28 research outputs found

    Anthropogenic sources of fluorine – the impact on the environment and human health – a literature review

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    Fluorine is an extremely chemically active element, which has a considerable impact on the entire ecosystem. Its influence may be both beneficial and harmful. This paper describes the biological significance of fluorine. It points out the sources of fluorine in the environment, paying particular attention to the part played by chemical plants producing phosphoric acid and phosphate fertilizers. The article contains the results of selected research, carried out on the area of impact of Zakłady Chemiczne "Police" S.A, concerning the following items: the monitoring of air and rainwater pollution by fluorine compounds, as well as the impact of fluorine and its compounds on plants, animals and human beings. The article also presents the effects posed by excess supply of this element

    Etiology and diagnosis of dentine hypersensitivity – a literature review

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    Along with caries dentine hypersensitivity is a frequent ailment, which makes patients see the dentist. They are forced to do it because of sharp, shooting pain of mild or moderate intensity, which appears as a result of thermal, chemical, dehydrative, osmotic or mechanical stimuli. The study is based on the latest literature and it presents the causes and diagnostics of dentine hypersensitivity. The ailment has a multi-factor aetiology. Patients suffering from periodontal diseases are particularly predisposed to dentine hypersensitivity. The diagnostics of the ailment uses both the patient’s subjective feelings in response to stimuli and clinical examination with the application of objective methods. In order to develop a full therapy plan it is necessary to make an appropriate diagnosis and specify aetiological factors

    The role of adiponectin and leptin in the treatment of ovarian cancer patients

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    Introduction: Ovarian cancer is most frequently detected in the advanced stage. Although its pathogenesis is not fully elucidated, it is assumed that body susceptibility and hormonal disorders are responsible. The role of some cytokines as predictors in the treatment process is still investigated. The aim of the study was to determine the relationship of adiponectin and leptin with the disease severity and response to chemotherapy. Material and methods: Forty-three ovarian cancer patients were treated by systemic treatment. Patients received 5–7 cycles of chemotherapy — paclitaxel/carboplatin with or without bevacizumab. Using standard ELISA kits before and after chemotherapy, adiponectin and leptin concentrations were determined in the blood serum. Results: The average adiponectin concentration before chemotherapy was found to be 8.83 ± 3.19 μg/ml, as compared to 10.37 ± 4.18 μg/ml (increase by 17.44%, p < 0.001) after treatment. Mean pre-treatment leptin concentration was 16.89 ± 15.54 ng/ml, and 21.77 ± 14.69 ng/ml after chemotherapy (increase by 28.89%, p < 0.01). A positive correlation was found between leptin concentration and age and BMI. There was no relationship of the disease severity with the response to treatment and the concentration of the adipokines. The leptin/adiponectin ratio (L/A) before treatment correlated with better response to chemotherapy. Conclusions: Adiponectin and leptin did not correlate with the stage of ovarian cancer and response to chemotherapy. The L/A ratio may be considered a predictor of clinical response to treatment

    The Effects of Using Sulfur and Organic Bedding on the Content of Macro- and Micronutrients and Biologically Active Substances in Winter Garlic Bulbs

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    Sulfur (S) directly influences the proper development, yield, and biological value of Allium sativum. The sulfuric forms of S are easily leached from the soil due to poor sorption. In this context, we looked at to what extent application of S and biomass of catch crops (CCs) left until spring would cause an increase in the yield; we also looked at the macro- and micronutrient content of garlic plants. The experimental factors included applications of 0 and 20 kg ha−1 S to CCs consisting of Trifolium alexandrinum, Raphamus sativus var. oleiformis, Fagopyrum esculentum, Sinapis alba, and control. The bulbs contained more dry matter and macro- and micronutrients (N, P, K, S, Zn, and Fe) than those without S. Garlic plants cultivated with S accumulated more glutathione and total phenolic acids (TPA), and the extracts showed greater antioxidant activity (AA) than those cultivated without S. In 2019 and 2020, the cultivation of winter garlic with S, in combination with clover contributed to an increase in the content of dry matter, S, TPA, AA in bulbs. In the cultivation with fodder radish garlic plants accumulated more nitrogen (N), S, TPA, AA and glutathione in bulbs. In those cultivated with buckwheat, garlic contained more TPA, AA, glutathione, and with mustard more TPA and AA. However, further research is needed to select the species of CC and to determine the S dose to be applied in the effective biofortification of garlic in a sustainable agriculture system

    Wartość prognostyczna neurotropowego czynnika wzrostu (BDNF) u pacjentów z rakiem jelita grubego w trakcie chemioterapii

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    INTRODUCTION: The brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is a protein belonging to neurotrophins that plays a key role in the proper development and functioning of the mammalian central nervous system. Previous studies have focused on assessment of the BDNF concentration in blood serum as a potential biomarker in neurological disorders. Recently, the BDNF signalling pathway has been recognised as a potential target for anticancer drugs, while its receptor (TrkB) as an oncogene in colorectal cancer cells. Despite the significant role in carcinogenesis, there are few studies on BDNF as a biomarker in colorectal cancer. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study included 25 patients with clinically and histopathologically confirmed colorectal cancer, who were qualified for treatment. Prior to the first administration of chemotherapy, venous blood samples were collected from the patients and the biochemical parameters routinely determined prior to treatment were evaluated. Additionally, the serum BDNF concentration was determined by the immunoenzymatic method in all the patients. RESULTS: The serum BDNF concentration in patients was 50.24 ± 23.37 ng/ml. The BDNF concentration did not differ significantly between women and men. A negative correlation was found between the BDNF and CRP concentration and the BDNF and LDH concentration. The BDNF levels were significantly higher in patients who underwent primary tumour resection before chemotherapy. There was no correlation between the BDNF concentration and age, gender, BMI, CEA marker and liver enzymes in patients with colorectal cancer. There was no correlation between the BDNF concentration and clinical response to the treatment. CONCLUSIONS: BDNF cannot be considered as a prognostic factor in patients with colorectal cancer.WSTĘP: Neurotropowy czynnik pochodzenia mózgowego (Brain-Derived Neutortophic Factor – BDNF) jest białkiem należącym do rodziny neurotrofin, które odgrywa kluczową rolę w prawidłowym rozwoju i funkcjonowaniu ośrodkowego układu nerwowego ssaków. Dotychczasowe badania dotyczyły głównie oceny stężenia BDNF w surowicy krwi, jako potencjalnego biomarkera w schorzeniach neurologicznych. Ostatnio ścieżka sygnałowa BDNF uznana została za potencjalne miejsce uchwytu leków przeciwnowotworowych, a jego receptor (TrkB) za onkogen w komórkach raka jelita grubego. Pomimo znaczącej roli w nowotworzeniu, niewiele jest prac dotyczących BDNF jako biomarkera w raku jelita grubego. MATERIAŁ I METODY: Badaniem objęto grupę 25 osób z potwierdzonym klinicznie i histopatologicznie rakiem jelita grubego, którzy zostali zakwalifikowani do leczenia. Przed pierwszorazowym podaniem chemioterapii od pacjentów pobrano próbki krwi żylnej i dokonano oceny parametrów biochemicznych oznaczanych rutynowo przed leczeniem. Dodatkowo metodą immunoenzymatyczną oznaczono stężenia BDNF w surowicy krwi wszystkich badanych pacjentów. WYNIKI: Stężenie BDNF w surowicy pacjentów wyniosło 50,24 ± 23,37 ng/ml i nie różniło się istotnie pomiędzy kobietami i mężczyznami. Stwierdzono ujemną korelację między stężeniem BDNF i CRP oraz BDNF i LDH. Stężenie BDNF było znamiennie wyższe u chorych, którzy przed chemioterapią byli poddani resekcji guza pierwotnego. Nie wykazano zależności pomiędzy stężeniem BDNF a wiekiem, płcią, wskaźnikiem BMI, markerem CEA oraz enzymami wskaźnikowymi wątroby u pacjentów z RJG. Nie zaobserwowano zależności pomiędzy stężeniem BDNF a odpowiedzią kliniczną na zastosowane leczenie. wnioski: BDNF nie może być uznany za czynnik prognostyczny u chorych z rakiem jelita grubego