46 research outputs found

    Synthetic antimicrobial and LPS-neutralising peptides suppress inflammatory and immune responses in skin cells and promote keratinocyte migration

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    The stagnation in the development of new antibiotics and the concomitant high increase of resistant bacteria emphasize the urgent need for new therapeutic options. Antimicrobial peptides are promising agents for the treatment of bacterial infections and recent studies indicate that Pep19-2.5, a synthetic anti-lipopolysaccharide (LPS) peptide (SALP), efficiently neutralises pathogenicity factors of Gram-negative (LPS) and Gram-positive (lipoprotein/-peptide, LP) bacteria and protects against sepsis. Here, we investigated the potential of Pep19-2.5 and the structurally related compound Pep19-4LF for their therapeutic application in bacterial skin infections. SALPs inhibited LP-induced phosphorylation of NF-κB p65 and p38 MAPK and reduced cytokine release and gene expression in primary human keratinocytes and dermal fibroblasts. In LPS-stimulated human monocyte-derived dendritic cells and Langerhans-like cells, the peptides blocked IL-6 secretion, downregulated expression of maturation markers and inhibited dendritic cell migration. Both SALPs showed a low cytotoxicity in all investigated cell types. Furthermore, SALPs markedly promoted cell migration via EGFR transactivation and ERK1/2 phosphorylation and accelerated artificial wound closure in keratinocytes. Peptide-induced keratinocyte migration was mediated by purinergic receptors and metalloproteases. In contrast, SALPs did not affect proliferation of keratinocytes. Conclusively, our data suggest a novel therapeutic target for the treatment of patients with acute and chronic skin infections

    Th2-biased immune responses to body migrating Ascaris larvae in primary infection are associated with pathology but not protection

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    Helminth infections lead to an overdispersion of the parasites in humans as well as in animals. We asked whether early immune responses against migrating Ascaris larvae are responsible for the unequal distribution of worms in natural host populations and thus investigated a susceptible versus a resistant mouse strain. In mice, the roundworm larvae develop until the lung stage and thus early anti-Ascaris immune responses against the migrating larvae in the liver and lung can be deciphered. Our data show that susceptible C57BL/6 mice respond to Ascaris larval migration significantly stronger compared to resistant CBA mice and the anti-parasite reactivity is associated with pathology. Increased eosinophil recruitment was detected in the liver and lungs, but also in the spleen and peritoneal cavity of susceptible mice on day 8 post infection compared to resistant mice. In serum, eosinophil peroxidase levels were significantly higher only in the susceptible mice, indicating functional activity of the recruited eosinophils. This effect was associated with an increased IL-5/IL-13 production by innate lymphoid cells and CD4+ T cells and a pronounced type 2 macrophage polarization in the lungs of susceptible mice. Furthermore, a comparison of wildtype BALB/c and eosinophil-deficient dblGATA-1 BALB/c mice showed that eosinophils were not essential for the early control of migrating Ascaris larvae. In conclusion, in primary infection, a strong local and systemic type 2 immune response during hepato-tracheal helminth larval migration is associated with pathology rather than protection

    Azobenzene-Based Organic Salts with Ionic Liquid and Liquid Crystalline Properties

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    Two sets of new azobenzene-based bromide salts are synthesized, and their thermal photochromic properties are studied. Both sets are based on the imidazolium cation. The first set (1) features a symmetric biscation where two imidazolium head groups (Im) with different alkyl chains (Cn) are connected to a central azobenzene unit (Azo): [Azo(C1-Im-Cn)2]; n = 6, 8, 10, 12, 14. The other one contains an n-alkyl-imidazolium cation (Cn-Im) bearing a terminal azobenzene unit (C1-Azo) substituted with an alkoxy chain (O-Cm) of either two (2) or six (3) carbon atoms: [C1-Azo-O-Cm-Im-Cn]; m = 2, n = 8, 10, 12 and m = 6, n = 8, 10, 12, 14, 16. For both cation classes, the influence of alkyl chains of varying length on the thermal phase behavior was investigated by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and polarizing optical microscopy (POM). For five compounds (Azo(-C1-Im-C12)2 (1d), Azo(-C1-Im-C12)2 (1e), C1-Azo-O-C2-Im-C10 (2b), C1-Azo-O-C2-Im-C12 (2c), and C1-Azo-O-C6-Im-C16 (3e)), the formation of a liquid crystalline phase was observed. The biscationic salts (1) are all comparatively high melting organic salts (180–240 °C), and only the two representatives with long alkylchains (C12 and C14) exhibit liquid crystallinity. The monocationic salts with an O–C2 bridge (2) melt between 140 and 170 °C depending on the alkyl chain length, but from an alkyl chain of 10 and more carbon atoms on they form a smectic A liquid crystalline phase. The representatives of the third set with a O–C6 bridge qualify as ionic liquids with melting points less than 100 °C. However, only the representative with a hexadecyl chain forms a liquid crystalline phase. Representative single crystals for all sets of cations could be grown that allowed for single crystal structure analysis. Together with small-angle X-ray scattering experiments they allow for a more detailed understanding of the thermal properties. Through irradiation with UV-light (320–366 nm) all compounds undergo trans–cis isomerization, which reverses under visible light (440 nm).Reprinted (adapted) with permission from Cryst. Growth Des., 2015, 15 (9), pp 4701–4712. Copyright 2015 American Chemical Society.</p

    Междисциплинарные проблемы аддитивных технологий: сборник тезисов V Всероссийского научного семинара, 5-6 декабря 2019, Томск

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    Этот сборник включает тезисы устных и стендовых докладов V Всероссийского научного семинара «Междисциплинарные проблемы аддитивных технологий». Семинар организован для содействия обмену результатами и опытом в области научных исследований, связанных с аддитивными технологиями, в целях развития и усиления интеграции упомянутых ранее исследований. Программа семинара в 2019 году охватывает проблемы материаловедения в аддитивных технологиях

    Antimicrobial Peptides and Their Therapeutic Potential for Bacterial Skin Infections and Wounds

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    Alarming data about increasing resistance to conventional antibiotics are reported, while at the same time the development of new antibiotics is stagnating. Skin and soft tissue infections (SSTIs) are mainly caused by the so called ESKAPE pathogens (Enterococcus faecium, Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Acinetobacter baumannii, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Enterobacter species) which belong to the most recalcitrant bacteria and are resistant to almost all common antibiotics. S. aureus and P. aeruginosa are the most frequent pathogens isolated from chronic wounds and increasing resistance to topical antibiotics has become a major issue. Therefore, new treatment options are urgently needed. In recent years, research focused on the development of synthetic antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) with lower toxicity and improved activity compared to their endogenous counterparts. AMPs appear to be promising therapeutic options for the treatment of SSTIs and wounds as they show a broad spectrum of antimicrobial activity, low resistance rates and display pivotal immunomodulatory as well as wound healing promoting activities such as induction of cell migration and proliferation and angiogenesis. In this review, we evaluate the potential of AMPs for the treatment of bacterial SSTIs and wounds and provide an overview of the mechanisms of actions of AMPs that contribute to combat skin infections and to improve wound healing. Bacteria growing in biofilms are more resistant to conventional antibiotics than their planktonic counterparts due to limited biofilm penetration and distinct metabolic and physiological functions, and often result in chronification of infections and wounds. Thus, we further discuss the feasibility of AMPs as anti-biofilm agents. Finally, we highlight perspectives for future therapies and which issues remain to bring AMPs successfully to the market


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    Cyclists’ anger experiences in traffic: The Cycling Anger Scale

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    Research on emotions in road traffic has focused on car drivers rather than on cyclists. However, cyclists experience cycling anger and its consequences as vulnerable road users, i.e., without having a car-like protection zone around them. To address the issue of cycling anger, we suggest a psychological measure assessing cyclists’ anger experiences in traffic, the Cycling Anger Scale (CAS). This questionnaire assesses cyclists’ anger experiences in interaction with their cycling environment. A principal component analysis and a following confirmatory factor analyses with two different samples proposed a 14 items questionnaire solution with four subscales: police interaction, car interaction, cyclist interaction, and pedestrian interaction. Alpha reliabilities were acceptable to good. The CAS correlated significantly with the Driving Anger Scale (DAS) for car drivers and with the general State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory (STAXI) suggesting convergent validity. Additionally, we examined the relations between cycling anger, demographics, and self-reported cycling behavior. We conclude that the CAS provides a complementary efficient instrument for measuring cycling anger in road traffic

    Measurement of Plant and Soil Water Status

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