13 research outputs found

    Distribution of disability benefits, mean age at award, years of working lost and percentage of women within ICD-10 diagnostic chapter.

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    1<p>Prevalence within total number of permanent disability benefits.</p>2<p>Age at permanent disability benefit award.</p>3<p>Assuming age retirement at age 67.</p>4<p>Percentage within total lost working years.</p

    Age-distribution disability benefit award by diagnosis.

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    <p>Age-distribution of when disability benefits are awarded for mental disorders, musculoskeletal disorders and other somatic disorders. New permanent disability benefit awarded in Norway from 2001 to 2003.</p

    Incidence disability benefit award and lost working years by diagnosis.

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    <p>Proportions of total years of working lost and disability benefit award incidence per ICD-10 diagnostic chapter. New permanent disability benefits awarded in Norway from 2001 to 2003.</p

    Distribution of disability benefits, mean age at award, years of working lost and percentage of women within the ICD-10 mental disorders chapter.

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    1<p>Assuming age retirement at age 67.</p>2<p>Prevalence within permanent disability benefits awarded for mental disorders only.</p>3<p>Prevalence within total number of permanent disability benefits.</p>4<p>Percentage within years of working lost due to mental disorders.</p>5<p>Percentage within total years of working lost.</p

    Associations between depression and diabetes by age in the Hordaland Health Study (HUSK).

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    <p>OR with 95% confidence intervals (vertical bars), adjusted for gender. Numbers in brackets represent number of persons with diabetes relative to the number without diabetes.</p

    Flow chart.

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    <p>Inclusion and exclusion procedures in the Hordaland Health Study (HUSK), and study samples included in the various analyses.</p

    Age-standardized rates of mental disorder DALYs, by country and sex.

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    <p>Age-standardized rates of mental disorder DALYs, by country and sex.</p

    Change in DALYS/100,000 from 1990–2013, by income.

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    <p>Change in DALYS/100,000 from 1990–2013, by income.</p

    Rate of DALYs due to mental disorders in EMR and globally, by income level and gender.

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    <p>Rate of DALYs due to mental disorders in EMR and globally, by income level and gender.</p

    Rate of DALYs in EMR, by age and gender.

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    <p>Rate of DALYs in EMR, by age and gender.</p