2 research outputs found
Proses Penyelesaian Persidangan Pidana Penipuan Jual Beli Jabatan (Studi Kasus di Pengadilan Negeri Wonogiri Putusan Nomor: 57/Pid.B/2019/PN.Wng.)
Everyone who is involved in a legal dispute has the right to seek justice in the course of settling the dispute.The problem in this study is that the increasingly harsh rivalry
in the workplace causes people to use shortcuts to gain a job by buying and selling positions on the spot, resulting in a fraudulent or criminal behavior.The goal of this
research is to look into how criminal cases are settled in court. The technique is descriptive qualitative and normative. Data was gathered through a literature review
and observation. It is required to establish a mechanism for completing the criminal act of fraud under the guise of purchasing and selling positions as a result of the criminal act of fraud. What form of legal settlement can be decided by a panel of judges based on the public prosecutor's indictment, the public prosecutor's demands, and legal
facts in proving the case for fraud. According to the study's findings, the Defendant's criminal sanctions were applied in conformity with the legal facts that occurred
Kajian Linguistik Forensik Dalam Viral Shaming Di Media Sosial
The act of making a person's offense viral through social media has become a common
thing nowadays, while direct action in reprimanding someone has begun to fade. Most
people underestimate viral shaming, even though this incident can lead to law violations
when it turns into an act of humiliation, and defamation. The type of research used is
qualitative research. The procedure in this study is to look at someone's criticism on
social media that is suspected of containing defamation. To describe a forensic linguistic
study of viral shaming on social media. To describe legal provisions against viral
shaming on social media. increase knowledge, knowledge, and insight. Input materials
related to research on forensic linguistic aspects and forms of legal violations