71 research outputs found

    Odpowiedzialność za przyrodę a geocentryzm Richarda Dawkinsa

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    Through the indication and criticism of unacceptable consequences that follow the concept of genocentrism, as propagated by Dawkins, the author has endeavoured to show that it cannot be regarded as a justified paradigm of understanding the world. The same empirical facts can be interpreted in different ways. Dawkins sees the nature as existing for the genes’ benefit, whereas he regards the existence of all other organisms, including man, as subordinate to it. Non-reductionist  vision of man and other living organisms must be, however, connected with another, nongenocentric perspective of explaining biological facts, including such phenomena as symbiosis, both reciprocated and unreciprocated altruism, and other. Genocentrism can be perceived as interpretative obstacle precluding their appropriate understanding. Much more justified seems to be the individualist centric paradigm, in the light of which – to tell the truth – not all that is going on in nature can be explained yet, but which does  not require, as opposed to genocentrism, resignation from holism or seeing man as being free in his nature and responsible for themselves and the world.Poprzez wskazanie i dyskusję niemożliwych do przyjęcia konsekwencji, jakie niesie propagowany przez Dawkinsa genocentryzm, autorka starała się wykazać, iż nie można go uznać za zasadny paradygmat rozumienia świata. Te same fakty empiryczne interpretować można w odmienny sposób. Dawkins widzi przyrodę jako istniejącą dla dobra genów, istnienie zaś wszystkich innych organizmów, w tym człowieka uznaje za podporządkowane mu. Nieredukcjonistyczna wizja człowieka i innych organizmów żywych związana być jednak musi z inną, niegenocentryczną perspektywą wyjaśniania faktów biologicznych, w tym takich jak np. zjawisko symbiozy, odwzajemnionego i nieodwzajemnionego altruizmu i innych. Genocentryzm widzieć tu można jako interpretacyjną przeszkodę uniemożliwiającą właściwe ich rozumienie. Znacznie zasadniejszy wydaje się więc paradygmat osobnikocentryczny, w świetle którego co prawda nie udało się jeszcze wyjaśnić wszystkiego co dzieje się przyrodzie, lecz który jednak nie wymaga – w przeciwieństwie do genocentryzmu – rezygnacji z holizmu czy też z ujęcia człowieka jako bytu w istocie swej wolnego i odpowiedzialnego za siebie i świat

    The Influence of Working Capital Management on the Food Industry Enterprises Profitability

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    The article presents the results of working capital management efficiency in the food industry in Poland and selected countries of the Eurozone. The research was conducted on the basis of the unpublished data by the Polish Central Statistical Office in the trade structure and dimension of food industry enterprises in Poland in the period of 2005-2009, and comparatively, in respect of the food sector in selected Eurozone countries. The working capital management efficiency was assessed by means of the inventory, accounts receivables, current liabilities turnover cycles, cash conversion cycle, and in respect of the obtained rates of return from non-financial assets. The research proved that in the food industry sectors with the shortest working capital cycles, relatively higher rates of profitability were obtained. A favorable influence of working capital cycles reduction of the profitability was also verified by means of a multiple regression analysis

    Problem ludzkiej wolności i adekwatnej interpretacji przyrody w świetle genocentryzmu

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    In the article, the stance of genetic determinism, represented by Edward Wilson and Richard Dawkins on the grounds of sociobiology, has been presented and critically commented. The stance finds the gene to be the main actor on the stage of life, whom anything else in nature, including man – seen as a machine of replicators’ survival – is subjected. The criticism of the stance held by radical sociobiologists, undertaken by the author, results among other things from her conviction of inability to reduce the meaning of human existence to being subordinated to genes’ existence

    Kategoria odpowiedzialności w myśli Alberta Schweitzera

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    Schweitzer’s ‘reverence for life’ ethics is one of the most important among non-anthropocentric ethics. It includes discussion about category of responsibility, which is important also from the perspective of philosophical basics for sustainable development idea. Schweitzer is formulating moral imperative of responsibility for all forms of life, and by this is trying to show which values are should be considered and realized. The most important vital value is life itself.„Etyka czci dla życia” Schweitzera jest jedną z najważniejszych etyk nieantropocentrycznych. Zawarta w niej dyskusja odnosząca się do kategorii odpowiedzialności jest ważna także z perspektywy filozoficznych podstaw koncepcji rozwoju zrównoważonego. Schweitzer formułując moralny imperatyw poczuwania się do odpowiedzialności za wszelkie formy życia usiłuje wskazać wartości, które winny być uznawane i realizowane. Za najwyższą wartość witalną uznaje samo życie


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    W artykule zaprezentowano wyniki analizy czynnikow ksztaltujacych plynnosc finansowa w przedsiebiorstwach przemyslu spozywczego w Polsce w latach 2005–2008. W analizie wykorzystano propozycje przyczynowo-skutkowego powiazania czynnikow ksztaltujacych plynnosc finansowa, w ktorej poziom plynnosci determinowany jest przez strukture aktywow, rotacje zobowiazan biezacych oraz strategie finansowania wyrazona mnoznikiem kapitalowym i stopniem finansowania dzialalnosci kapitalem wlasnym.plynnosc finansowa, czynniki ksztaltujace plynnosc finansowa, przemysl spozywczy, analiza regresji

    Different subcellular localisations of TRIM22 suggest species-specific function

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    The B30.2/SPRY domain is present in many proteins, including various members of the tripartite motif (TRIM) protein family such as TRIM5α, which mediates innate intracellular resistance to retroviruses in several primate species. This resistance is dependent on the integrity of the B30.2 domain that evolves rapidly in primates and exhibits species-specific anti-viral activity. TRIM22 is another positively selected TRIM gene. Particularly, the B30.2 domain shows rapid evolution in the primate lineage and recently published data indicate an anti-viral function of TRIM22. We show here that human and rhesus TRIM22 localise to different subcellular compartments and that this difference can be assigned to the positively selected B30.2 domain. Moreover, we could demonstrate that amino acid changes in two variable loops (VL1 and VL3) are responsible for the different subcellular localisations

    Dendrochronological data from twelve countries proved definite growth response of black alder (Alnus glutinosa [L.] Gaertn.) to climate courses across its distribution range

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    Black alder (Alnus glutinosa [L.] Gaertn.) is an important component of riparian and wetland ecosystems in Europe. However, data on the growth of this significant broadleaved tree species is very limited. Presently, black alder currently suffers from the pathogen Phytophthora and is particularly threatened by climate change. The objective of this study was to focus on the impact of climatic variables (precipitation, temperature, extreme climatic events) on the radial growth of alder across its geographic range during the period 1975–2015. The study of alder stands aged 46–108 years was conducted on 24 research plots in a wide altitude range (85–1015 m) in 12 countries of Europe and Asia. The most significant months affecting alder radial growth were February and March, where air temperatures are more significant than precipitation. Heavy frost and extreme weather fluctuations in the first quarter of the year were the main limiting factors for diameter increment. Within the geographical setting, latitude had a higher effect on radial growth compared to longitude. However, the most important variable concerning growth parameters was altitude. The temperature’s effect on the increment was negative in the lowlands and yet turned to positive with increasing altitude. Moreover, growth sensitivity to precipitation significantly decreased with the increasing age of alder stands. In conclusion, the growth variability of alder and the number of negative pointer years increased with time, which was caused by the ongoing climate change and also a possible drop in the groundwater level. Riparian alder stands well supplied with water are better adapted to climatic extremes compared to plateau and marshy sites