11 research outputs found

    The Importance of PRI Therapy for the Pastoral Counsellor

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    It is not always easy for pastoral counsellors to help people change. Often people have become stuck in their ways. Recent developments in the field of brain research help explain why change is difficult. This article discusses Past Reality Integration Therapy (PRI), a psychotherapeutic method that integrates recent findings of brain research and offers an important addition to the work of (pastoral) counsellors and psychotherapists. The use of this approach with Dutch students in their pastoral training is presented. Furthermore the importance of this new method for counsellors themselves, their clients and their work is discussed and some overall conclusions about the method and its practical application are presented

    Rust en stilte in een wereld vol afleiding en drukte

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    In een wereld waarin technologische veranderingen zo snel gaan, dat we nauwelijks tijd krijgen om ze verstandig te leren hanteren, vormen kloosters en abdijen oases van rust en stilte: plekken om tot jezelf te komen. In ons onderzoek naar spirituele centra bleek dat het merendeel van de bezoekers van de kloosters en abdijen zelf actief was in hun kerk. Vaak vonden ze dat hun parochie- en gemeenteleven onvoldoende tegemoetkwam aan hun behoeften op dit vlak. Inderdaad kan men in de meeste parochies en gemeenten wel terecht voor uitvaarten, zondagse vieringen en dergelijke. Maar de behoefte aan zelfreflectie, bezinning en persoonlijke ontwikkeling krijgt er maar mondjesmaat een kans

    The New Spirituality and Religious Transformation in the Netherlands

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    This article describes the current situation of the Roman Catholic Church in the Netherlands, together with specific factors that have contributed to its unusually rapid decline. The relatively new phenomenon of the unbound spiritual seeker has caused Christian spiritual centers to adjust their programming in such as way as to attract members of this new group. The article presents a number of results of our research project on these centers and their visitors. It shows that the majority of the visitors are Christians who are connected to a local parish or congregation and who simultaneously show typical characteristics of unbound spiritual seekers: they are individualistic, value personal growth, authenticity, autonomy etc. Apparently being a Christian and being an unbound spiritual seeker are not mutually exclusive, as has been thought. Finally, the article discusses a number of implications for the church and for the way in which it could respond to this situation

    The available pastor

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    Pastors are expected to serve other people. This article discusses the psychological factors that influence this capacity to be available. What makes it possible for people to set aside their own needs and to sense the needs and feelings of others? On the basis of psychological research and theories about this capacity to be available the author concludes that a truly available pastor first and foremost has to take care of his or her own needs

    Onze omgang met het misbruik in de kerk

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    Onze omgang met het misbruik in de kerk

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    Procedimientos de queja en la Iglesia Católica y de víctimas de abuso sexual histórico

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    Desde 2010 unas 1600 víctimas de abuso sexual infantil en la Iglesia Católica de los Países Bajos han presentado demandas. La mayoría de estas demandas han sido tratadas a través de un procedimiento semi-legal, creado especialmente por la iglesia para dar respuesta a esta situación. Al mismo tiempo, Irlanda desarrolló un procedimiento semi-legal con el fin de hacer justicia a las víctimas. Ninguno de estos procedimientos buscaba el castigo, sino que debido a su carácter informal se centraron en posibilitar una actitud sensibilidad frente a los sentimientos y necesidades de las víctimas. En los Países Bajos unas 270 víctimas encontraron otras vías de obtener justicia. Así estas se involucraron en dos procedimientos de mediación diferentes, pero que compartían características de justicia reparadora. Este artículo compara tanto las dos procedimientos semi-legales oficiales en Irlanda y Países Bajos como los dos procedimientos de mediación en los Países Bajos. El artículo trata las razones por qué las víctimas se sentían más satisfechas con la mediación. Así como recomendaciones para otros países que aún tienen que enfrentar este problema

    The available pastor

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    Pastors are expected to serve other people. This article discusses the psychological factors that influence this capacity to be available. What makes it possible for people to set aside their own needs and to sense the needs and feelings of others? On the basis of psychological research and theories about this capacity to be available the author concludes that a truly available pastor first and foremost has to take care of his or her own needs