294 research outputs found

    Revisiting Rotational Perturbations and the Microwave Background

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    We consider general-relativistic rotational perturbations in homogeneous and isotropic Friedman - Robertson - Walker (FRW) cosmologies. Taking linear perturbations of FRW models, the general solution of the field equations contains tensorial, vectorial and scalar functions. The vectorial terms are in connection with rotations in the given model and due to the Sachs - Wolfe effect they produce contributions to the temperature fluctuations of the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR). In present paper we obtain the analytic time dependence of these contributions in a spatially flat, FRW model with pressureless ideal fluid, in the presence and the absence of a cosmological constant. We find that the solution can be separated into an integrable and a non-integrable part as is the situation in the case of scalar perturbations. Analyzing the solutions and using the results of present observations we estimate the order of magnitude of the angular velocity corresponding to the rotation tensor at the time of decoupling and today.Comment: accepted for publication in Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    New Relativistic Effects in the Dynamics of Nonlinear Hydrodynamical Waves

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    In Newtonian and relativistic hydrodynamics the Riemann problem consists of calculating the evolution of a fluid which is initially characterized by two states having different values of uniform rest-mass density, pressure and velocity. When the fluid is allowed to relax, one of three possible wave-patterns is produced, corresponding to the propagation in opposite directions of two nonlinear hydrodynamical waves. New effects emerge in a special relativistic Riemann problem when velocities tangential to the initial discontinuity surface are present. We show that a smooth transition from one wave-pattern to another can be produced by varying the initial tangential velocities while otherwise maintaining the initial states unmodified. These special relativistic effects are produced by the coupling through the relativistic Lorentz factors and do not have a Newtonian counterpart.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Nonequilibrium corrections in the pressure tensor due to an energy flux

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    The physical interpretation of the nonequilibrium corrections in the pressure tensor for radiation submitted to an energy flux obtained in some previous works is revisited. Such pressure tensor is shown to describe a moving equilibrium system but not a real nonequilibrium situation.Comment: 4 pages, REVTeX, Brief Report to appear in PRE Dec 9

    Resonant interaction between gravitational waves, electromagnetic waves and plasma flows

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    In magnetized plasmas gravitational and electromagnetic waves may interact coherently and exchange energy between themselves and with plasma flows. We derive the wave interaction equations for these processes in the case of waves propagating perpendicular or parallel to the plasma background magnetic field. In the latter case, the electromagnetic waves are taken to be circularly polarized waves of arbitrary amplitude. We allow for a background drift flow of the plasma components which increases the number of possible evolution scenarios. The interaction equations are solved analytically and the characteristic time scales for conversion between gravitational and electromagnetic waves are found. In particular, it is shown that in the presence of a drift flow there are explosive instabilities resulting in the generation of gravitational and electromagnetic waves. Conversely, we show that energetic waves can interact to accelerate particles and thereby \emph{produce} a drift flow. The relevance of these results for astrophysical and cosmological plasmas is discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure, typos corrected and numerical example adde

    An HLLC Solver for Relativistic Flows -- II. Magnetohydrodynamics

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    An approximate Riemann solver for the equations of relativistic magnetohydrodynamics (RMHD) is derived. The HLLC solver, originally developed by Toro, Spruce and Spears, generalizes the algorithm described in a previous paper (Mignone & Bodo 2004) to the case where magnetic fields are present. The solution to the Riemann problem is approximated by two constant states bounded by two fast shocks and separated by a tangential wave. The scheme is Jacobian-free, in the sense that it avoids the expensive characteristic decomposition of the RMHD equations and it improves over the HLL scheme by restoring the missing contact wave. Multidimensional integration proceeds via the single step, corner transport upwind (CTU) method of Colella, combined with the contrained tranport (CT) algorithm to preserve divergence-free magnetic fields. The resulting numerical scheme is simple to implement, efficient and suitable for a general equation of state. The robustness of the new algorithm is validated against one and two dimensional numerical test problems.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figure

    Building Fuzzy Elevation Maps from a Ground-based 3D Laser Scan for Outdoor Mobile Robots

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    Mandow, A; Cantador, T.J.; Reina, A.J.; Martínez, J.L.; Morales, J.; García-Cerezo, A. "Building Fuzzy Elevation Maps from a Ground-based 3D Laser Scan for Outdoor Mobile Robots," Robot2015: Second Iberian Robotics Conference, Advances in Robotics, (2016) Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol. 418. This is a self-archiving copy of the author’s accepted manuscript. The final publication is available at Springer via http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-27149-1.The paper addresses terrain modeling for mobile robots with fuzzy elevation maps by improving computational speed and performance over previous work on fuzzy terrain identification from a three-dimensional (3D) scan. To this end, spherical sub-sampling of the raw scan is proposed to select training data that does not filter out salient obstacles. Besides, rule structure is systematically defined by considering triangular sets with an unevenly distributed standard fuzzy partition and zero order Sugeno-type consequents. This structure, which favors a faster training time and reduces the number of rule parameters, also serves to compute a fuzzy reliability mask for the continuous fuzzy surface. The paper offers a case study using a Hokuyo-based 3D rangefinder to model terrain with and without outstanding obstacles. Performance regarding error and model size is compared favorably with respect to a solution that uses quadric-based surface simplification (QSlim).This work was partially supported by the Spanish CICYT project DPI 2011-22443, the Andalusian project PE-2010 TEP-6101, and Universidad de Málaga-Andalucía Tech

    Nonlinear coupled Alfv\'{e}n and gravitational waves

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    In this paper we consider nonlinear interaction between gravitational and electromagnetic waves in a strongly magnetized plasma. More specifically, we investigate the propagation of gravitational waves with the direction of propagation perpendicular to a background magnetic field, and the coupling to compressional Alfv\'{e}n waves. The gravitational waves are considered in the high frequency limit and the plasma is modelled by a multifluid description. We make a self-consistent, weakly nonlinear analysis of the Einstein-Maxwell system and derive a wave equation for the coupled gravitational and electromagnetic wave modes. A WKB-approximation is then applied and as a result we obtain the nonlinear Schr\"{o}dinger equation for the slowly varying wave amplitudes. The analysis is extended to 3D wave pulses, and we discuss the applications to radiation generated from pulsar binary mergers. It turns out that the electromagnetic radiation from a binary merger should experience a focusing effect, that in principle could be detected.Comment: 20 pages, revtex4, accepted in PR

    Deep venous thrombosis and abortion: an unusual clinical manifestation of severe form of pectus excavatum

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    Pectus excavatum is a chest wall malformation with a strong psychological and aesthetic impact. Rarely, pectus excavatum patients can show respiratory or cardiac symptoms occurring mainly during physical exertion. We report a case of a 34-year-old pregnant woman with a severe degree of pectus excavatum who developed serious cardiovascular disease resulting in spontaneous twin abortion at the twenty-first week of gestation. Cardiovascular disease was resolved after open surgical correction of pectus excavatum. This case shows how a tardive diagnosis and a delayed surgical approach for pectus excavatum can lead to severe consequences

    Unconstrained Hamiltonian formulation of General Relativity with thermo-elastic sources

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    A new formulation of the Hamiltonian dynamics of the gravitational field interacting with(non-dissipative) thermo-elastic matter is discussed. It is based on a gauge condition which allows us to encode the six degrees of freedom of the ``gravity + matter''-system (two gravitational and four thermo-mechanical ones), together with their conjugate momenta, in the Riemannian metric q_{ij} and its conjugate ADM momentum P^{ij}. These variables are not subject to constraints. We prove that the Hamiltonian of this system is equal to the total matter entropy. It generates uniquely the dynamics once expressed as a function of the canonical variables. Any function U obtained in this way must fulfil a system of three, first order, partial differential equations of the Hamilton-Jacobi type in the variables (q_{ij},P^{ij}). These equations are universal and do not depend upon the properties of the material: its equation of state enters only as a boundary condition. The well posedness of this problem is proved. Finally, we prove that for vanishing matter density, the value of U goes to infinity almost everywhere and remains bounded only on the vacuum constraints. Therefore the constrained, vacuum Hamiltonian (zero on constraints and infinity elsewhere) can be obtained as the limit of a ``deep potential well'' corresponding to non-vanishing matter. This unconstrained description of Hamiltonian General Relativity can be useful in numerical calculations as well as in the canonical approach to Quantum Gravity.Comment: 29 pages, TeX forma

    Preliminary experience with 4K ultra-high definition endoscope: analysis of pros and cons in skull base surgery

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    Negli ultimi venti anni la chirurgia endoscopica del basicranio ha osservato continui sviluppi tecnici e tecnologici. Lendoscopia 3D e l alta definizione (HD) 4K hanno fornito grandi vantaggi in termini di visualizzazione e di risoluzione spaziale. L ultra HD 4K, recentemente introdotta nella pratica clinica, determinerà i prossimi passi soprattutto nella chirurgica endoscopica del basicranio. I pazienti sono stati operati attraverso un approccio transnasale transfenoidale endoscopico, utilizzando un endoscopio Olympus NBI 4K UHD con ottica 4 mm 0 ° Ultra Telescope, lampada allo xeno 300 W (CLV-S400) predisposto per la tecnologia narrow band imaging (NBI) collegato con una videocamera ad un alta qualità unità di controllo (OTV-S400 - VISERA 4K UHD) (Olympus, Tokyo, Giappone). Due schermi, un 31 Monitor - (LMD-X310S) e quello principale ultra-HD 55 a pollici ottimizzati per la riproduzione immagini UHD (LMD-X550S). In casi selezionati abbiamo usato un sistema di navigazione (Stealthstation S7, Medtronic, Minneapolis, MN, Stati Uniti). Abbiamo valutato 22 adenomi ipofisari (86,3% macroadenomi; 13,7% microadenomi). Il 50% non erano secernenti (NS), 22,8% GH, 18,2% ACTH, 9% PRLsecernenti. 3/22 erano recidive. Nel 91% dei casi abbiamo raggiunto la rimozione totale, mentre nel 9% la resezione subtotale. Un followup medio di 187 giorni, durata media del ricovero era 3,09 ± 0,61 giorni. Tempo chirurgico 128,18 ± 30,74 minuti. Abbiamo avuto solo 1 caso di fistola intraoperatoria a basso flusso senza ulteriori complicazioni nel follow up. Il 100% dei casi non ha richiesto emotrasfusione. La visualizzazione e lalta risoluzione del campo operatorio hanno fornito una vista dettagliata di tutte le strutture anatomiche e patologie e permesso il miglioramento della sicurezza e lefficacia della procedura chirurgica. Il tempo operatorio è stato simile a quello dellendoscopio HD standard 2D e 3D, come la fatica fisica era paragonabile ad altri in termini di ergonomicità e peso