28 research outputs found

    Economic Approach to Counteracting Cartels

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    Horizontal agreements between competitors concerning price fixing, quotas, distribution and/or supply market share – cartels – represent the most severe form of competition law infringement. Why are these agreements subject to the highest fines and, in some countries (USA, Canada, Mexico, UK), subject to both fines as well as imprisonment? What are the economic grounds for such severe punishment? How important is an economic analysis for the results of anti-cartel proceedings considering that they are prohibited per se, that is, absolutely and unconditionally? Does growing market concentration and resulting transparency increase the significance of the economic approach to the evaluation of market effects of the behaviour of business? Which methods make it possible to differentiate cartels from competition in oligopolistic markets including economic and econometric analyses? This paper will present an answer to the aforementioned questions on the basis of literature studies, an analysis of Polish case law between 2000–2009 as well as the author’s extensive experience in the field of antitrust consultancy.cartels, collusions, explicit and tacit collusions, transparent markets, relevant markets, anti-competitive agreements

    A R T I C L E S Economic Approach to Counteracting Cartels

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    Economic Approach to Counteracting Cartels

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    Horizontal agreements between competitors concerning price fixing, quotas, distribution and/or supply market share – cartels – represent the most severe form of competition law infringement. Why are these agreements subject to the highest fines and, in some countries (USA, Canada, Mexico, UK), subject to both fines as well as imprisonment? What are the economic grounds for such severe punishment? How important is an economic analysis for the results of anti-cartel proceedings considering that they are prohibited per se, that is, absolutely and unconditionally? Does growing market concentration and resulting transparency increase the significance of the economic approach to the evaluation of market effects of the behaviour of business? Which methods make it possible to differentiate cartels from competition in oligopolistic markets including economic and econometric analyses? This paper will present an answer to the aforementioned questions on the basis of literature studies, an analysis of Polish case law between 2000–2009 as well as the author’s extensive experience in the field of antitrust consultancy

    Economic Approach to Counteracting Cartels

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    Horizontal agreements between competitors concerning price fixing, quotas, distribution and/or supply market share – cartels – represent the most severe form of competition law infringement. Why are these agreements subject to the highest fines and, in some countries (USA, Canada, Mexico, UK), subject to both fines as well as imprisonment? What are the economic grounds for such severe punishment? How important is an economic analysis for the results of anti-cartel proceedings considering that they are prohibited per se, that is, absolutely and unconditionally? Does growing market concentration and resulting transparency increase the significance of the economic approach to the evaluation of market effects of the behaviour of business? Which methods make it possible to differentiate cartels from competition in oligopolistic markets including economic and econometric analyses? This paper will present an answer to the aforementioned questions on the basis of literature studies, an analysis of Polish case law between 2000–2009 as well as the author’s extensive experience in the field of antitrust consultancy

    Competition protection and Philip Kotler’s strategic recommendations

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    P. Kotler’s recommendations of modern marketing tell managers how to achieve and maintain a dominant market position. Some of the recommended activities may, however, infringe European and Polish competition law. Objections are not raised by market success achieved as a result of high product quality, good customer care, high market shares, continuous product improvements, new product release, entry onto fast growing markets, and exceeding customer expectations. Competition law problems may appear when a given company, having reached a dominant position, starts abusing it by subjugating the market and dictating business conditions to other market players (suppliers, customers, consumers). This article focuses on predatory pricing, strategic alliances, mergers and acquisitions and State aid issues that may arise from the implementation of Kotler’s recommendations. For market success not to transform into a competition law problem, it is worth remembering the limitations imposed by competition law on the actions of dominant companies. The paper outlines these limitations

    Competition protection and Philip Kotler’s strategic recommendations

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    P. Kotler’s recommendations of modern marketing tell managers how to achieve and maintain a dominant market position. Some of the recommended activities may, however, infringe European and Polish competition law. Objections are not raised by market success achieved as a result of high product quality, good customer care, high market shares, continuous product improvements, new product release, entry onto fast growing markets, and exceeding customer expectations. Competition law problems may appear when a given company, having reached a dominant position, starts abusing it by subjugating the market and dictating business conditions to other market players (suppliers, customers, consumers). This article focuses on predatory pricing, strategic alliances, mergers and acquisitions and State aid issues that may arise from the implementation of Kotler’s recommendations. For market success not to transform into a competition law problem, it is worth remembering the limitations imposed by competition law on the actions of dominant companies. The paper outlines these limitations

    Antroponym translation in children's literature - early 20th and 21st centuries. Antroponimų vertimai vaikų literatūroje XX amžiaus pradžioje ir XXI amžiuje

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    Vertimas apima ne tik kalbos sritį, bet ir socialinius, kultūrinius bei ekonominius faktorius. Šio straipsnio tyrimo objektas – vaikų literatūros vertimas iš anglų kalbos į lenkų kalbą dabar ir dvidešimtojo amžiaus pradžioje. Autorė analizuoja antroponimų vertimo būdus, vertindama jų slinktį originalo kalbos link kaip ženklą, jog vaikų literatūros statusas literatūros polisistemoje darosi vis reikšmingesnis, o vaikai yra atviresni kitų kultūrų poveikiui ir geriau pasirengę patirti autentiškas kitos kultūros apraiškas