1,332 research outputs found

    Leprosy and tuberculosis concomitant infection: a poorly understood, age-old relationship

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    Historically, archaeological evidence, post-mortem findings and retro- spective analysis of leprosy institutions’ data demonstrates a high observed incidence of concomitant infection with leprosy and tuberculosis (TB). However, reports of concomitant infection in the modern literature remain scarce, with estimates of annual new case detection rates of concomitant infection at approximately 0·02 cases per 100,000 population. Whilst the mechanism for this apparent decline in concomitant infections remains unclear, further research on this topic has remained relatively neglected. Modelling of the interaction of the two organisms has suggested that the apparent decline in observations of concomitant infection may be due to the protective effects of cross immunity, whilst more recently others have questioned whether it is a more harmful relationship, predisposing towards increased host mortality. We review recent evidence, comparing it to previously held understanding on the epidemiological relationship and our own experience of concomitant infection. From this discussion, we highlight several under-investigated areas, which may lead to improvements in the future delivery of leprosy management and services, as well as enhance understanding in other fields of infection management. These include, a) highlighting the need for greater understanding of host immunogenetics involved in concomitant infection, b) whether prolonged courses of high dose steroids pre-dispose to TB infection? and, c) whether there is a risk of rifampicin resistance developing in leprosy patients treated in the face of undiagnosed TB and other infections? Longitudinal work is still required to characterise these temporal relationships further and add to the current paucity of literature on this subject matter

    High sensitive C reactive protein as an inflammatory indicator in preeclampsia

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    Background: Preeclampsia is one of the most serious complications of pregnancy and one of the leading cause of maternal, prenatal morbidity and mortality. The present study was carried out to estimate serum high sensitive C- reactive protein in both mild and severe preeclampsia as an indicator of inflammation and to correlate Hs-CRP with blood pressure.Methods: A case control study was conducted in the Department of Biochemistry and Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, MIMER Medical College and Bhausaheb Sardesai Rural Hospital Talegaon Dabhade, Pune. The study group include 50 cases of normal pregnant women, 43 clinically diagnosed cases of mild preeclampsia and 7 cases of severe preeclampsia in second and third trimester of pregnancy. 2 ml venous blood samples was collected from all the study participants for estimation of Hs-CRP by ultra-sensitive immunoturbidometric assay spin react method.Results: There was significant increase in the mean serum Hs-CRP levels in normal pregnant women and mild preeclamptic women (p<0.001). Serum Hs-CRP levels were significantly higher in severe preeclamspia than mild preeclamptic women (p<0.001). The degree of inflammation increases as HsCRP rises. Hence, present study shows that HsCRP levels increases as disease progresses from mild to severe condition. Significant positive correlations was found between Hs-CRP and Blood Pressure in preeclampsia.Conclusions: In preeclampsia there is an exaggeration of systemic inflammatory response that might induce reactive oxygen species which further induces endothelial dysfunction. This leads to clinical symptoms of hypertension and proteinuria in preeclampsia. Early detection might minimise systemic complications and maternal death due to preeclampsia. Hence, HsCRP may be used as an important indicator of severity of preeclampsia


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    Objective: To study and to explore the fungal species present in indoor toilet environment.Methods: Lactophenol cotton blue staining.Results: 5 fungi isolates belonging to 5 genus were identified namely Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus fumigates, Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus terreus and Rhizopus oryzae.Conclusion: In order to improve the quality of indoor toilet environment regular cleaning and disinfection should be done daily

    Determination of the best non-linear function to describe the growth of Kajli sheep

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    The aim of the present study was to determine the best non-linear growth function to describe the growth of Kajli sheep. For this aim, the Brody, von Bertalanffy, Logistic, and Gompertz models were used to describe the sigmoidal relationship between bodyweight and age of the Kajli sheep. The records obtained from the Livestock Experiment Station, Khushab, were collected between 2007 and 2018. The records comprised 9864 age-weight observations (300 for male, 9564 for female, 7392 for single, 2388 for twin, and 84 for triplet lambs), which extended from birth to 12 months old. Candidate non-linear functions were fitted and the curve parameters were estimated by nlsfit (fit non-linear models) function in R statistical package, version 3.6.1. Goodness of fit criteria that were used to evaluate predictive performances of candidate models were adjusted coefficient of determination (R2adj), Akaike’s information criterion (AIC), Bayesian information criterion (BIC) and root means square error (RMSE). The Brody model was the best non-linear function that described the biological growth pattern of all, male, female, single, twin, and triplet lambs. Differences in curve parameter estimates between male and female suggested a definite pattern of sexual dimorphism. Moreover, a higher estimate of rate of maturity in female lambs reflects their early maturity compared with male Kajli lambs. Similarly, the single-born Kajli animals with highest maturity rate were maturing at an earlier age than twins and triplets. This is the first report on the non-linear pattern of visible changes in bodyweight of Kajli sheep from birth to 12 months old.Key words: age, bodyweight, growth curves, regression, shee

    Analysis of non-genetic and genetic influences underlying the growth of Kajli lambs

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    Data on 2931 Kajli lambs, born from 2007 to 2018, were used to quantify environmental and genetic effects on growth performance of Kajli sheep. Traits considered for evaluation were birth weight (BWT), 120-day adjusted weight (120DWT), 180-day adjusted weight (180DWT), 270-day adjusted weight (270DWT), and 365-day adjusted weight (365DWT). Fixed effects of year of birth, season of birth, sex, birth type, and dam age on these traits were evaluated using linear procedures of SAS, 9.1. Similarly, BWT, 120DWT, 180DWT, and 270DWT were used as fixed effects mixed model analyses. Variance components, heritability and breeding values were estimated by restricted maximum likelihood. The genetic trend for each trait was obtained by regression of the estimated breeding values (EBV) on year of birth. Analyses revealed substantial influence of birth year on all traits. Sex and birth type were the significant sources of variation for BWT and 120DWT. Season of birth did not influence birth weight meaningfully, but had a significant role in the expression of 120DWT, 180DWT, and 270DWT. Heritability estimates were generally low (0.003 ± 0.018 to 0.099 ± 0.067) for all traits. With the exception of the genetic correlation of 180DWT and 365DWT, the genetic correlations between trait were strong and positive. Only 365DWT had a positive genetic trend. Although the heritability estimates for almost all weight traits were low, high and positive genetic correlations between BWT and other weight traits suggest that selection based on BWT would result in the improvement of other weight traits as a correlated response.Keywords: bodyweight, breeding value, genetic correlation, shee

    Recovered carbon black; material characterization and in-rubber performance:Sustainable future of tire manufacturing

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    Carbon black is widely used as a reinforcing filler in tire industry.This project aims to recover high quality carbon black from used tires using a novel pyrolysis process. The influence of process temperature on the recovered carbon black(RCB) properties was studied. Pyrolysis was carried out using passenger car tire(PCT) feedstock at temperatures of 500°C(PCT500) and 550°C(PCT550). Material properties and in-rubber performance were compared to a reference carbonblack commonly used in tires

    PCR-RFLP-based identification of polymorphisms in BMPR1B, GDF9 and BMP15 genes associated with litter size in Beetal and Teddy goats

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    The genes BMPR1B, GDF9 and BMP15 are oocyte-derived members of the transforming growth factor-β superfamily, which is essential for follicular growth and ovulation. The aim of the current study was to determine the incidence of reported mutations in exon 3 of BMPR1B gene, exon 1 of GDF9 gene, and exon 2 of BMP15 gene and their association with litter size in three parities of Beetal and Teddy goats. Based on the known mutations in these genes, PCR primers were designed to find out the polymorphism through the PCR-RFLP technique in 120 randomly selected animals of the two breeds, which vary in their prolificacy. The current results show that there were significant differences in litter size [1.708 ± 0.060 in Beetal (B) and 2.167 ± 0.056 in Teddy (T) goats] in both breeds. The results of breed x parity interaction showed significant differences in litter size in first [1.158 ± 0.061 (B); 1.861 ± 0.057 (T)], third [2.062 ± 0.078 (B); 2.583 ± 0.073 (T)] and average parity [708 ± 0.060 (B); 2.167 ± 0.056 (T)] in both breeds. All three loci in both breeds were found to be polymorphic and the results of breed x parity x genotype analysis showed that genotypes of all the three genes were significantly associated with litter size in all parities in both breeds. For the BMPR1B gene, heterozygous (CT) animals of Beetal and Teddy goats had the largest litter size in all three parities and the average (parity) litter size, showing the overdominance of the heterozygotes. Similarly, for GDF9 gene, heterozygous animals (AG) had the largest litter size in both breeds. For BMP15 gene homozygous carrier animals (CC) of both breeds had the highest number of kids, followed by the heterozygous (AC) genotypes. The current results show the importance of BMPR1B, GDF9 and BMP15 as the major genes that influence prolificacy in both Beetal and Teddy goats. It is suggested that these polymorphisms can be used as molecular markers to select the prolific animals in these breeds.Keywords: Beetal goats, Teddy goats, molecular markers, prolificacy, polymorphis

    Electron irradiation induced reduction of the permittivity in chalcogenide glass (As2S3) thin film

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    We investigate the effect of electron beam irradiation on the dielectric properties of As2S3 Chalcogenide glass. By means of low-loss Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy, we derive the permittivity function, its dispersive relation, and calculate the refractive index and absorption coefficients under the constant permeability approximation. The measured and calculated results show, to the best of our knowledge, a heretofore unseen phenomenon: the reduction in the permittivity of <40%, and consequently a modification of the refractive index follows, reducing it by 20%, hence suggesting a significant change on the optical properties of the material. The plausible physical phenomena leading to these observations are discussed in terms of the homopolar and heteropolar bond dynamics under high energy absorption.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figures, manuscript in preparation to send to Physical Review

    A framework for intracranial saccular aneurysm detection and quantification using morphological analysis of cerebral angiograms

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    Reliable early prediction of aneurysm rupture can greatly help neurosurgeons to treat aneurysms at the right time, thus saving lives as well as providing significant cost reduction. Most of the research efforts in this respect involve statistical analysis of collected data or simulation of hemodynamic factors to predict the risk of aneurysmal rupture. Whereas, morphological analysis of cerebral angiogram images for locating and estimating unruptured aneurysms is rarely considered. Since digital subtraction angiography (DSA) is regarded as a standard test by the American Stroke Association and American College of Radiology for identification of aneurysm, this paper aims to perform morphological analysis of DSA to accurately detect saccular aneurysms, precisely determine their sizes, and estimate the probability of their ruptures. The proposed diagnostic framework, intracranial saccular aneurysm detection and quantification, first extracts cerebrovascular structures by denoising angiogram images and delineates regions of interest (ROIs) by using watershed segmentation and distance transformation. Then, it identifies saccular aneurysms among segmented ROIs using multilayer perceptron neural network trained upon robust Haralick texture features, and finally quantifies aneurysm rupture by geometrical analysis of identified aneurysmic ROI. De-identified data set of 59 angiograms is used to evaluate the performance of algorithms for aneurysm detection and risk of rupture quantification. The proposed framework achieves high accuracy of 98% and 86% for aneurysm classification and quantification, respectively