5 research outputs found
Frequency distribution of the raw IR (left panel) and DR (right panel) scores in the Ecstasy users during MDMA intoxication and placebo, and healthy controls.
<p>The straight line represents the mean IR (left) or DR (right) score in the healthy control group, the dotted lines represent the memory criterion, that is, 1.5 SDs of the healthy control group. Participants that fall on the left side of the left dotted line have impaired memory relative to the criterion; participants that fall on the right side of the right dotted line have superior memory performance relative to the criterion.</p
Drug use history (number of times used in lifetime) E-users.
<p>Drug use history (number of times used in lifetime) E-users.</p
The median (red line), 25th and 75th percentiles (box edges), range excluding outliers (whiskers), and outliers (red +) of the Total Immediate Recall (IR) Score (upper graph) and Delayed Recall (DR) Score (lower graph) of Controls, and Ecstasy users (E-Users) in the placebo condition and MDMA condition.
<p>The median (red line), 25th and 75th percentiles (box edges), range excluding outliers (whiskers), and outliers (red +) of the Total Immediate Recall (IR) Score (upper graph) and Delayed Recall (DR) Score (lower graph) of Controls, and Ecstasy users (E-Users) in the placebo condition and MDMA condition.</p
Mean and standard deviation of immediate recall (IR) and delayed recall (DR) in the word learning task for each study.
<p>Mean and standard deviation of immediate recall (IR) and delayed recall (DR) in the word learning task for each study.</p
Demographic details of Ecstasy users and matched controls.
<p>Demographic details of Ecstasy users and matched controls.</p