7 research outputs found

    A new fuzzy risk management model for production supply chain economic and social sustainability

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    The issues of operational, organisational and process risk assessment in supply chains (SCs) are the most usually analysed, while other risk groups (like economic and social risks) are not taken into account, even though they have a critical effect on the competitive advantage and SCs sustainability over long time periods. The determination of risk value that may arise due to the materialisation of each defined risk factor (RF) is based on the assessment of the severity of RF consequences and frequency of RF occurrence. These judgments are obtained by decision makers and modelled by using fuzzy set theory. The relative importance of RFs are stated by fuzzy pair-wise comparison matrices in compliance with fuzzy analytical hierarchy process (FAHP). The risk level of SCs could be obtained in an exact way by applying fuzzy logic. The proposed model, to be presented in this paper, provides a possibility to easily and simply determine risk level from the automotive industry SC and to propose appropriate management initiatives that should lead to a reduction or elimination of RF influenc

    Risk based maintenance strategy selection

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    This paper presents decision-making model for maintenance strategy selection. Problem of right maintenance strategy selection is one of the most important problem in manufacturing enterprises, process industries or enterprises where failure of equipment has major impact on production flow, people, environment or business costs. Presented decision making model for maintenance strategy selection takes into account risk exposure to mechanical equipment failure, business costs, people health and environmental safety. At the other hand each strategy options has its benefits expressed by cost savings. This decision making model for maintenance strategy selection try to optimize between these opposite influential criteria

    Determining the Risk Level in Client Analysis by Applying Fuzzy Logic in Insurance Sector

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    The aim of the paper is to determine the risk level of a contract extension with the existing policyholders, which is further propagated to the business effectiveness and long-term sustainability of the company. The uncertainties in the relative importance of risk factors, their values, and risk levels are described by the linguistic forms, which are modeled by using the fuzzy sets theory. The evaluations of the relative importance of risk factors are stated as a fuzzy group decision-making problem. The weights of risk factors are obtained by using a fuzzy analytic hierarchy process. The determination of production rules for the assessment of the risk level is based on fuzzy IF-THAN rules. The verification of the model is performed by using real-life data originating from the insurance company which operates in the Republic of Serbia

    An approach forward to digitalization of workplace risk assessment and monitoring

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    This paper presents an approach to the digitalization of the workplace risk assessment and monitoring process. Workplace risk was assessed using the “5x5” method. Workplace are spatially distributed in the observed factory. The summary risk assessment is presented visually and the high-risk workplace is marked. The map is made dynamically so that the job estimates on the diagram changes if there is a charge in the input data for any of the identified sources of risk

    Upgrading a marketing channels role

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    As one of the marketing mix instruments, marketing channels were usually behind other instruments (product, price and promotion). Many companies regarded marketing channels as something that was 'left' after more important strategies of price, product and promotion were created. In recent past, things have changed and marketing channels became more interesting for research. This change came as a result of change in global market functioning especially in competitive advantage, distributors' strength and increasing technology

    Information system data-flow analysis

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    The paper shows research of analysis concrete example of information system and discovering its data-flow failures. In this example student service information system at Faculty was observed. Besides failure detection in data flow, paper indicates on key criteria for failure monitoring, such as: failures type and link to process time spent in failure, frequency of failures, severity of failure etc

    Strategijski pristup upravljanja lancima snabdevanja sa stanovišta Lean distribucije

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    U radu se istražuje strategijski pristup upravljanja lancima snabdevanja sa stanovišta Lean distribucije. Upravljanje lancima snabdevanja je proces dizajniranja, planiranja, izvršenja, kontrole i nadgledanja aktivnosti lanaca snabdevanja sa svrhom da se kreira neto vrednost, koja izgrađuje konkurentnu infrastrukturu, balansira internacionalnu logistiku, sinhronizuje snabdevanje sa potrebama i meri performansu poslovanja na globalnom nivou. Najbolje kompanije na svetu nalaze novi izvor konkurentne prednosti u upravljanju lancima snabdevanja, koji sadrži veliki broj aktivnosti koje su integrisane, kako bi proizvod ili usluga za što kraće vreme došli na tržište i zadovoljili potrebe kupca. Istraživanje definiše pet osnovnih postavki implementacije strategije upravljanja lancima snabdevanja sa stanovišta Lean distribucije