4 research outputs found
Morbidity and mortality in cats previously heart screened normal regarding feline cardiomyopathy
Felin kardiomyopati Ă€r den vanligaste förekommande hjĂ€rtpatologin hos katt och Ă€r Ă€ven den frĂ€msta orsaken till kardiovaskulĂ€r mortalitet. Flera former av kardiomyopati förekommer, men hypertrofisk kardiomyopati (HCM) och restriktiv kardiomyopati (RCM) har visats vara de mest frekvent förekommande. DĂ„ Ă€rftlighet för HCM pĂ„visades hos maine coon-katter, initierade en svensk rasklubb tillsammans med PawPeds ett screeningprogram mot HCM hos katt Ă„r 2004. Vid screeningen hjĂ€rtauskulteras och hjĂ€rtultraljudas katten, varefter katten klassificeras som âfriskâ, âgrĂ€nsfall (equivocal)â avseende kardiomyopati eller som affekterad med HCM (graderad mild-mĂ„ttlig-kraftig), RCM, eller med âannan diagnosâ. DjurĂ€garen rekommenderas sedan uppföljande hjĂ€rtscreeningar oavsett resultat. Ingen uppföljande studie avseende morbiditet och mortalitet finns publicerad i dagslĂ€get rörande de screenade katterna.
Studiens syfte var att studera morbiditet och mortalitet hos nordiska katter som klassificerats som âfriskaâ, âgrĂ€nsfallâ avseende felin kardiomyopati eller med âannan diagnosâ i PawPeds hĂ€lsoprogram.
Studien var retrospektiv och inkluderade katter som screenats under perioden 1 januari 2004 till 31 december 2015 i Norden. EnkĂ€ter skickades ut till djurĂ€gare för totalt 11 123 katter, och 1342 svar erhölls. Svarsfrekvensen för enkĂ€ten var cirka 10 % för den totala populationen screenade katter i PawPeds hĂ€lsoprogram under studieperioden och 11 % för utskickade enkĂ€ter. I den aktuella studien inkluderades totalt 1071 katter, varav 1011 var klassificerade som âfriskaâ, 48 katter som âgrĂ€nsfallâ och tolv katter med âannan diagnosâ.
Studiens resultat visar att Ă€ven katter klassificerade âfriskaâ, âgrĂ€nsfallâ eller med âannan diagnosâ vid avelsscreening riskerar att utveckla och avlida till följd av kardiomyopati. Andelen katter som utvecklade kardiomyopati efter screening i den studerade populationen var 3,6 % för katter klassificerade som âfriskaâ, 18,8 % för katter klassificerade som âgrĂ€nsfallâ, och 8,3 % för katter klassificerade med âannan diagnosâ. Av katterna klassificerade som âfriskaâ som senare utvecklade hjĂ€rtsjukdom var 65,9 % endast screenade vid ett tillfĂ€lle, motsvarande siffra för katter klassificerade som âgrĂ€nsfallâ var 44,4 %. För bĂ„de friscreenade och grĂ€nsfallskatter visades vĂ€rdet av att screena katterna vid upprepade tillfĂ€llen, dĂ„ medianĂ„ldern vid utveckling av kardiomyopati var 4,5 respektive 3,0 Ă„r. Hankatter fanns vara predisponerade för utveckling av kardiomyopati. BetrĂ€ffande morbiditet var tand- och ledsjukdomar de tvĂ„ frĂ€msta rapporterade sjukdomskategorierna hos katter klassificerade âfriskaâ eller âgrĂ€nsfallâ. Majoriteten (87 %) av de friscreenade katterna som utvecklade hjĂ€rtsjukdom rapporterades avlida till följd av sin hjĂ€rtsjukdom. De fem vanligaste dödsorsakerna för katter klassificerade som âfriskaâ var njursjukdom (17 %), tumörsjukdom (16 %), infektionssjukdom (12 %), hjĂ€rtsjukdom (10 %) och trauma/olycka (5 %). För katter klassificerade âgrĂ€nsfallâ var njursjukdom (15 %) och ledsjukdom (15 %) de vanligaste dödsorsakerna. Inga tydliga samband mellan klassificeringen âannan diagnosâ och morbiditet eller mortalitet kunde ses i studien.
Studiens huvudfynd var att katter ur samtliga screeninggrupper utvecklade kardiomyopati med en medianĂ„lder â„3 Ă„r. Resultatet stĂ€rker dagens rekommendation om uppföljande screeningtillfĂ€llen för att identifiera de katter med en sen utveckling av kardiomyopati.Feline cardiomyopathy is the most common heart pathology in cats and also the largest contributor to cardiovascular mortality. Several different forms of cardiomyopathies are recognised in cats, with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) and restrictive cardiomyopathy (RCM) being the most common ones. As a result of HCM being reported as hereditary in Maine Coon cats, a Swedish breed club initiated a screening program against HCM together with PawPeds in 2004. The screening consists of a heart auscultation and a heart echocardiographic examination of the cat, after which the cat is classified as ânormalâ, âequivocalâ, âHCM (graded mild-moderate-severe)â, âRCMâ or âotherâ. The cat is recommended follow up heart screenings, regardless of the screen result. There is no currently published follow-up study regarding morbidity and mortality in screened cats.
The purpose of the study was to examine the morbidity and the mortality in Nordic cats previously classified as ânormalâ, âequivocalâ regarding feline cardiomyopathy or âotherâ in the PawPeds health programme.
The study was retrospective and included cats screened under the period of 1st of January 2004 to 31th of December 2015 in any Nordic country. A questionnaire was sent to a total of 11 123 cat owners, with 1342 responses obtained. This results in an answer frequency of 10% for all of the screened cats in PawPeds health programme during the study period, and an answer frequency of 11% for the questionnaires. A total of 1071 cats were included in the present study, 1011 were classified as ânormalâ, 48 cats as âequivocalâ and 12 cats as âotherâ.
The study showed that even cats classified as ânormalâ, âequivocalâ or âotherâ in the screening programme are at risk of developing and die due to cardiomyopathy. In cats classified as ânormalâ, the proportions of cats that developed cardiomyopathy after screening were 3,6%, in the âequivocalâ cats 18,8%, and 8,3% in cats classified as âotherâ. The study showed the importance of follow up screening of cats both for those classified as ânormalâ and âequivocalâ, as the median age for developing cardiomyopathy were 4,5 and 3,0 years respectively. A total of 65,9% of the cats screened ânormalâ were only screened once, for the âequivocalâ cats the same number was 44,4%. A predisposition for cardiomyopathy in males was observed. Regarding morbidity, dental and joint diseases were the most frequent disease categories in the ânormalâ and âequivocalâ group. The majority (87%) of cats with heart disease in the ânormalâ screening group were reported to die due to their heart disease. The five most common causes of death in cats classified as ânormalâ were kidney disease (17%), neoplastic disease (16%), infectious disease (12%), heart disease (10%) and trauma/accident (5%). The most common causes of death in cats classified as âequivocalâ were kidney disease (15%) and joint disease (15%). No pattern regarding morbidity or mortality between the classification could be identified in cats classified as âotherâ.
The main finding of the study was that a proportion cats in all screening groups developed cardiomyopathy at a median age of â„3,0 years. This result is in agreement with the current recommendation of follow up screening in cats to identify cats with a late onset of cardiomyopathy
Torasemide in heart failure treatment
HjÀrtsvikt Àr ett tillstÄnd dÄ hjÀrtfunktionen försÀmrats och cirkulationen inte förser kroppens alla organ med tillrÀckligt stort blodflöde. Vid hjÀrtsviktsbehandling Àr loopdiuretika viktigt för att behandla ödem dÄ det verkar vÀtskedrivande. Torasemid Àr ett loopdiuretika som har visats vara effektivt och bra tolererat. I flera studier har effekterna jÀmförts mellan torasemid och furosemid varvid mÄnga betydelsefulla och förmÄnliga effekter har observerats för torasemid. Syftet med litteraturstudien var att ta reda pÄ om torasemid kan vara ett bÀttre alternativ till furosemid vid hjÀrtsviktsbehandling, om torasemid bör kombineras med spironolakton, om furosemid borde sluta anvÀndas och varför torasemid inte anvÀnds i större utstrÀckning vid hjÀrtsviktsbehandling.
Slutsatsen av litteraturstudien Àr att torasemid borde anvÀndas istÀllet för furosemid vid behandling av hjÀrtsvikt, vilket grundas pÄ de fördelar som har redovisats i genomförda studier. Fördelar som har setts för torasemid Àr förbÀttring av New York Heart Association-klass, tillbakabildning av fibros i myokardiet, lÀgre totalmortalitet, lÀgre hjÀrtrelaterad mortalitet och en effekt Àven dÄ patienten har utvecklat diuretikaresistens mot furosemid. Detta Àr betydande fördelar som talar för att torasemid ska vara förstahandsvalet vid val av loopdiuretika vid hjÀrtsviktsbehandling. NÄgra biverkningar eller nackdelar har dessutom inte dokumenterats för torasemid som gör att lÀkemedlet skiljer sig frÄn furosemid. Att sluta anvÀnda furosemid vore dock inte lÀmpligt, eftersom det har snabb effekt vid akut hjÀrtsviktsbehandling, men det borde inte lÀngre tillhöra förstahandsvalet av loopdiuretika vid lÄngtidsbehandling. Det Àr dock ett bra alternativ till torasemid vid överkÀnslighet eller andra kontraindikationer. Varför torasemid inte anvÀnds mer vid hjÀrtsviktsbehandling Àr troligen beroende av att dess gynnsamma effekter inte Àr kÀnda bland förskrivare av lÀkemedel, och för att furosemid vÀljs slentrianmÀssigt utan vidare eftertanke pÄ alternativ.
Spironolakton Àr en aldosteronantagonist som Àr viktig vid hjÀrtsviktsbehandling eftersom aldosteron spelar stor roll för hjÀrtats patofysiologi. En kombination av torasemid med spironolakton Àr att rekommendera, eftersom studier tydligt visar att torasemid och spironolakton inte har samma effekter. Effekten av spironolakton Àr viktig eftersom den ger minskad mortalitet och ingÄr dÀrför i dagens standardbehandling vid hjÀrtsvikt.
UtifrĂ„n alla dessa aspekter borde valet av loopdiuretika beaktas vid hjĂ€rtsviktsbehandling, och kunskapen om torasemids förmĂ„nliga effekter spridas.Congestive heart failure is a condition where the heart function is impaired and the circulation does not provide enough blood flow to the organs. Loop diuretics are important in the treatment of heart failure, due to its ability to treat the edema with the diuretic effects. Torasemide is a loop diuretic that has been proven to be effective and well tolerated. Many studies have compared the effects between torasemide and furosemide, in which important and beneficial effects have been observed for torasemide. The studyâs intention was to find out if torasemide was a better alternative to furosemide in heart failure treatment, if torasemide should be combined with spironolactone, if furosemide shouldnât be used anymore, and why torasemide is not used in a larger extent in the treatment of heart failure.
The studyâs conclusion is that torasemide should be used instead of furosemide in heart failure treatment. This is based on the benefits that have been seen in performed studies. The beneficial effects for torasemide that have been seen are an improvement in New York Heart Association-class, lower degree of fibrosis in the cardiac muscle cell, lower overall mortality, lower cardiac mortality and an effect on patients who have developed diuretic resistance to furosemide. These are advantages that are significant, and suggests that torasemide should be the first choice of loop diuretics in the treatment of heart failure. Disadvantages or side effects seen for torasemide are not distinguished from those seen for furosemide. The usage of furosemide should not be stopped, because of its rapid onset of action in acute heart failure treatment, but furosemide should not be the first choice of loop diuretics in long term treatment. It is a good alternative to torasemide and can be used in the case of hypersensitivity for torasemide or other contraindications. The reason why the usage of torasemide is not more widespread is likely due to lack of knowledge of torasemidâs beneficial effects for prescribing doctors. It is also likely due to routine-like selection of furosemide without further thought of available alternatives.
Spironolactone is an aldosterone antagonist and is important in the heart failure treatment, since aldosterone is involved in the pathophysiology of the heart. A combination of torasemide and spironolactone is recommended, as studies clearly shows that the effects are not the same for torasemide and spironolactone. The effect of spironolactone is important as it has been proven to reduce mortality and therefore belongs to the current heart failure standard therapy.
Based on all of these aspects, the choice of loop diuretics should be considered in the treatment of heart failure, and the knowledge of torasemideâs beneficial effects compared to furosemid, should be addressed
A Questionnaire Survey on Long-Term Outcomes in Cats Breed-Screened for Feline Cardiomyopathy
Simple Summary Feline cardiomyopathy (FCM) is a serious, potentially fatal disease in cats. There is an international screening program that aims to identify pedigree cats affected with FCM, as the disease is believed to be inherited in some cat families. Using a self-reporting questionnaire, this study explored the long-term outcomes of cats breed-screened for FCM. We found that approximately 9.3% of the cats developed FCM at some time-point of which approximately 50% were diagnosed within the screening program and 50% of these cats at the first breed-screen occasion. For cats that did develop FCM, there was a significantly higher risk for a cardiac related death and also a shorter time to all-cause mortality, compared to cats that did not develop FCM. Frequency and types of non-cardiac disease were similar in all screen classification groups. The large proportion of cats that did develop FCM later in life, despite normal previous screen results, underscores the value of repeated breed-screenings later in life to identify cats that develop FCM. Feline cardiomyopathy (FCM) is an important contributor to feline morbidity and mortality. This explorative follow-up questionnaire study was aimed at investigating the long-term outcome in cats breed-screened for FCM (BS-FCM) in three Nordic countries. Records of cats with >= 1 BS-FCM between 2004-2015 were included. Of the 1113 included cats, 104/1113 (9.3%) had developed FCM at some time-point. Fifty-nine of the 104 (56.7%) FCM cats were diagnosed within the screening program (Screen(FCM)), and 33/59 (55.9%) of these were diagnosed at the first BS-FCM. Screen(FCM) cats or with an owner-reported FCM diagnosis at a later time-point had a higher risk of cardiac-related death compared to cats that never developed FCM. A shorter lifespan was found in Screen(FCM) cats compared to those with normal screen results (p < 0.001). Times to all-cause mortality were shorter (p < 0.001) in cats that developed FCM at any time-point compared to those that did not. Non-cardiac morbidities were similar in all screen classification groups. The large proportion of cats that developed FCM at a later time-point underscores the need for repeated screenings later in life. Cats that developed FCM at any time-point had a shorter lifespan, with a similar proportion and in line with the nature of non-cardiac morbidities, compared to those without FCM
A Questionnaire Survey on Long-Term Outcomes in Cats Breed-Screened for Feline Cardiomyopathy
Feline cardiomyopathy (FCM) is an important contributor to feline morbidity and mortality. This explorative follow-up questionnaire study was aimed at investigating the long-term outcome in cats breed-screened for FCM (BS-FCM) in three Nordic countries. Records of cats with ≥1 BS-FCM between 2004–2015 were included. Of the 1113 included cats, 104/1113 (9.3%) had developed FCM at some time-point. Fifty-nine of the 104 (56.7%) FCM cats were diagnosed within the screening program (ScreenFCM), and 33/59 (55.9%) of these were diagnosed at the first BS-FCM. ScreenFCM cats or with an owner-reported FCM diagnosis at a later time-point had a higher risk of cardiac-related death compared to cats that never developed FCM. A shorter lifespan was found in ScreenFCM cats compared to those with normal screen results (p < 0.001). Times to all-cause mortality were shorter (p < 0.001) in cats that developed FCM at any time-point compared to those that did not. Non-cardiac morbidities were similar in all screen classification groups. The large proportion of cats that developed FCM at a later time-point underscores the need for repeated screenings later in life. Cats that developed FCM at any time-point had a shorter lifespan, with a similar proportion and in line with the nature of non-cardiac morbidities, compared to those without FCM