90 research outputs found

    Towards Privacy-Preserving and Verifiable Federated Matrix Factorization

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    Recent years have witnessed the rapid growth of federated learning (FL), an emerging privacy-aware machine learning paradigm that allows collaborative learning over isolated datasets distributed across multiple participants. The salient feature of FL is that the participants can keep their private datasets local and only share model updates. Very recently, some research efforts have been initiated to explore the applicability of FL for matrix factorization (MF), a prevalent method used in modern recommendation systems and services. It has been shown that sharing the gradient updates in federated MF entails privacy risks on revealing users' personal ratings, posing a demand for protecting the shared gradients. Prior art is limited in that they incur notable accuracy loss, or rely on heavy cryptosystem, with a weak threat model assumed. In this paper, we propose VPFedMF, a new design aimed at privacy-preserving and verifiable federated MF. VPFedMF provides for federated MF guarantees on the confidentiality of individual gradient updates through lightweight and secure aggregation. Moreover, VPFedMF ambitiously and newly supports correctness verification of the aggregation results produced by the coordinating server in federated MF. Experiments on a real-world moving rating dataset demonstrate the practical performance of VPFedMF in terms of computation, communication, and accuracy

    TransCAB: Transferable Clean-Annotation Backdoor to Object Detection with Natural Trigger in Real-World

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    Object detection is the foundation of various critical computer-vision tasks such as segmentation, object tracking, and event detection. To train an object detector with satisfactory accuracy, a large amount of data is required. However, due to the intensive workforce involved with annotating large datasets, such a data curation task is often outsourced to a third party or relied on volunteers. This work reveals severe vulnerabilities of such data curation pipeline. We propose MACAB that crafts clean-annotated images to stealthily implant the backdoor into the object detectors trained on them even when the data curator can manually audit the images. We observe that the backdoor effect of both misclassification and the cloaking are robustly achieved in the wild when the backdoor is activated with inconspicuously natural physical triggers. Backdooring non-classification object detection with clean-annotation is challenging compared to backdooring existing image classification tasks with clean-label, owing to the complexity of having multiple objects within each frame, including victim and non-victim objects. The efficacy of the MACAB is ensured by constructively i abusing the image-scaling function used by the deep learning framework, ii incorporating the proposed adversarial clean image replica technique, and iii combining poison data selection criteria given constrained attacking budget. Extensive experiments demonstrate that MACAB exhibits more than 90% attack success rate under various real-world scenes. This includes both cloaking and misclassification backdoor effect even restricted with a small attack budget. The poisoned samples cannot be effectively identified by state-of-the-art detection techniques.The comprehensive video demo is at https://youtu.be/MA7L_LpXkp4, which is based on a poison rate of 0.14% for YOLOv4 cloaking backdoor and Faster R-CNN misclassification backdoor

    RBNN: Memory-Efficient Reconfigurable Deep Binary Neural Network with IP Protection for Internet of Things

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    Though deep neural network models exhibit outstanding performance for various applications, their large model size and extensive floating-point operations render deployment on mobile computing platforms a major challenge, and, in particular, on Internet of Things devices. One appealing solution is model quantization that reduces the model size and uses integer operations commonly supported by microcontrollers . To this end, a 1-bit quantized DNN model or deep binary neural network maximizes the memory efficiency, where each parameter in a BNN model has only 1-bit. In this paper, we propose a reconfigurable BNN (RBNN) to further amplify the memory efficiency for resource-constrained IoT devices. Generally, the RBNN can be reconfigured on demand to achieve any one of M (M>1) distinct tasks with the same parameter set, thus only a single task determines the memory requirements. In other words, the memory utilization is improved by times M. Our extensive experiments corroborate that up to seven commonly used tasks can co-exist (the value of M can be larger). These tasks with a varying number of classes have no or negligible accuracy drop-off on three binarized popular DNN architectures including VGG, ResNet, and ReActNet. The tasks span across different domains, e.g., computer vision and audio domains validated herein, with the prerequisite that the model architecture can serve those cross-domain tasks. To protect the intellectual property of an RBNN model, the reconfiguration can be controlled by both a user key and a device-unique root key generated by the intrinsic hardware fingerprint. By doing so, an RBNN model can only be used per paid user per authorized device, thus benefiting both the user and the model provider

    Asymmetric Trapdoor Pseudorandom Generators: Definitions, Constructions, and Applications to Homomorphic Signatures with Shorter Public Keys

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    We introduce a new primitive called the asymmetric trapdoor pseudorandom generator (ATPRG), which belongs to pseudorandom generators with two additional trapdoors (a public trapdoor and a secret trapdoor) or backdoor pseudorandom generators with an additional trapdoor (a secret trapdoor). Specifically, ATPRG can only generate public pseudorandom numbers pr1,…,prNpr_1,\dots,pr_N for the users having no knowledge of the public trapdoor and the secret trapdoor; so this function is the same as pseudorandom generators. However, the users having the public trapdoor can use any public pseudorandom number pripr_i to recover the whole prpr sequence; so this function is the same as backdoor pseudorandom generators. Further, the users having the secret trapdoor can use prpr sequence to generate a sequence sr1,…,srNsr_1,\dots,sr_N of the secret pseudorandom numbers. ATPRG can help design more space-efficient protocols where data/input/message should respect a predefined (unchangeable) order to be correctly processed in a computation or malleable cryptographic system. As for applications of ATPRG, we construct the first homomorphic signature scheme (in the standard model) whose public key size is only O(T)O(T) that is independent of the dataset size. As a comparison, the shortest size of the existing public key is O(N+T)O(\sqrt{N}+\sqrt{T}), proposed by Catalano et al. (CRYPTO\u2715), where NN is the dataset size and TT is the dimension of the message. In other words, we provide the first homomorphic signature scheme with O(1)O(1)-sized public keys for the one-dimension messages
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