skutki, 2011, Opracowania Tematyczne OT-601, Kancelaria Senatu, Warszawa.Sytuacja osób starszych w Polsce w 2019 r., 2021, GUS, Warszawa – Białystok.Zalega T., 2017, Zachowania konsumentów w obliczu kryzysu, [w:] Zachowania konsumentów. Globalizacja, nowe technologie, aktualne trendy, otoczenie społeczno-kulturowe, Bartosik- -Purgat M. (red.), WN PWN, Warszawa.4(106)455