26 research outputs found

    Improving Sharia Risk Compliance: Proposing Daily Index for Mudharaba Contract in Islamic Banks in Indonesia

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    Objective – The objective of this paper is to analyze the profit distribution method applied in Islamic banks in Indonesia and to propose better method in order to improve sharia risk compliance.Methods – Employing a descriptive quantitative method and literature review. This paper evaluate weaknesses of the current profit distribution method and proposes daily revenue index to solve the problems arising from using current method which is unfairness between bank and customers.Results – By the two current profit distribution methods which use monthly revenue index calculated only at the end of the month, there are potential injustices occur. Therefore, instead of using monthly index, daily index is proposed. There are two steps in calculating profit distribution by using daily revenue index: (1) Accumulating Source of Fund (SoF), Reserve Requirement (RR), and Source of Fund after Reserve Requirement (SoFaRR), and (2) Determining Average Financing (AF), Revenue Index (RI), Cost Index (CI), Revenue Sharing Index (RSI), and Profit Sharing Index (PSI).Conclusion - Daily revenue index will solve the unfairness problems arise from current profit distribution method applied in Islamic banks. Daily revenue index is also applicable if Islamic banks apply profit and loss sharing instead of revenue sharing

    Formulation Cream Containing Essential Oil of Curcuma Heyneana : Physical Characteristics Test and in Vitro Antifungal Activity Against Candida Albicans

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    Essential oil of Curcuma heyneana Val & Zijp has antifungal activity against Candida albicans with minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) 0.25% v/v. Characteristic of essential oil is easy to evaporate from the skin surface. Therefore, it should be formulated in cream. The research aims to know influence of cream formulations of Curcuma heyneana oil toward physical characteristics and antifungal activity against Candida albicans. Essential oil was obtained by water and steam destillation. Cream were made into oil in water base (O/W) and water in oil base (W/O) containing 10% of Curcuma heyneana oil. Cream were tested for physical characteristics (such as viscosity, spreadability, protection ability, adhesive time, pH) and also in vitro antifungal activity against Candida albicans. Observation for antifungal activity was done after incubation for 48 hours. Data for physical characteristics and antifungal activity were analyzed using one way anava and continued with t-LSD test (p=0,95). The research indicated that W/O cream containing Curcuma heyneana oil had higher viscosity than O/W cream. Spreadability and protection ability O/W cream was better than W/O cream. Adhesive time of W/O cream was longer than O/W cream. Both of O/W and W/O cream had pH level of 6-7. O/W cream containing Curcuma heyneana oil had better inhibition zone against Candida albicans than cream W/O, they were 1.84±0.071 cm and 1.70±0.074 cm, respectively

    Analysis Factors Associated with Fatigue in Operators of Sugar Factory in Pt.pn VII Cinta Manis 2013

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    Background: Based on previous study (first survey) toward 18 operators of sugar factory in PT.PN VII Cinta Manis found the result that 83,33% operators whose got fatigue. It can make the possibility of accident in work, then to avoid the accident happened it is important to know the factors of fatigue. Method: Used cross sectional design. The sample of research were 63 operators from total number of 138 operators. Statistic test used was Chi square to find out the relationship between independent variable (age, time of work, illness history, nutrient, noisy, temperature, and shift in work) with dependent variable (fatigue) and Regression Logistics test used to find out the main factors of fatigue. Result: The result of statistics test showed that most of the operators got fatigue (71,4%). The result of Chi Square showed that noisiness (p value=0,008), temperature (p value= 0,001), shift work (p value = 0,0480 have connection with fatigue. The result of Chi square also showed that age (p value = 0,599), work experience (p value = 0,535), nutrient status (p value = 1.000), illness history (p value = 0,195), have no connection with fatigue. While, the result of Regression Logistics Test showed that shift work was the main factor that related with fatigue (RP = 11, 900). Conclusion: The variables that related to fatigue were noisiness, temperature, and shift work. The variable that not related to fatigue were age, work experience, nutrient status, and illness history. The factor that most related to fatigue was shift work

    Ecolexicon Wealth of Nautical Expression in Kuta Lombok Society

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    The research is treasures lexicon marriage in the community coast Kuta at Central Lombok. This research is descriptive qualitative to express languages phenomena in the community environment local coast. Data collection method is done with the methods observation, a method of taking, and methods capable. The method of analysis data was undertaken with described directly the outcome of the findings and aggregating based on the data obtained. The result of this research of form, meaning, and contribution lexicon marriage. Forms a lexicon consists of category biotic and the abiotic. Category biotic be a fish, marine plant, and of the water Category abiotic consists of a kind of a wave equipment fishermen, a character the sea, culture swim, and type of food. Meanings lexicon of the lexical meaning and meaning contextual. This research is expected to be a supplement to the environmental-based learning in elementary school and can be used as learning materials are loaded in all subjects with the aim to be able to provide knowledge, and skills to learners.&nbsp

    Rapid and Spesific Detection of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Using Polymerase Chain Reaction

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    Background: Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the major causes of health burden worldwide, especially in lower middle-income countries. TB is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) and characterized by severe condition incuding coughing and fever. Purpose: To review the current methods for detection of TB using Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). Review: several studies have been done to give valuable insight into TB transmission, diagnosis, and treatment, however research is constantly needed to decrease the incidence of eradicate TB. This infectious disease still give big health problem in all over the world by being second in causing high mortality rates after HIV/AIDS. A specific, sensitive, rapid and cheap method for TB and other mycobacteria diagnosis in clinical specimen is a desperate needed in the laboratory diagnosis and hence management of tuberculosis. PCR as one of nucleic acid amplification assays have revolutionized MTB detection. Since it was first invented in fifteen years ago, it's been through many developments. Conclusion: PCR is one of the most specific and sensitive method currently available for TB diagnosis that can also detect in in all types of specimens obtained from TB patients

    Desain Pengembangan Anak Usia Dini Holistik Integratif Paud Non Formal (Penelitian Research and Development Di Pos Paud Mutiara Kelurahan Lamper Lor Kecamatan Semarang Selatan)

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk: (1) membuat desain pengembangan PAUD holistik integratif di PAUD non formal (2) memberikan pelayanan yang tepat secara holistik integratif untuk anak usia dini sejak dalam kandungan sampai usia enam tahun (3) bagaimana desain pengembangan PAUD holistik integratif yang dapat memberikan pelayanan mulai dari kesehatan, gizi, pengasuhan (parenting) dan pendidikan untuk anak usia dini , (4) Bagaimana mengintegrasikan BKB, pos PAUD dan Posyandu yang tepat sehingga lahirlah model kajian holistik integratifMetodologi yang dipilih untuk penelitian ini adalah penelitan Research and Development merupakan pilihan karena memiliki proses yang lebih kompleks dalam tahapan-tahapan yang dapat mengakomodasi beragam kepentingan penelitian ini. (Borg & Gall & 1989 :784-785).Hipotesis yang bisa diberikan dari penelitian ini adalah (1) Desain holistik integratif yang diterapkan di PAUD non formal dalam hal ini Pos PAUD terintegrasi dengan BKB dan Posyandu ini sangat efektif dibandingkan dengan pelayanan anak usia dini yang hanya dilakukan oleh posyandu sendiri atau BKB sendiri. Ini dapat dilihat dari ketertarikan masyarakat dalam hal ini orang tua khususnya untuk datang ke posyandu integrasi BKB dan pos PAUD untuk mengetahui tentang pelayanan anak usia dini, (2)Pelayanan yang dapat diberikan pada PAUD holistik integratif ini dapat berupa layanan kesehatan mulai dari perawatan selama kehamilan sampai pasca melahirkan, kesehatan anak usia 0-6 tahun, pengetahuan gizi selama kehamilan sampai gizi untuk anak yang sedang tumbuh kembang, serta pendidikan untuk anak usia 0-6 tahun seperti stimulasi yang tepat untuk anak usia 0 ?óÔé¼ÔÇ£ 6 tahun, (3)Desain PAUD holistik integratif ini dapat dilakukan terintegrasi mulai dari pendaftaran, penimbangan, pemantauan tumbuh kembang, pelayanan gizi, serta pelayanan pendidikan serta kesehatan untuk anak usia dini, (4)Hasil penelitian tentang peningkatan pengetahuan orang tua mengenai masalah gizi, kesehatan dan pendidikan dapat dilihat dari hasil pre tes dan post tes yang dilakukan, dimana Dari output terlihat bahwa nilai means pretest = 11,63 lebih kecil dari nilai means postest= 20,25. Jadi rata-rata nilai postest lebih baik dari pada nilai pretest 16,14%

    Perancangan Media Katalog sebagai Penunjang Informasi dan Promosi pada Cv.zero Store

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    With the development of computer technology , especially in the field of multimedia enabling competition in the highly competitive retail world . At the present time due to intense competition in the business world , the service and quality of goods is not enough to be able to increase revenue and attract customers who are loyal and inevitably this makes employers think hard to find a way to survive and stable in the business . One way is to use visual communication media can indirectly communicate the expected value of its effectiveness in product marketing programs . CV.Zero Store is a company located in Villa Mutiara Pluit Tangerang which sells a variety of products and a Jersey type shirt screen printing . The problems that exist in the company does not have a means of supporting media promotion of effective programs , this company is already using a media campaign to promote its products as it is used today is the brochures , banners , promotions with clients directly keklien and perceived inadequate for future promotion . Therefore , it takes promosiyang other means such as the media in the desired catalog marketing targets that have been programmed . For media catalog is a masterpiece of design that is packaged in the form of a booklet which is a medium that can be made in the company's assets that can be used to improve an image or the image of the company to establish cooperation relations with companies , institutions and other relevant agencies . Besides the new design is expected to add variants of the media campaign so as to form the image or the image of the company as desired . Therefore dituangkanlah such a design in an article entitled “Designing Catalog For Supporting Information Media and Promotions at CV Zero.Store

    Deteksi Bakteri Klebsiella Pneumonia pada Beberapa Jenis Rokok Konsumsi Masyarakat

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    Rokok dinilai sebagai material yang banyak memberikan dampak yang merugikan bagi kesehatan, yang di mana komposisinya memberikan berbagai reaksi negatif dalam tubuh. Himbauan mengenai bahaya merokok yang diakibatkan oleh berbagai senyawa kimia banyak dipublikasikan pada masyarakat, namun dalam hal ini kesempatan muncul untuk mengungkapkan sisi lain dari rokok, yaitu melalui isolasi dan identifikasi bakteri yang terdapat pada tembakau dan abu rokok. Dengan melakukan isolasi dan identifikasi bakteri pada 6 sampel rokok yang telah ditentukan telah ditemukan 28 jenis bakteri yang tumbuh pada pengkulturan sampel tembakau, 14 jenis bakteri pada sampel abu rokok dengan 10 jenis bakteri tersebut dijumpai pula pada sampel rokok dan 4 diantaranya merupakan bakteri jenis lain yang hanya tumbuh pada sampel abu rokok