16 research outputs found

    Baby Dragon (1952)

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    Moorhead Campus Schoolhttps://red.mnstate.edu/baby_dragon_yearbooks/1003/thumbnail.jp

    Virtual reconstruction of the medieval castle in Prudnik

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    Powyższy artykuł ma na celu przedstawienie podstaw źródłowych oraz badawczych, na bazie których opracowano wirtualną rekonstrukcję zamku w Prudniku z przełomu czasów średniowiecza i wczesnej nowożytności. Powstały model jest wzorcem do stworzenia makiety. Ma ona dać wyobrażenie o całości zabudowań zamkowych, z których do dziś przetrwała tylko wieża. W rozważaniach prowadzących do odtworzenia przestrzennej formy architektonicznej autorki korzystają przede wszystkim z najstarszego znanego źródła ikonograficznego – rysunku Friedricha Bernharda Wernera ukazującego zamek od strony północnego wschodu. Istotne w odtworzeniu wizerunku obiektu były także wyniki badań wykopaliskowych przeprowadzonych na terenie nieistniejących zabudowań. Zachowana wieża zamkowa pozwoliła przybliżyć pionowy wymiar założenia. W artykule omówiono także historię i lokalizację obiektu.The purpose of the article was to show the source and research basics, upon which the virtual reconstruction of Prudnik’s castle, from the turn of Middle Ages and early modern age, was based. The design can be used as a base for a model, which presents the full scope of the castle’s buildings, from which only the tower still exists. To restore the architectural, spatial form, the authors used primarily the oldest, known iconographic source – Friedrich Bernhard Wernher’s drawing, showing the castle from the northeastern side. Restoration of the image was also possible due to excavation research, which took place on the site of the no longer existing buildings. In addition, the preserved tower helped to estimate the vertical dimension of the object. The history and location of the castle in Prudnik was also covered in the article

    Fortyfikacje bastejowe zamku Grodno w Zagórzu Śląskim

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    The article presents the roundel bastion fortifications of Grodno Castle in Zagórze Śląskie in detail. It also describes subsequent stages of their extensions, including the previously unknown phase of fortifications of the outer bailey (the so-called middle castle), dated to around 1500, when a fence with two cylindrical towers, the first gatehouse, and a stable building were built. The largest transformations were connected with the construction activity of the von Logau family, which in 1547 came into possession of the castle and made its renaissance reconstruction as well as its extension by the lower part of the outer bailey. Other significant changes took place in the 19th19^{th} century when the castle was saved from complete demolition and adapted for visiting by tourists. These actions influenced, inter alia, the appearance of its fortifications and surroundings. The text presents the stages of the roundel bastion perimeter construction. There are also references to the traces of its nonexistent elements. Building material such as brick formats and the type of mortar were observed. In the course of analyses, technologies of terrestrial and aerial photogrammetry were used, which made it possible to develop virtual models of the researched objects. On the basis of the data obtained from laser aerial scanning, a visualization of the terrain model around the castle was developed. Thanks to digital models, information, which was hardly legible during architectural research using traditional methods, was obtained. The authors express the need for further studies, in particular archaeological ones, which would allow discovering these relics of the castle which are still hidden.W artykule szczegółowo przedstawiono fortyfikacje bastejowe zamku Grodno w Zagórzu Śląskim. Opisano kolejne etapy ich rozbudowy, w tym nieznaną wcześniej fazę obwarowań podzamcza (tzw. zamku średniego), datowaną na około 1500 r., kiedy to powstał parkan z dwiema cylindrycznymi basztami i pierwszym domem bramnym oraz budynkiem stajni. Największe przekształcenia powiązano z działalnością budowlaną rodziny von Logau, która w 1547 r. weszła w posiadanie zamku i dokonała jego renesansowej przebudowy i rozbudowy o dolny człon podzamcza. Kolejne istotne zmiany miały miejsce w XIX w., kiedy to zamek został uratowany przed całkowitą rozbiórką i przystosowany do zwiedzania przez turystów. Działania te wpłynęły m.in. na wygląd jego obwarowań i otoczenia. W tekście przedstawiono etapy powstania obwodu bastejowego. Odniesiono się również do śladów po nieistniejących jego elementach. Poddano obserwacji materiał budowlany, jak formaty cegieł i rodzaj zaprawy. W toku analiz wykorzystano technologie fotogrametrii naziemnej i lotniczej pozwalających na opracowanie wirtualnych modeli badanych obiektów. Na podstawie danych pozyskanych z lotniczego skanowania laserowego opracowano wizualizację modelu terenu wokół zamku. Dzięki cyfrowym modelom uzyskano informacje, które nie były czytelne w trakcie prowadzenia badań architektonicznych tradycyjnymi metodami. Autorzy wyrażają potrzebę przeprowadzenia dalszych badań, w szczególności archeologicznych, które pozwoliłyby na rozpoznanie niewidocznych reliktów zamku

    MicroRNA expression and oxidative stress markers in pectoral muscle of broiler chickens fed diets supplemented with phytobiotics composition

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    Abstract Phytobiotic compositions are commercially used in broiler production, mostly to improve general health and the production parameters. Moreover, some of their active substances may change the expression of miRNA in different tissues. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of the phytobiotic composition (PBC) containing white mustard, calamus, turmeric, and common ivy on production parameters, oxidative stress markers and expression of selected miRNAs in pectoral muscle of broiler chickens. The experiment was performed on broiler chickens fed the control diet (without PBC), and a diet supplemented with 60 or 100 mg/kg of PBC for 35 days. After the experiment, samples (blood and muscle) were collected for analyses. The analyzed production parameters included: feed conversion ratio, feed intake and body weight. There was no effect on growth performance of broiler chickens but feeding diet supplemented with 60 mg/kg phytobiotics significantly increased the expression of miR-30a-5p, miR-181a-5p, and miR-206, and decreased that of miR-99a-5p, miR-133a-5p, miR-142-5p, and miR-222 in pectoral muscle of chickens. The addition of 100 mg/kg phytobiotics significantly increased miR-99a-5p and miR-181a-5p expression, and caused down-regulation of the expression of miR-26a-5p and miR-30a-5p. Chickens fed diet supplemented with 100 mg/kg PBC had lower level of lipid peroxidation products in blood, while in the muscle tissue it was higher in birds fed a diet with the addition of 60 mg/kg as compared to the control group. The results suggest that this unique composition of phytobiotics does not affect productive traits but can change expression of miRNAs that are crucial for muscle physiology and pathology in broiler chickens. This additive may also protect against the oxidative stress but the effect is dose dependent

    Czy lipidogram oznaczony do 72 godziny od przyjęcia do szpitala z powodu objawów ostrego zespołu wieńcowego jest jeszcze wiarygodny?

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    Background: Serum concentration of lipids and lipoproteins changes during the course of acute coronary syndrome (ACS). Total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol levels decrease. Also HDL-cholesterol and triglyceride levels are not stable. Therefore, it has been suggested that reliable assessment of lipid profile can be performed either during the first 24 hours or after 6 weeks or even 3 months from the onset of ACS.Aim: To examine whether lipid parameters remain stable during the first 72 hours of hospitalisation due to ACS.Methods: The study group consisted of 84 patients, aged 30-88 years, hospitalised due to ACS, of whom 90% underwent primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). In all patients lipid profile was assessed twice. The first measurement was performed as soon as possible, within 24 hours from hospital admission. The second measurement was obtained within 24 hours from the first sample (group I, n=42), between 24 and 48 hours (group II, n=28), or between 48 and 72 hours (group III, n=15) from the first measurement. Lipid parameters obtained from the first measurement were compared with those obtained during the second assessment.Results: There were no significant differences between lipid parameters measured during the first and second measurement within all three investigated groups nor were there any significant inter-group differences.Conclusions: Lipid profile assessed within 72 hours from the hospital admission due to ACS is as valid as the measurement performed within the first 24 hours

    Effect of β-hydroxy-β-methylbutyrate on miRNA expression in differentiating equine satellite cells exposed to hydrogen peroxide

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    Abstract Background Skeletal muscle injury activates satellite cells to initiate processes of proliferation, differentiation, and hypertrophy in order to regenerate muscle fibers. The number of microRNAs and their target genes are engaged in satellite cell activation. β-Hydroxy-β-methylbutyrate (HMB) is known to prevent exercise-induced muscle damage. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of HMB on miRNA and relevant target gene expression in differentiating equine satellite cells exposed to H2O2. We hypothesized that HMB may regulate satellite cell activity, proliferation, and differentiation, hence attenuate the pathological processes induced during an in vitro model of H2O2-related injury by changing the expression of miRNAs. Methods Equine satellite cells (ESC) were isolated from the samples of skeletal muscle collected from young horses. ESC were treated with HMB (24 h) and then exposed to H2O2 (1 h). For the microRNA and gene expression assessment microarrays, technique was used. Identified miRNAs and genes were validated using real-time qPCR. Cell viability, oxidative stress, and cell damage were measured using colorimetric method and flow cytometry. Results Analysis of miRNA and gene profile in differentiating ESC pre-incubated with HMB and then exposed to H2O2 revealed difference in the expression of 27 miRNAs and 4740 genes, of which 344 were potential target genes for identified miRNAs. Special attention was focused on differentially expressed miRNAs and their target genes involved in processes related to skeletal muscle injury. Western blot analysis showed protein protection in HMB-pre-treated group compared to control. The viability test confirmed that HMB enhanced cell survival after the hydrogen peroxide exposition. Conclusions Our results suggest that ESC pre-incubated with HMB and exposed to H2O2 could affect expression on miRNA levels responsible for skeletal muscle development, cell proliferation and differentiation, and activation of tissue repair after injury. Enrichment analyses for targeted genes revealed that a large group of genes was associated with the regulation of signaling pathways crucial for muscle tissue development, protein metabolism, muscle injury, and regeneration, as well as with oxidative stress response

    Simultaneous miRNA and mRNA Transcriptome Profiling of Differentiating Equine Satellite Cells Treated with Gamma-Oryzanol and Exposed to Hydrogen Peroxide

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    Gamma-oryzanol (GO) is a popular supplement for performance horses, dogs, and humans. Previous studies indicated that GO supplementation decreases creatine kinase activity and lactate level after exercise and may affect oxidative stress in Thoroughbred horses. GO may change genes expression in equine satellite cells (ESC). The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of GO on miRNA, gene expression, oxidative stress, and cell damage and viability in differentiating ESC pretreated with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). ESCs were obtained from a young horse’s skeletal muscle. ESCs were pre-incubated with GO (24 h) and then exposed to H2O2 for one hour. For the microRNA and gene expression assessment, the microarray technique was used. Identified miRNAs and genes were validated using real time-quantitative polymerase chain reaction. Several tests related to cell viability, cell damage, and oxidative stress were performed. The microarray analysis revealed differences in 17 miRNAs and 202 genes between GO-treated and control ESC. The tests related to apoptosis, cell viability, and oxidative stress showed that GO affects these processes to varying degrees. Our results suggest that GO can change miRNA and gene expression and may impact the processes involved in tissue repairing after an injury


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    Abstract: In the reaction of (2,4-dioxothiazolidin-5-yl)acetyl chloride with 1,2,4-triazole, 4-phenyl-1,2,4-triazolin-5-one and 4-phenyl-1,2,4-triazolin-5-thione, the new corresponding amides (2-4) were obtained. For compounds 2 and 4 effects on central nervous system (CNS) of mice were studied

    Stemness properties of SSEA-4+ subpopulation isolated from heterogenous Wharton’s jelly mesenchymal stem/stromal cells

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    Background: High heterogeneity of mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (MSCs) due to different degrees of differentiation of cell subpopulations poses a considerable challenge in preclinical studies. The cells at a pluripotent-like stage represent a stem cell population of interest for many researchers worldwide, which is worthy of identification, isolation, and functional characterization. In the current study, we asked whether Wharton’s jelly-derived MSCs (WJ-MSCs) which express stage-specific embryonic antigen-4 (SSEA-4) can be considered as a pluripotent-like stem cell population.Methods: SSEA-4 expression in different culture conditions was compared and the efficiency of two cell separation methods were assessed: Magnetic Activated Cell Sorting (MACS) and Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorting (FACS). After isolation, SSEA-4+ cells were analyzed for the following parameters: the maintenance of the SSEA-4 antigen expression after cell sorting, stem cell-related gene expression, proliferation potential, clonogenicity, secretome profiling, and the ability to form spheres under 3D culture conditions.Results: FACS allowed for the enrichment of SSEA-4+ cell content in the population that lasted for six passages after sorting. Despite the elevated expression of stemness-related genes, SSEA-4+ cells neither differed in their proliferation and clonogenicity potential from initial and negative populations nor exhibited pluripotent differentiation repertoire. SSEA-4+ cells were observed to form smaller spheroids and exhibited increased survival under 3D conditions.Conclusion: Despite the transient expression of stemness-related genes, our findings could not fully confirm the undifferentiated pluripotent-like nature of the SSEA-4+ WJ-MSC population cultured in vitro