5 research outputs found

    Genomic DNA sequencing of CSNK1A1.

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    <p>A) PCR sequencing results for control using intronic primer. B) PCR sequencing results for patient 815zp using an intronic primer. In both cases, nucleotide of interest is highlighted with an asterisk.</p

    Sequence analysis of cloned PCR products from the 815zp tumor sample.

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    <p>A) A representative clone showing the mutated nucleotide (*). B) Alignment of all 41 sequences. Differences between pseudogene and CSNK1A1 are indicated by a plus symbol.</p

    Analysis of a CSNK1A1 active site peptide from wild-type and mutant CSNK1A1 expressed in HEK293 cells.

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    <p>A) Amino acid sequence of the mutant peptide. B) LC-MS/MS spectra for wild-type and mutant protein. The mutant sample is off-set by 50 units for clarity and the region of interest is highlighted. C) Region of interest in the LC-MS/MS spectra for colon tumor and matched control samples. Each spectrum is normalized to the highest intensity ion. D) Extracted ion chromatograms from HEK293 lysates transfected with either wild-type or mutant CSNK1A1. The wild-type sample is normalized to the peak eluting at 63.0 minutes and the mutant sample is normalized to the peak eluting at 59.8 minutes.</p