1 research outputs found

    Additional file 2: Figure S2. of Thioester-containing proteins regulate the Toll pathway and play a role in Drosophila defence against microbial pathogens and parasitoid wasps

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    A. Survival of TEPq Δ flies to septic injury with B. bassiana. This TEPq Δ fly line was generated by directly recombining previously described mutations affecting TEP1, TEP2,3 and TEP4 without any backcross into the w 1118 genetic background. Male flies were pricked in the thorax with a needle dipped in a concentrated fungal spore suspension. Despite their distinct genetic background, TEPq Δ flies were more susceptible to infection than wild-type flies from two different backgrounds (w 1118 and OregonR) (P < 0.001 for both TEPq Δ compared to w 1118 and TEPq Δ compared to OregonR (Or) flies. B. Survival of individual TEP mutants, double TEP mutants and the TEPq Δ flies (all in the w 1118 genetic background) to natural infection with B. bassiana. Male flies were covered with spores. The TEP1 Δ , TEP1,4 Δ , TEP2,3 Δ and TEPq Δ showed statistically significantly higher susceptibility than the control w 1118 flies. Data were analysed by log-rank test. Shown are representative experiments of two independent repeats. x-axis: time post-infection in days; y-axis: percentage of living flies. (PDF 420 kb