13 research outputs found

    Effect of LL-37 receptor antagonists on IL-8 secretion in endocervical (END E6/E7) and ectocervical (ECT E6/E7) cell lines.

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    <p>END E6/E7 cells were pre-treated for 30 minutes with or without antagonists before being cultured for 24 hours with scrambled LL-37 (25 µg/ml) and LL-37 (25 µg/ml). (A) END E6/E7 treated with PTX (GPCR antagonist, 200 ng/ml), (B) ECT E6/E7 cells treated with PTC, (C) END E6/E7 cells treated with WRW4 (FPR2 antagonist, 10 µM), (D) ECT E6/E7 cells treated with WRW4, (E) END E6/E7 cells treated with KN-62 (P2X<sub>7</sub>R antagonist, 10 µM), (F) ECT E6/E7 cells treated with KN-62, (G) END E6/E7 cells treated with oATP (P2X<sub>7</sub>R antagonist, 100 µM) and (H) ECT E6/E7 cells treated with oATP. Data presented as mean concentration ± SEM (error bars). *, **, ***, p<0.05, 0.01, 0.001 respectively. (2way ANOVA with multiple comparison tests).</p

    Relationship between 25(OH) vitamin D and hCAP18/LL37 in endocervical (END E6/E7) and ectocervical (ECT E6/E7) cell lines.

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    <p>Correlation between serum 25(OH) vitamin D and CVS hCAP18/LL-37 (r = −0.13; n = 122; p = 0.14). Data presented as scatter plots and divided in to deficient <25 nmol/l, insufficient 25–75 nmol/l and adequate >75 nmol/l. Data analysed by Pearson's Correlation.</p

    Effect of TLR agonists on <i>CAMP</i> and <i>DEFB4</i> expression in endocervical (END E6/E7) and ectocervical (ECT E6/E7) cell lines.

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    <p>Cells cultured for 24(250 ng/ml), POLY (I:C) (5 ng/ml), Rec FLA-ST (100 ng/ml) and FSL-1 (100 ng/ml), and untreated controls. (A) END E6/E7 <i>CAMP</i> expression (n = 3), (B) ECT E6/E7 <i>CAMP</i> expression (n = 3), (C) END E6/E7 <i>DEFB4</i> expression (n = 3), (D) ECT E6/E7 <i>DEFB4</i> expression (n = 3). Data presented as mean fold change relative to control ± SEM. **, ***, P<0.01, 0.001 respectively compared with control. (One-way ANOVA with Dunnett's post-test).</p

    Effect of 25(OH) vitamin D<sub>3</sub> on <i>CYP27B1</i> expression in endocervical (END E6/E7) and ectocervical (ECT E6/E7) cell lines.

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    <p>Cells treated for 24(control), 3 nM, 30 nM or 100 nM 25(OH) vitamin D<sub>3</sub>. (A) End E6/E7 cells (n = 3), (B) Ect E6/E7 cells (n = 3). Data presented as mean fold change relative to control ± SEM (error bars). *, **, **, p<0.05, 0.01, 0.001 respectively compared with control (One-way ANOVA with Dunnett's post-test).</p

    Cervical hCAP18/LL-37 expression.

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    <p>(<b>A</b>) Correlation between cervicovaginal hCAP18/LL-37 and Myeloperoxidase (r = 0.1; n = 77; p = 0.3). (<b>B</b>) Representative western blot of hCAP18/LL-37 expression in cervicovaginal secretions. The 18 kDa hCAP18 and the 5–10 kDa cleaved peptide LL-37 were detected in cervicovaginal secretions.</p

    hCAP18/LL-37 expression in cervicovaginal secretions of women with and without Bacterial Vaginosis.

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    <p>hCAP18/LL-37 concentration in women with normal flora, intermediate vaginal flora and bacterial vaginosis. Data presented as median ± interquartile range. **, p<0.01 (One-way ANOVA with Dunnett's post-test) compared to those with normal flora.</p

    Correlation of salivary and serum hormone concentrations in five individuals.

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    <p><i>Red lines</i>, serum concentrations; <i>blue lines</i>, saliva concentrations.<i>R</i>, Spearman’s correlation coefficient (rho) value. <i>Sig</i>., significance value. <i>*</i>, <i>p</i> < 0.05; <i>**</i>, <i>p</i> < 0.01.</p

    Hormone trajectories (smoothed median curves) in early preterm (n = 8), preterm (n = 40) and term (n = 50) groups.

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    <p><i>Red lines</i>, <34 weeks at delivery; <i>green lines</i>, 34-<37 weeks; <i>blue lines</i>, 37+ weeks. (<b>A</b>) Salivary concentrations (n = 7, 35, 43 for <34, 34-<37 and 37+ weeks respectively). (<b>B</b>) Salivary ratios. (<b>C</b>) Serum concentrations (n = 8, 41, 43 for <34, 34-<37, 37+ weeks respectively). (<b>D</b>) Serum ratios. (<b>E</b>) CRH concentrations and derived variables.</p