420 research outputs found

    A mathematical model for thermal single-phase flow and reactive transport in fractured porous media

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    In this paper we present a mathematical model and a numerical workflow for the simulation of a thermal single-phase flow with reactive transport in porous media, in the presence of fractures. The latter are thin regions which might behave as high or low permeability channels depending on their physical parameters, and are thus of paramount importance in underground flow problems. Chemical reactions may alter the local properties of the porous media as well as the fracture walls, changing the flow path and possibly occluding some portions of the fractures or zones in the porous media. To solve numerically the coupled problem we propose a temporal splitting scheme so that the equations describing each physical process are solved sequentially. Numerical tests shows the accuracy of the proposed model and the ability to capture complex phenomena, where one or multiple fractures are present

    A multi-layer reduced model for flow in porous media with a fault and surrounding damage zones

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    In this work we present a new conceptual model to describe fluid flow in a porous media system in presence of a large fault. Geological faults are often modeled simply as interfaces in the rock matrix, but they are complex structure where the high strain core is surrounded by the so called damage zones, characterized by the presence of smaller fractures which enhance the permeability of the medium. To obtain reliable simulation outcomes these damage zone, as well as the fault, have to be accurately described. The new model proposed in this work considers both these two regions as lower dimensional and embedded in the rock matrix. The model is presented, analyzed, and tested in several configurations to prove its robustness and ability to capture many important features, such as hight contrast and heterogeneity of permeability

    Performances of the mixed virtual element method on complex grids for underground flow

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    The numerical simulation of physical processes in the underground frequently entails challenges related to the geometry and/or data. The former are mainly due to the shape of sedimentary layers and the presence of fractures and faults, while the latter are connected to the properties of the rock matrix which might vary abruptly in space. The development of approximation schemes has recently focused on the overcoming of such difficulties with the objective of obtaining numerical schemes with good approximation properties. In this work we carry out a numerical study on the performances of the Mixed Virtual Element Method (MVEM) for the solution of a single-phase flow model in fractured porous media. This method is able to handle grid cells of polytopal type and treat hybrid dimensional problems. It has been proven to be robust with respect to the variation of the permeability field and of the shape of the elements. Our numerical experiments focus on two test cases that cover several of the aforementioned critical aspects

    A multi-layer reactive transport model for fractured porous media

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    An accurate modeling of reactive flows in fractured porous media is a key ingredient to obtain reliable numerical simulations of several industrial and environmental applications. For some values of the physical parameters we can observe the formation of a narrow region or layer around the fractures where chemical reactions are focused. Here the transported solute may precipitate and form a salt, or vice-versa. This phenomenon has been observed and reported in real outcrops. By changing its physical properties this layer might substantially alter the global flow response of the system and thus the actual transport of solute: the problem is thus non-linear and fully coupled. The aim of this work is to propose a new mathematical model for reactive flow in fractured porous media, by approximating both the fracture and these surrounding layers via a reduced model. In particular, our main goal is to describe the layer thickness evolution with a new mathematical model, and compare it to a fully resolved equidimensional model for validation. As concerns numerical approximation we extend an operator splitting scheme in time to solve sequentially, at each time step, each physical process thus avoiding the need for a non-linear monolithic solver, which might be challenging due to the non-smoothness of the reaction rate. We consider bi- and tridimensional numerical test cases to asses the accuracy and benefit of the proposed model in realistic scenarios

    A reduced model for Darcy’s problem in networks of fractures

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    Subsurface flows are influenced by the presence of faults and large fractures which act as preferential paths or barriers for the flow. In literature models were proposed to handle fractures in a porous medium as objects of codimension 1. In this work we consider the case of a network of intersecting fractures, with the aim of deriving physically consistent and effective interface conditions to impose at the intersection between fractures. This new model accounts for the angle between fractures at the intersections and allows for jumps of pressure across intersections. This fact permits to describe the flow when fractures are characterized by different properties more accurately with respect to other models that impose pressure continuity. The main mathematical properties of the model, derived in the two-dimensional setting, are analyzed. As concerns the numerical discretization we allow the grids of the fractures to be independent, thus in general non-matching at the intersection, by means of the extended finite element method (XFEM). This increases the flexibility of the method in the case of complex geometries characterized by a high number of fractures

    Comment on \u201cApplication of PK/PD Modeling in Veterinary Field: Dose Optimization and Drug Resistance Prediction\u201d

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    Comment on \u201cApplication of PK/PD Modeling in Veterinary Field: Dose Optimization and Drug Resistance Prediction\u201

    Comment on “Application of PK/PD Modeling in Veterinary Field: Dose Optimization and Drug Resistance Prediction”

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    Comment on “Application of PK/PD Modeling in Veterinary Field: Dose Optimization and Drug Resistance Prediction

    The Mixed Virtual Element Method on curved edges in two dimensions

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    In this work, we propose an extension of the mixed Virtual Element Method (VEM) for bi-dimensional computational grids with curvilinear edge elements. The approximation by means of rectilinear edges of a domain with curvilinear geometrical feature, such as a portion of domain boundary or an internal interface, may introduce a geometrical error that degrades the expected order of convergence of the scheme. In the present work a suitable VEM approximation space is proposed to consistently handle curvilinear geometrical objects, thus recovering optimal convergence rates. The resulting numerical scheme is presented along with its theoretical analysis and several numerical test cases to validate the proposed approach
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