943 research outputs found

    International Students\u27 Awareness and Use of Counseling Services

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    Although differences between domestic and international students’ sources of academic stress, awareness and use of counseling services have been studied extensively, less attention has been devoted to the impact of unawareness and underutilization of counseling services on international students’ academic stress. In addition, little is known about the relation between academic stress and psychological adaptation in international students. Data was collected from 62 international students at a large public university in the Rocky Mountain region. As predicted, results showed a significant difference in academic stress between international students who are aware of counseling services and those who are not aware. In addition, international students who reported higher levels of academic stress also reported poorer psychological adaptation. Implications for counseling international students will be discussed

    Epidemiologia das lesĂ”es em bailarinas de dança clĂĄssica: mĂ©todo de Pilates como tĂ©cnica terapĂȘutica e/ou preventiva - uma revisĂŁo da literatura

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    Projeto de Graduação apresentado Ă  Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Licenciada em FisioterapiaObjetivo: Caracterizar as lesĂ”es mais comuns no ballet clĂĄssico, conhecer a sua etiologia, e constatar os efeitos da realização do mĂ©todo de Pilates na prevenção e recuperação de lesĂ”es. Metodologia: Pesquisa computorizada na base de dados PubMed, e Europe Pub Med Central e o motor de busca B-on, para identificar estudos relativos Ă  epidemiologia das lesĂ”es no ballet clĂĄssico e prevenção / tratamento com o MĂ©todo de Pilates. Foram igualmente incluĂ­dos estudos referenciados por outros artigos. Resultados: Um total de 12 estudos foram incluĂ­dos nesta revisĂŁo. Nove estudos sobre a epidemiologia de lesĂ”es, com um nĂșmero interveniente de 1740 bailarinos de dança clĂĄssica de ambos os gĂ©neros, 836 do sexo feminino e 646 do sexo masculino, de diversos paĂ­ses, com uma mĂ©dia de idades de 20,12 ± 5,26. A regiĂŁo anatĂłmica mais comumente atingida foi o pĂ© (variando de 8% a 73,30%), seguida pelo tornozelo (de 13% a 56,6%), enquanto o tipo de lesĂŁo mais frequente foram as contusĂ”es (de 13,6 a 69,8%) e entorses ligamentares (61,0%). O cansaço fĂ­sico e fadiga (50%), os palcos e solos imprĂłprios (43.9%), assim como o par de dança (36.2%) foram referidos como sendo as causas mais frequentes relacionada com a dança. TrĂȘs estudos abordaram a efetividade do mĂ©todo de Pilates na dança, com 65 participantes, concluindo que este mĂ©todo Ă© eficaz no aumento de força, estabilidade e flexibilidade nos bailarinos. ConclusĂŁo: O perfil lesivo dos bailarinos nĂŁo Ă© consensual, e, apesar dos efeitos benĂ©ficos encontrados no mĂ©todo de Pilates, sĂŁo necessĂĄrios mais estudos epidemiolĂłgicos para estimar com maior precisĂŁo a incidĂȘncia lesiva, determinar a severidade das lesĂ”es e identificar fatores de risco, e, assim, saber com atuar na prevenção, aplicando programas de exercĂ­cios que minimizem o aparecimento de lesĂ”es, tais como o mĂ©todo de Pilates.Objectives: To characterize the most common injuries in classical ballet, know their etiology, and observe the effects of performing Pilates method in the prevention and rehabilitation of injuries. Methods: Computerized research using PubMed database, Europe Pub Med Central and B-on's search engine, in order to identify studies on the epidemiology of injuries in classical ballet and prevention / treatment with the Pilates Method. Studies referenced by other articles were also included. Results: A total of 12 studies were included in this review. Nine studies on the epidemiology of injuries, with an intervening number of 1740 classical ballet dancers of both genders, 836 female and 646 male, from different countries, with an average age of 20,12 ± 5,26. The anatomic region was most commonly affected was the foot (ranging from 8% to 73.30%), followed by the ankle (13% to 56.6%), while the most common type of injury were contusions (13% to 69.8%) and ligament sprains (61.0%). Physical tiredness and fatigue (50%), improper stages and soils (43.9%), as well as ballet shoes (36.2%) were reported to be the most common injury causes related to dance. Three studies have addressed the effectiveness of Pilates method in dance, with 65 participants, concluding that this method is effective in increasing strength, stability and flexibility in dancers. Conclusion: The injury profile of dancers is not consensual, and, despite the beneficial effects found in Pilates method, more epidemiological studies are needed to estimate with greater accuracy the damage incidence, determine the severity of injuries and to identify risk factors, and, thus know how to act in the prevention by applying exercises programs that minimize the appearance of lesions, such as the Pilates method

    Punk Whiz 9

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    Yet another misdefinition pun quiz. Numbers in parentheses are the letters in the answer; (4|4) is a charade, an eight letter word that splits into a four plus four letter pun

    Revisiting Rotational Perturbations and the Microwave Background

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    We consider general-relativistic rotational perturbations in homogeneous and isotropic Friedman - Robertson - Walker (FRW) cosmologies. Taking linear perturbations of FRW models, the general solution of the field equations contains tensorial, vectorial and scalar functions. The vectorial terms are in connection with rotations in the given model and due to the Sachs - Wolfe effect they produce contributions to the temperature fluctuations of the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR). In present paper we obtain the analytic time dependence of these contributions in a spatially flat, FRW model with pressureless ideal fluid, in the presence and the absence of a cosmological constant. We find that the solution can be separated into an integrable and a non-integrable part as is the situation in the case of scalar perturbations. Analyzing the solutions and using the results of present observations we estimate the order of magnitude of the angular velocity corresponding to the rotation tensor at the time of decoupling and today.Comment: accepted for publication in Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    Vector modes generated by primordial density fluctuations

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    While vector modes are usually ignored in cosmology since they are not produced during inflation they are inevitably produced from the interaction of density fluctuations of differing wavelengths. This effect may be calculated via a second-order perturbative expansion. We investigate this effect during the radiation era. We discuss the generation mechanism by investigating two scalar modes interacting, and we calculate the power of vector modes generated by a power-law spectrum of density perturbations on all scales.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, minor changes in main text and new appendix added to match the accepted version for Physical Review D publicatio

    Spatial variance-mass allometry of population density in felids from camera-trapping studies worldwide

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    Power laws are cornerstone relationships in ecology and evolutionary biology. The density-mass allometry (DMA), which predicts an allometric scaling of population abundance, and Taylor's law (TL), which predicts a decrease in the population abundance variation along with a decrease in population density, have enhanced our knowledge of inter- and intra-specific variation in population abundance. When combined, these two power laws led to the variance-mass allometry (VMA), which states that larger species have lower spatial variation in population density than smaller species. The VMA has been predicted through theoretical models, however few studies have investigated if this law is also supported by empirical data. Here, to formally test the VMA, we have used the population density estimates obtained through worldwide camera trapping studies for an emblematic and ecologically important carnivorous taxa, the Felidae family. Our results showed that the VMA law hold in felids, as well as the TL and the DMA laws; bigger cat species showed less variation for the population density than smaller species. These results have important implications for the conservation of wildlife population and confirm the validity of important ecological concepts, like the allometric scaling of population growth rate and the slow-fast continuum of life history strategies

    Habitat fragmentation and anthropogenic factors affect wildcat Felis silvestris silvestris occupancy and detectability on Mt Etna

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    Knowledge of patterns of occupancy is crucial for planning sound biological management and for identifying areas which require paramount conservation attention. The European wildcat Felis silvestris is an elusive carnivore and is classified as ‘least concern’ on the IUCN red list, but with a decreasing population trend in some areas. Sicily hosts a peculiar wildcat population, which deserves conservation and management actions, due to its isolation from the mainland. Patterns of occupancy for wildcats are unknown in Italy, and especially in Sicily. We aimed to identify which ecological drivers determined wildcat occurrence on Mt Etna and to provide conservation actions to promote the wildcats’ long-term survival in this peculiar environment. The genetic identity of the wildcat population was confirmed through a scat-collection which detected 22 different wildcat individuals. We analysed wildcat detections collected by 91 cameras using an occupancy frame work to assess which covariates influenced the detection (p) and the occupancy (ψ) estimates. We recorded 70 detections of the target species from 38 cameras within 3377 trap-days. Wildcat detection was positively influenced by the distance to the major paved roads and negatively affected by the presence of humans. Wildcat occupancy was positively associated with mixed forest and negatively influenced by pine forest, fragmentation of mixed forest and altitude. A spatially explicit predicted occupancy map, validated using an independent dataset of wildcat presence records, showed that higher occupancy estimates were scattered, mainly located on the north face and at lower altitude. Habitat fragmentation has been claimed as a significant threat for the wildcat and this is the first study that has ascertained this as a limiting factor for wildcat occurrence. Conservation actions should promote interconnectivity between areas with high predicted wildcat occupancy while minimising the loss of habitat
