22 research outputs found

    Prospective and retrospective performance assessment of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems in imminent collision scenarios: the CMI-Vr approach

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    Structured abstract Introduction Prospective and retrospective performance assessment of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADASs) is fundamental to pilot future enhancements for active safety devices. In critical road scenarios between two vehicles where ADAS activation enables collision mitigation only, currently available assessment methodologies rely on the reconstruction of the impact phase consequent to the specific intervention on braking and steering: the velocity change sustained by the vehicle in the collision (ΔV\Delta V Δ V ) is retrieved, so that IR decrease for the vehicle occupants can be obtained by appropriate Injury Risk (IR) models. However, information regarding the ADAS performance is available only after the impact phase reconstruction and not just as when the criticality occurs in the pre-impact phase: the best braking and steering alternative cannot be immediately envisaged, since a direct correlation lacks between the braking/steering intervention and IR. Method This work highlights an ADAS performance assessment method based on the disaggregation of ΔV\Delta V Δ V in the two pre-impact parameters closing velocity at collision (VrV_r V r ) and impact eccentricity, represented by the Crash Momentum Index (CMI). Such a disaggregation leads to the determination of IR based solely on impact configuration between the vehicles, without directly considering the impact phase. The performance of diverse ADASs in terms of intervention logic are directly comparable based on the resulting impact configuration, associated with a single coordinate in the CMI-VrV_r V r plane and a sole IR value as a consequence. Results The CMI-VrV_r V r approach is employable for both purposes of prospective and retrospective performance assessment of ADAS devices. To illustrate the advantages of the methodology, a solution for prospective assessment based on the CMI-VrV_r V r plane is initially proposed and applied to case studies: this provides direct suggestions regarding the most appropriate interventions on braking and steering for IR minimization, fundamental in the tuning or development phase of an ADAS. A method for retrospective assessment is ultimately contextualized in the EuroNCAP "Car-to-Car Rear moving" test for an Inter-Urban Autonomous Emergency Braking system, a device implemented on a significant portion of the circulating fleet. Conclusions Based on the evidenced highlights, it is demonstrated that the approach provides complementary information compared to well-established performance assessment methodologies in all stages of an ADAS life cycle, by suggesting a direct physical connection in the pre-impact phase between the possible ADAS interventions and the foreseeable injury outcomes

    Selection for Genetic Variation Inducing Pro-Inflammatory Responses under Adverse Environmental Conditions in a Ghanaian Population

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    BACKGROUND:Chronic inflammation is involved in the pathogenesis of chronic age-associated, degenerative diseases. Pro-inflammatory host responses that are deleterious later in life may originate from evolutionary selection for genetic variation mediating resistance to infectious diseases under adverse environmental conditions. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS:In the Upper-East region of Ghana where infection has remained the leading cause of death, we studied the effect on survival of genetic variations at the IL10 gene locus that have been associated with chronic diseases. Here we show that an IL10 haplotype that associated with a pro-inflammatory innate immune response, characterised by low IL-10 (p = 0.028) and high TNF-alpha levels (p = 1.39 x 10(-3)), was enriched among Ghanaian elders (p = 2.46 x 10(-6)). Furthermore, in an environment where the source of drinking water (wells/rivers vs. boreholes) influences mortality risks (HR 1.28, 95% CI [1.09-1.50]), we observed that carriers of the pro-inflammatory haplotype have a survival advantage when drinking from wells/rivers but a disadvantage when drinking from boreholes (p(interaction) = 0.013). Resequencing the IL10 gene region did not uncover any additional common variants in the pro-inflammatory haplotype to those SNPs that were initially genotyped. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE:Altogether, these data lend strong arguments for the selection of pro-inflammatory host responses to overcome fatal infection and promote survival in adverse environments

    Valutare l’inquinamento acustico lungo una tratta autostradale con i dati territoriali ed il GIS

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    Acoustic pollution evaluation along a highway with land datas and GIS During last few years noise pollution has become a relevant problem in urban and sub-urban areas. This is caused by industrial development and the progressive extension of the urban areas, but also by the spread of transportion systems. A reduction in traffic noise can be achieved in several ways: through correspondence of the source, the distance of propagation, or near the receiver. When it isn’t possible to act in those ways the only solution is to insert a screen (called noise barrier), which passively protects from noise propagation. After a short analysis of the motorway traffic acoustic impact, the paper presents a model for the optimal location of the noise barriers. The application of a mathematical model for localization of the noise barriers was executed beginning from the result of the application of the method of calculation of the noise from street traffic NMPB-Routes-96, carried out using a GIS software, related to highway with the relative attributes

    Development and Testing of a Methodology for the Assessment of Acceptability of LKA Systems

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    In recent years, driving simulators have been widely used by automotive manufacturers and researchers in human-in-the-loop experiments, because they can reduce time and prototyping costs, and provide unlimited parametrization, more safety, and higher repeatability. Simulators play an important role in studies about driver behavior in operating conditions or with unstable vehicles. The aim of the research is to study the effects that the force feedback (f.f.b.), provided to steering wheel by a lane-keeping-assist (LKA) system, has on a driver’s response in simulators. The steering’s force feedback system is tested by reproducing the conditions of criticality of the LKA system in order to minimize the distance required to recover the driving stability as a function of set f.f.b. intensity and speed. The results, obtained in three specific criticality conditions, show that the behaviour of the LKA system, reproduced in the simulator, is not immediately understood by the driver and, sometimes, it is in opposition with the interventions performed by the driver to ensure driving safety. The results also compare the performance of the subjects, either overall and classified into subgroups, with reference to the perception of the LKA system, evaluated by means of a questionnaire. The proposed experimental methodology is to be regarded as a contribution for the integration of acceptance tests in the evaluation of automation systems

    On-Road Detection of Driver Fatigue and Drowsiness during Medium-Distance Journeys

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    Background: The detection of driver fatigue as a cause of sleepiness is a key technology capable of preventing fatal accidents. This research uses a fatigue-related sleepiness detection algorithm based on the analysis of the pulse rate variability generated by the heartbeat and validates the proposed method by comparing it with an objective indicator of sleepiness (PERCLOS). Methods: changes in alert conditions affect the autonomic nervous system (ANS) and therefore heart rate variability (HRV), modulated in the form of a wave and monitored to detect long-term changes in the driver’s condition using real-time control. Results: the performance of the algorithm was evaluated through an experiment carried out in a road vehicle. In this experiment, data was recorded by three participants during different driving sessions and their conditions of fatigue and sleepiness were documented on both a subjective and objective basis. The validation of the results through PERCLOS showed a 63% adherence to the experimental findings. Conclusions: the present study confirms the possibility of continuously monitoring the driver’s status through the detection of the activation/deactivation states of the ANS based on HRV. The proposed method can help prevent accidents caused by drowsiness while driving

    A sociological approach to child safety in cars in Europe

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    The European CASPER (Child Advanced Safety Project for European Roads) project studying car child safety includes a sociological approach in order to have a better understanding of the behaviour of parents driving children under 12 years old. A questionnaire was distributed via the internet in Europe with 998 parents (representing 1638 children) from 22 European countries responding. The results inform on the way parents secure their children during a car trip. Many parents did not control how their children were installed in the child restraint system (CRS). A toddler was more likely to travel into a child seat than an older child was. Regarding misuse situations, an important part of the participants did not think that they could make mistakes when fixing the child seat to the car (26%) or when placing the child into the seat (39%). This leaves an important field of action especially by communication via different media and in the CRS sale outlets

    Child Advanced Safety Project for European Roads (CASPER): better knowledge and better tools to improve the real protection of children in cars

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    This paper is a synthesis of the results obtained in the different parts of the EC CASPER project and considers sociological approaches, technical works, and field and accident data. From parent's behaviour and wishes that show cultural differences, to human modelling works, this project widely covers the topic of child safety in cars. The CASPER project has brought a significant amount of field data that have been useful for a better understanding of the situation and used as basis for all the other tasks of the project. Consequent steps forward have been made in the development and improvement of tools usable for the approval of Child Restraint Systems (CRS) and in this aim a large collaboration with the GRSP Informal Group on CRS took place. Results have been presented and discussed in workshops with main participants and stakeholders of the child safety area

    Safety benefits of the new ECE regulation for the homologation of CRS - an estimation by the EC CASPER project consortium

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    The GRSP informal group on child restraint systems (CRS) finalised phase 1 of a new regulation for the homologation of CRS . This regulation is the subject of several discussions concerning the safety benefits and the advantages and disadvantages that certain specific points may bring. However, these discussions are sometimes not based on scientific facts and do not consider the whole package but only single items. Based on the experience of the CASPER partners in the fields of human behaviour, accident analysis, test procedures and biomechanics in the area of child safety, a consideration of the safety benefits of phase 1 of the new regulation and recommendations for phase 2 will be given

    Norma. Casta Diva / Bellini, comp.. Nabucco. Anch'i dischiuso un giorno / Verdi, comp. ; Anita Cerquetti, S ; Choeurs et orchestre du festival de Florence ; sous la dir. de Gianandrea Gavazzeni

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    Titre uniforme : Bellini, Vincenzo (1801-1835). Compositeur. [Norma]. ExtraitTitre uniforme : Verdi, Giuseppe (1813-1901). Compositeur. [Nabucco]. ExtraitComprend : Norma / Bellini, comp. ; Anita Cerquetti, S ; Choeurs et orchestre du festival de Florence ; sous la dir. de Gianandrea Gavazzeni ; Nabucco / Verdi, comp. ; Anita Cerquetti, S ; Choeurs et orchestre du festival de Florence ; sous la dir. de Gianandrea GavazzeniBnF-Partenariats, Collection sonore - BelieveContient une table des matière