36 research outputs found

    Problems of the English Abbreviations in Medical Translation

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    AbstractThe article deals with the attempt to verify the prevalence of abbreviation-related problems in medical translation over other problematic lexical groups. Medical abbreviations appear extremely fast in modern English, evidenced by abbreviations that are not registered in dictionaries. As a result, the main problem of medical abbreviations translation is that the same abbreviations may have different meanings, depending on the disease, anatomy, or procedure being discussed. The aim of the paper is to study general and nationally specific features of the English medical abbreviations, to survey extra- and intralinguistic requisites of their formation, to determine regularities of medical abbreviations usage in modern English, to analyze peculiarity of classification of abbreviations. Special attention was also given to investigating some basic procedures applicable in translating them. We used such research methods as the method of component analysis of meaning based on dictionary definitions, the method of contextual analysis of the abbreviations, identifying their situational relevance. We also collected and processed nonregistered English medical abbreviations. Continuous sampling of the studied units of scientific and medical texts identified corpus examples. Material for the study was selected from articles, periodical literature on medicine and its related branches of science, from encyclopedic dictionaries. In conclusion, ordering of abbreviation in medicine can be achieved through a more thorough study of medical abbreviations, their proper use in medical professionals training and by means of modeling, which fixes the most convenient, concise and succinct clichés in medical discourse

    Improving Performance Of Industrial Enterprises With CGT

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    At the present day, a falling in the overall level of efficiency production activities, especially in the machine-building companies makes it necessary to development various actions in the State support, including through the creation consolidated taxation system. Such support will help improve efficiency of activity not only the industrial companies, but also will allow improve economic and social situation in regions where often large engineering factories is city-forming

    Nonlinear parameters of surface EMG in schizophrenia patients depend on kind of antipsychotic therapy

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    ArticleWe compared a set of surface EMG (sEMG) parameters in several groups of schizophrenia (SZ, n = 74) patients and healthy controls (n = 11) and coupled them with the clinical data. sEMG records were quantified with spectral, mutual information (MI) based and recurrence quantification analysis (RQA) parameters, and with approximate and sample entropies (ApEn and SampEn). Psychotic deterioration was estimated with Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) and with the positive subscale of PANSS. Neuroleptic-induced parkinsonism (NIP) motor symptoms were estimated with Simpson-Angus Scale (SAS). Dyskinesia was measured with Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale (AIMS). We found that there was no difference in values of sEMG parameters between healthy controls and drug-naïve SZ patients. The most specific group was formed of SZ patients who were administered both typical and atypical antipsychotics (AP). Their sEMG parameters were significantly different from those of SZ patients taking either typical or atypical AP or taking no AP. This may represent a kind of synergistic effect of these two classes of AP. For the clinical data we found that PANSS, SAS, and AIMS were not correlated to any of the sEMG parameters. Conclusion: with nonlinear parameters of sEMG it is possible to reveal NIP in SZ patients, and it may help to discriminate between different clinical groups of SZ patients. Combined typical and atypical AP therapy has stronger effect on sEMG than a therapy with AP of only one class.Publisher's pdfhttp://purl.org/eprint/status/PeerReviewe

    The Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on Russia's Cooperation with the Countries of EurAsEC

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    The article considers the impact of the financial and economic crisis on Russia's cooperation with the EurAsEC countries. Because crises are an integral part of any economic system, a deep analysis should be carried out. We consider the integration at the micro level and prospects of Russia's cooperation with the EurAsEC, the prospects for cooperation between Russia and the EurAsEC countries should be assessed in different ways. Speaking about the cooperation it should be noted that the main weakness of the countries dependent on the prices of natural resources, which are the main export of all countries, including Russia. After all, the raw material orientation determines the country's place in the world. And so the main task here is to develop the production of finished products and the development of knowledge-based industries. Keywords: EurAsEC countries, financial crisis, problems of cooperation, economic globalization. JEL Classifications: F63, F65, G01, H1

    The impact of secondary mineral formation on Na-K-geothermometer readings: a case study for the Valley of Geysers hydrothermal system (Kronotsky State Nature Biosphere Reserve, Kamchatka)

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    The temperature in the Valley of Geysers (Kamchatka) geothermal reservoir calculated using the feldspar Na-K-geothermometer has been steadily increasing over the past 10 years on average from 165 to 235 °C, which is close to the temperature values of a hydrothermal explosion of the steam and water mixture. For the analysis of chemical geothermometers, TOUGHREACT-simulation was used, with the help of which the previously known Na-K feldspar geothermometer was reproduced on a single-element model and new formulas were obtained for three Na-K geothermometers: zeolite, smectite, and based on volcanic glass. Data of chemical analysis for the period 1968-2018, in which the chloride ion is considered as an inert tracer of geofiltration processes, indicates that after 2007 a significant inflow of infiltration water (its mass fraction is estimated from 5 to 15 %) into the Geyser reservoir. It is assumed that the Na-K increased values of the feldspar geothermometer are not the result of the temperature increase in the Geyser reservoir, but the effect of smectite water dilution

    Hydrothermal Transformations of Lanthanum Phosphate with iron(3+) Oxides (Hydroxides) in Acidic Solutions

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    Получены данные по влиянию природы минеральных кислот на показатели вскрытия фосфата лантана новым методом – гидротермальным кислотным растворением фосфата лантана при температуре 180–220 °C в присутствии оксидов (гидроксидов) железа(3+). Установлено, что из изученных кислот – азотной, хлористоводородной и серной – эффективное извлечение лантана с глубоким обесфосфориванием растворов достигается лишь для азотной кислоты. В этой системе извлечение лантана в раствор составляет 97–98 %, а содержание фосфора снижается до 10 мг/л и менее за счет образования устойчивого гидроксифосфата железа(3+) – гиниита. Для соляной кислоты наблюдается преимущественный переход в раствор железа(3+) за счет комплексообразования его с хлорид-ионами, а показатели извлечения в раствор лантана не превышали 5 %. Содержание фосфора в растворе также существенно выше, чем для азотной кислоты. При использовании серной кислоты образуются малорастворимые гидроксисульфаты. Фазы образования гиниита не наблюдаются, а извлечение в раствор лантана не превышает 10 % для концентрации серной кислоты 4 моль/лData on the influence of the nature of mineral acids on the indicators of lanthanum phosphate opening by a new method – hydrothermal acid dissolution of lanthanum phosphate at a temperature of 180–220 °C in the presence of iron(3+) oxides (hydroxides) have been obtained. It has been established that from the studied acids – nitric, hydrochloric and sulfuric, effective extraction of lanthanides with deep dephosphorization of solutions is achieved only for nitric acid. In this system, the extraction of lanthanum into solution is 97–98 %, and the phosphorus content is reduced to 10 mg/L or less due to the formation of stable iron(3+) hydroxyphosphate – giniite. For hydrochloric acid, a preferential transition to iron(3+) solution is observed due to its complexation with chloride ions, and the extraction rates of lanthanum into the solution did not exceed 5 %. The content of phosphorus in the solution is also significantly higher than for nitric acid. When using sulfuric acid, sparingly soluble hydroxysulfates are formed. The phase of gyniite formation is not observed, and the extraction of lanthanum into solution does not exceed 10 % for a sulfuric acid concentration of 4 mol/

    Population dynamics and demographic history of Eurasian collared lemmings.

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    BACKGROUND: Ancient DNA studies suggest that Late Pleistocene climatic changes had a significant effect on population dynamics in Arctic species. The Eurasian collared lemming (Dicrostonyx torquatus) is a keystone species in the Arctic ecosystem. Earlier studies have indicated that past climatic fluctuations were important drivers of past population dynamics in this species. RESULTS: Here, we analysed 59 ancient and 54 modern mitogenomes from across Eurasia, along with one modern nuclear genome. Our results suggest population growth and genetic diversification during the early Late Pleistocene, implying that collared lemmings may have experienced a genetic bottleneck during the warm Eemian interglacial. Furthermore, we find multiple temporally structured mitogenome clades during the Late Pleistocene, consistent with earlier results suggesting a dynamic late glacial population history. Finally, we identify a population in northeastern Siberia that maintained genetic diversity and a constant population size at the end of the Pleistocene, suggesting suitable conditions for collared lemmings in this region during the increasing temperatures associated with the onset of the Holocene. CONCLUSIONS: This study highlights an influence of past warming, in particular the Eemian interglacial, on the evolutionary history of the collared lemming, along with spatiotemporal population structuring throughout the Late Pleistocene

    IgG-like bispecific antibodies with potent and synergistic neutralization against circulating SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern

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    Monoclonal antibodies are a promising approach to treat COVID-19, however the emergence of SARS-CoV-2 variants has challenged the efficacy and future of these therapies. Antibody cocktails are being employed to mitigate these challenges, but neutralization escape remains a major challenge and alternative strategies are needed. Here we present two anti-SARS-CoV-2 spike binding antibodies, one Class 1 and one Class 4, selected from our non-immune human single-chain variable fragment (scFv) phage library, that are engineered into four, fully-human IgG-like bispecific antibodies (BsAb). Prophylaxis of hACE2 mice and post-infection treatment of golden hamsters demonstrates the efficacy of the monospecific antibodies against the original Wuhan strain, while promising in vitro results with the BsAbs demonstrate enhanced binding and distinct synergistic effects on neutralizing activity against circulating variants of concern. In particular, one BsAb engineered in a tandem scFv-Fc configuration shows synergistic neutralization activity against several variants of concern including B.1.617.2. This work provides evidence that synergistic neutralization can be achieved using a BsAb scaffold, and serves as a foundation for the future development of broadly reactive BsAbs against emerging variants of concern

    The algal composition and structure of the Yaitskoe lake (Samara Region, Russia)

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    We studied the phytoplankton of the Yaitskoe Lake (Samara region, Russia) from May to October 2009–2011. In this water body, there were 312 species and intraspecific taxa of algae. They belonged to nine taxonomic Divisions, 14 Classes, 22 Orders, 52 Families, and 108 Genera. A larger number of species, varieties and forms of algae belonged to the Chlorophyta, which included 37% of the total number of species and intraspecific taxa, followed by Bacillariophyta (21%), Euglenophyta (14%), and Cyanoprokaryota (12%). The other algae species number was less than 10% of the total species richness. The value of algae quantitative development was high in the Yaitskoe Lake during the three-year period. The values of abundance and biomass increased from spring to the end of summer, then there was a decrease. The level of trophic state was assessed as eutrophic. The abundance and biomass of algae were high during the study. The level of species diversity and evenness in phytoplankton community were assessed as high. Indices values, calculated by the phytoplankton abundance, were maximal at late spring. In summer, their values decreased. This was due to the increased dominance of blue-green algae (cyanoprokaryotes). The degree of cyanoprokaryota dominance decreased in autumn, while species diversity and evenness of the community increased. The indices, calculated on biomass, decreased from spring to early autumn. Their minimal values were during the «blooming» of water, and then gradually increased. Saprobiological analysis showed that this pond belonged to the β-mesosaprobic type, moderately polluted with Class III of water quality

    Trematodes from Antarctic teleost fishes off Argentine Islands, West Antarctica: molecular and morphological data

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    In 2014–2015 and 2019–2021, teleost fishes off Galindez Island (Antarctic Peninsula) were examined for trematodes. Combined morphological and molecular analyses revealed the presence of eight trematode species of four families (Hemiuridae, Lecithasteridae, Opecoelidae, Lepidapedidae) from five fish species. Only adult trematodes were found and all of them are Antarctic endemics with their congeners occurring on other continents. The hemiuroids, Elytrophalloides oatesi (Leiper & Atkinson, 1914), Genolinea bowersi (Leiper & Atkinson, 1914), and Lecithaster macrocotyle Szidat & Graefe, 1967 belong to the most common Antarctic species and together with Lepidapedon garrardi (Leiper & Atkinson, 1914) and Neolebouria georgiensis Gibson, 1976 they were recorded as the least host-specific parasites. The originally sub-Antarctic Neolepidapedon macquariensis Zdzitowiecki, 1993 is a new record for the Antarctic Peninsula and Parachaenichthys charcoti (Vaillant), is a new host record. Neolebouria terranovaensis Zdzitowiecki, Pisano & Vacchi, 1993 is considered a synonym of N. georgiensis because of identical morphology and dimensions. The currently known phylogenetic relationships within the studied families are supported, including the polyphyly of Macvicaria Gibson & Bray, 1982 with the future need to accommodate its Antarctic species in a new genus. The validity of M. georgiana (Kovaleva & Gaevskaja, 1974) and M. magellanica Laskowski, Jezewski & Zdzitowiecki, 2013 needs to be confirmed by further analyses. Genetic sequence data are still scarce from Antarctica, and more studies applying integrative taxonomic approaches and large-scale parasitological examinations of benthic invertebrates are needed to match sequences of larval stages to those of well-characterised adults and to elucidate trematode life-cycles