138 research outputs found

    Design and implementation of a sexual health intervention for migrant construction workers situated in Shanghai, China.

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    BACKGROUND: China's growing population of internal migrants has exceeded 236 million. Driven by rapid development and urbanization, this extreme population mobility creates opportunities for transmission of HIV and sexually-transmitted infections (STI). Large numbers of rural migrants flock to megacities such as Shanghai in search of employment. Although migrants constitute a key population at heightened risk of acquiring HIV or an STI, there is a lack of easily accessible sexual health services available for them. In response, we designed a short, inexpensive sexual health intervention that sought to improve HIV and STI knowledge, while reducing stigma, risky sexual behaviour, and sexual transmission of HIV and STI among migrant construction workers (MCW) situated in Shanghai, China. RESULTS: We implemented a three-armed, community-randomized trial spread across three administrative districts of Shanghai. The low-intensity intervention included educational pamphlets. The medium-intensity intervention included pamphlets, posters, and videos. The high-intensity intervention added group and individual counselling sessions. Across 18 construction sites, 1871 MCW were allocated at baseline to receive one intervention condition. Among baseline participants, 1304 workers were retained at 3-months, and 1013 workers were retained at 6-months, representing a total of 579 person-years of follow-up. All workers, regardless of participation, had access to informational materials even if they did not participate in the evaluation. Overall outputs included: 2284 pamphlets distributed, 720 posters displayed, 672 h of video shown, 376 participants accessed group counselling, and 61 participants attended individual counselling sessions. A multivariable analysis of participation found that men (aOR = 2.2; 95 % CI 1.1, 4.1; p = 0.036), workers situated in Huangpu district (aOR = 5.0; 95 % CI 2.6, 9.5; p < 0.001), and those with a middle school education (aOR = 1.9; 95 % CI 1.2, 3.0; p = 0.01) were more likely to have participated in intervention activities. CONCLUSION: A brief educational intervention that prioritized ease of delivery to a highly mobile workforce was feasible and easily accessed by participants. Routine implementation of sexual health interventions in workplaces that employ migrant labour have the potential to make important contributions toward improving HIV and STI outcomes among migrant workers in China's largest cities

    Factors Associated With the Frequency of Monitoring of Liver Enzymes, Renal Function and Lipid Laboratory Markers Among Individuals Initiating Combination Antiretroviral Therapy: A Cohort Study

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    Background As the average age of the HIV-positive population increases, there is increasing need to monitor patients for the development of comorbidities as well as for drug toxicities. Methods We examined factors associated with the frequency of measurement of liver enzymes, renal function tests, and lipid levels among participants of the Canadian Observational Cohort (CANOC) collaboration which follows people who initiated HIV antiretroviral therapy in 2000 or later. We used zero-inflated negative binomial regression models to examine the associations of demographic and clinical characteristics with the rates of measurement during follow-up. Generalized estimating equations with a logit link were used to examine factors associated with gaps of 12&nbsp;months or more between measurements. Results Electronic laboratory data were available for 3940 of 7718 CANOC participants. The median duration of electronic follow-up was 3.5&nbsp;years. The median (interquartile) rates of tests per year were 2.76 (1.60, 3.73), 2.55 (1.44, 3.38) and 1.42 (0.50, 2.52) for liver, renal and lipid parameters, respectively. In multivariable zero-inflated negative binomial regression models, individuals infected through injection drug use (IDU) were significantly less likely to have any measurements. Among participants with at least one measurement, rates of measurement of liver, renal and lipid tests were significantly lower for younger individuals and Aboriginal Peoples. Hepatitis C co-infected individuals with a history of IDU had lower rates of measurement and were at greater risk of having 12&nbsp;month gaps between measurements. Conclusions Hepatitis C co-infected participants infected through IDU were at increased risk of gaps in testing, despite publicly funded health care and increased risk of comorbid conditions. This should be taken into consideration in analyses examining factors associated with outcomes based on laboratory parameters

    A national recruitment strategy for HIV-serodiscordant partners living in Canada for the Positive Plus One study: a mixed-methods study.

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    BACKGROUND: With the recent shift in focus to addressing HIV risk within relationships and couple-based interventions to prevent HIV transmission, successful recruitment of individuals involved in HIV-serodiscordant relationships is crucial. This paper evaluates methods used by the Positive Plus One (PP1) study to recruit and collect data on a diverse national sample of dyads and individuals involved in current or past HIV-serodiscordant relationships, discusses the strengths and limitations of the recruitment approach, and makes recommendations to inform the interpretation of study results and the design of future studies. METHODS: PP1 used a multi-pronged approach to recruit adults involved in a current or past HIV-serodiscordant relationship in Canada from 2016 to 2018 to complete a survey and an interview. Upon survey completion, index (first recruited) partners were invited to recruit their primary current HIV-serodiscordant partner. We investigated participant enrollment by recruitment source, participant-, relationship-, and dyad-level sociodemographic characteristics, missing data, and correlates of participation for individuals recruited by their partners. RESULTS: We recruited 613 participants (355 HIV-positive; 258 HIV-negative) across 10 Canadian provinces, including 153 complete dyads and 307 individuals who participated alone, and representing 460 HIV-serodiscordant relationships. Among those in current relationships, HIV-positive participants were more likely than HIV-negative participants to learn of the study through an ASO staff member (36% v. 20%, p < 0.001), ASO listserv/newsletter (12% v. 5%, p = 0.007), or physician/staff at a clinic (20% v. 11%, p = 0.006). HIV-negative participants involved in current relationships were more likely than HIV-positive participants to learn of the study through their partner (46% v. 8%, p < 0.001). Seventy-eight percent of index participants invited their primary HIV-serodiscordant partner to participate, and 40% were successful. Successful recruitment of primary partners was associated with longer relationship duration, higher relationship satisfaction, and a virally suppressed HIV-positive partner. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings provide important new information on and support the use of a multi-pronged approach to recruit HIV-positive and HIV-negative individuals involved in HIV-serodiscordant relationships in Canada. More creative strategies are needed to help index partners recruit their partner in relationships with lower satisfaction and shorter duration and further minimize the risk of "happy couple" bias

    Disclosure of HIV-serodiscordant relationships and association with viral suppression: results from the Positive Plus One study.

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    BACKGROUND: Little is known about the effects of disclosure of HIV-serodiscordant relationships on clinical outcomes. We aimed to evaluate the effect of relationship disclosure on HIV viral suppression, and hypothesized that disclosure by HIV-positive and HIV-negative partners would be associated with viral suppression in the HIV-positive partner. METHODS: We conducted a Canadian national online and telephone-administered survey of HIV-positive and HIV-negative partners in serodiscordant relationships. The primary outcome was self-reported viral suppression. Multivariable analyses were undertaken using Firth logistic regression. RESULTS: We recruited 540 participants in current serodiscordant relationships (n = 228 HIV-negative; n = 312 HIV-positive). Similar proportions of HIV-positive and HIV-negative partners disclosed their relationship to healthcare professionals (82% v. 76%, p = 0.13). Among HIV-positive partners, disclosure of the relationship to healthcare professionals increased the odds of viral suppression (aOR = 4.7; CI: 2.13, 10.51) after adjusting for age, education, and relationship turmoil due to HIV. Increasing age (aOR = 1.28; 95% CI = 1.07, 1.55) and education (aOR = 2.43; 95% CI = 1.15, 5.26) were also associated with viral suppression. Among HIV-negative partners, relationship disclosure was not associated with viral suppression and HIV-negative heterosexual men were less likely to report that their HIV-positive partners were virally suppressed (aOR = 0.24; CI: 0.09, 0.61). CONCLUSIONS: Disclosure of HIV-serodiscordant status by HIV-positive participants to healthcare professionals was associated with increased odds of viral suppression. Similar effects were not evident among HIV-negative participants. Future work should explore factors that empower relationship disclosure and incorporate them into supportive services for HIV-serodiscordant relationships

    Impact of Age on Retention in Care and Viral Suppression

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    Retention in care is important for all HIV-infected persons and is strongly associated with initiation of antiretroviral therapy and viral suppression. However, it is unclear how retention in care and age interact to effect viral suppression. We evaluated whether the association between retention and viral suppression differed by age at entry into care

    Reframing professional development through understanding authentic professional learning

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    Continuing to learn is universally accepted and expected by professionals and other stakeholders across all professions. However, despite changes in response to research findings about how professionals learn, many professional development practices still focus on delivering content rather than enhancing learning. In exploring reasons for the continuation of didactic practices in professional development, this article critiques the usual conceptualization of professional development through a review of recent literature across professions. An alternative conceptualization is proposed, based on philosophical assumptions congruent with evidence about professional learning from seminal educational research of the past two decades. An argument is presented for a shift in discourse and focus from delivering and evaluating professional development programs to understanding and supporting authentic professional learning

    End-Stage Renal Disease Among HIV-Infected Adults in North America

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    Background. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected adults, particularly those of black race, are at high-risk for end-stage renal disease (ESRD), but contributing factors are evolving. We hypothesized that improvements in HIV treatment have led to declines in risk of ESRD, particularly among HIV-infected blacks
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