1,377 research outputs found

    Production of N2 Vegard-Kaplan and other triplet band emissions in the dayglow of Titan

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    Recently the Cassini Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph has revealed the presence of N2 Vegard-Kaplan band emissions in Titan's dayglow limb observation. We present model calculations for the production of various N2 triplet states in the upper atmosphere of Titan. The Analytical Yield Spectra technique is used to calculate steady state photoelectron fluxes in Titan's atmosphere, which are in agreement with those observed by the Cassini's CAPS instrument. Considering direct electron impact excitation, inter-state cascading, and quenching effects, the population of different levels of N2 triplet states are calculated under statistical equilibrium. Densities of all vibrational levels of each triplet state and volume production rates for various triplet states are calculated in the model. Vertically integrated overhead intensities for the same date and lighting conditions as the reported by UVIS observations for N2 VK, 1P, 2P, Wu-Benesch, and Reverse First Positive bands of N2 are found to be 132, 114, 19, 22, and 22 R, respectively. Overhead intensities are calculated for each vibrational transition of all the triplet band emissions of N2, which span a wider spectrum of wavelengths from ultraviolet to infrared. The calculated limb intensities of total and prominent transitions of VK band are presented. The model limb intensity of VK emission within the 150-190 nm wavelength region is in good agreement with the Cassini UVIS observed limb profile. An assessment of the impact of solar EUV flux on the N2 triplet band emission intensity has been made by using three different solar flux models, viz., Solar EUV Experiment, SOLAR2000 model of Tobiska (2004), and HEUVAC model of Richards et al, (2006). The calculated N2 VK band intensity at the peak of limb intensity due to S2K and HEUVAC solar flux models is a factor of 1.2 and 0.9, respectively, of that obtained using SEE solar EUV flux.Comment: 25 pages, 11 figures; Icarus, 201

    Production of N2 Vegard-Kaplan and Lyman-Birge-Hopfield emissions on Pluto

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    We have developed a model to calculate the emission intensities of various vibrational transitions of N2_2 triplet band and Lyman-Birge-Hopfield (LBH) band emissions in the dayglow of Pluto for solar minimum, moderate, and maximum conditions. The calculated overhead intensities of Vegard-Kaplan (A3Σu+−X1Σg+ A^3\Sigma_u^+ - X^1\Sigma^+_g ), First Positive (B3Πg−A3Σu+ B^3\Pi_g - A^3\Sigma^+_u ), Second Positive (C3Πu−B3Πg C^3\Pi_u - B^3\Pi_g ), Wu-Benesch (W3Δu−B3ΠgW^3\Delta_u - B^3\Pi_g), Reverse First Positive, and LBH (a1Πga^1\Pi_g-- X1Σg+X^1\Sigma^+_g) bands of N2_2 are 17 (74), 14.8 (64), 2.4 (10.8), 2.9 (12.7), 2.9 (12.5), and 2.3 (10) R, respectively, for solar minimum (maximum) condition. We have predicted the overhead and limb intensities of VK (150-190 nm) and LBH (120-190 nm) bands of N2_2 on Pluto for the New Horizons (NH) flyby condition that can be observed by Alice: the ultraviolet imaging spectrograph also know as P-Alice. The predicted limb intensities of VK and LBH bands peak at radial distance of ∼ \sim2000 km with the value of about 5 (13) and 9.5 (22) R for solar zenith angle 60∘ ^\circ (0∘ ^\circ ), respectively. We have also calculated overhead and limp intensities of few prominent transition of CO Fourth Positive bands for NH flyby condition.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, 2 table

    Risk in Output Growth of Oilseeds in the Rajasthan State: A Policy Perspective

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    Today, India is one of the largest producers of oilseeds in the world and this sector occupies an important position in the agricultural economy. Rajasthan state occupies a prominent place in the oilseeds production of India. The important oilseed crops of the Rajasthan state are groundnut, soyabean, rapeseed & mustard, sesamum and taramira. The growth pattern of these crops in the state has been prone to risk over time and across the agro-climatic regions because of the rainfall behaviour, prolonged drought-periods, limited water-resources and facilities available in the state Under such a situation, growth performances of these crops are subjected to high degree of risks in the sector. Therefore, it is important to describe the growth pattern of area, production and productivity, factors affecting acreage allocation under crops and magnitude of instability as well as its sources in major oilseeds crops of Rajasthan state. The fluctuating yield has been seen for almost all the oilseeds crops. However, the area and yield instability of the mustard crop has been found declining overtime plausibly because of increase in irrigation facilities, location-specific technologies and better input management. However, this needs to be further strengthened for improvement in the overall agricultural scenario. The acreage of the crops has been found to be governed by both price and non-price factors. Hence, price incentive alone has not been found to be the sufficient in bringing the desirable change in the cropping pattern as well production of crops. Hence, a policy for better implementation of support price system, development of consistently performing varieties and further enhancement of irrigation facilities will go a long way to ensure stability in the Rajasthan agriculture. To compel the large yield variability, it is advisable to the farmers to avail benefits of crop insurance scheme.Agricultural and Food Policy,


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    The proper understanding of terminology is vital for a systematic knowledge of any structure especially in context of Sharira Rachana. A term is a structured set of concepts and their designations in a specific field. The proper terminology is concerned with relationship between the concepts and also makes a fundamental pillar. The aim of present article is to compiled, critically analyze the terminology related to Artava i.e. Raja, Artava and Shonita and elaborate the fundamental concepts behind those terminologies in various classics of Ayurveda. Presence of Raja, Artava since childhood, concept of Raja, Shonita, character of Artava and difference between Artava and Shonita are mentioned as reviewed literature. About one month of time period is needed in the formation of Artava in adult female’s means to reach the Artava from its originating place to destination place or from Yakrita and Pleeha to Garbhashaya (Yoni) and this makes complete passage of Artava. Artava have Agneya Pradhana nature as source of Agneyatattva for Garbha while Anushanasheeta composition of Rakta Dhatu laid the foundation of Dhatu for body. Raja is the flowing constituent of Artava and Beeja as constituent of Artava is the source of Garbha. Both Artava and Rakta Dhatu are formed from Rasa Dhatu by Ranjanakriya. This process converts the Saumyabhava to Agneyabhava. This article can be helpful to understand the various terminologies related to the Artava

    Impact of solar EUV flux on CO Cameron band and CO2+ UV doublet emissions in the dayglow of Mars

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    This study is aimed at making a calculation about the impact of the two most commonly used solar EUV flux models -- SOLAR2000 (S2K) of \cite{Tobiska04} and EUVAC model of \cite{Richards94} -- on photoelectron fluxes, volume emission rates, ion densities and CO Cameron and CO2+_2^+ UV doublet band dayglow emissions on Mars in three solar activity conditions: minimum, moderate, and maximum. Calculated limb intensities profiles are compared with SPICAM/Mars Express and Mariner observations. Analytical yield spectrum (AYS) approach has been used to calculate photoelectron fluxes in Martian upper atmosphere. Densities of prominent ions and CO molecule in excited triplet a3Π^3\Pi state are calculated using major ion-neutral reactions. Volume emission rates of CO Cameron and CO2+_2^+ UV doublet bands have been calculated for dif{}ferent observations (Viking condition, Mariner and Mars Express SPICAM observations) on Mars. For the low solar activity condition, dayglow intensities calculated using the S2K model are ∼\sim40% higher than those calculated using the EUVAC model. During high solar activity, due to the higher EUV fluxes at wavelengths below 250 \AA\ in the EUVAC model, intensities calculated using EUVAC model are slightly higher (∼\sim20%) than those calculated using S2K model. Irrespective of the solar activity condition, production of Cameron band due to photodissociative excitation of CO2_2 is around 50% higher when S2K model is used. Altitude of peak limb brightness of CO Cameron and CO2+_2^+ UV doublet band is found to be independent of solar EUV flux models. Calculated limb intensities of CO Cameron and CO2+_2^+ UV doublet bands are on an average a factor of ∼\sim2 and ∼\sim1.5, respectively, higher than the SPICAM Mars Express observation, while they are consistent with the Mariner observations.Comment: 27 Pages, 12 Figures; Planetary and Space Science, 201

    Calculations of N2 triplet states vibrational populations and band emissions in Venusian dayglow

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    A model for N2 triplet states band emissions in the Venusian dayglow has been developed for low and high solar activity conditions. Steady state photoelectron fluxes and volume excitation rates for N2 triplet states have been calculated using the Analytical Yield Spectra (AYS) technique. Model calculated photoelectron flux is in good agreement with Pioneer Venus Orbiter-observed electron flux. Since inter-state cascading is important for the triplet states of N2, populations of different levels of N2 triplet states are calculated under statistical equilibrium considering direct electron impact excitation, and cascading and quenching effects. Densities of all vibrational levels of each triplet state are calculated in the model. Height-integrated overhead intensities of N2 triplet band emissions are calculated, the values for Vegard-Kaplan (A^3Sigma_u^+ - X^1Pi_g^+), First Positive (B^3Pi_g - A^3Sigma_u^+), Second Positive (C^3Pi_u - B^3Pi_g), and Wu-Benesch (W^3Delta_u - B^3Pi_g) bands of N2, are 1.9 (3.2), 3 (6), 0.4 (0.8), and 0.5 (1.1) kR, respectively, for solar minimum (maximum) conditions. The intensities of the three strong Vegard-Kaplan bands (0, 5), (0, 6), and (0, 7) are 94 (160), 120 (204), and 114 (194) R, respectively, for solar minimum (maximum) conditions. Limb profiles are calculated for VK (0, 4), (0, 5), (0, 6) and (0, 7) bands. The calculated intensities on Venus are about a factor 10 higher than those on Mars. The present study provides a motivation for a search of N2 triplet band emissions in the dayglow of Venus.Comment: Icarus, 201

    Development and Validation of Quality of Life Tool among Chemotherapy Patients: A Pilot Trial

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    Introduction: Quality of Life (QoL) is a main alarm of patients with life-threatening cancer. Symptoms have an effect on their QoL. There are many standardised tools which measure the QoL among cancer patients. But there is no specific questionnaire or tool available to evaluate the chemotherapy patients in Indian context. Aim: To develop and validate a QoL tool for chemotherapy patients. Materials and Methods: This mixed method pilot study with sequential exploratory design was led at Outpatient Department (OPD) and Inpatient Department (IPD) of S. N. Shah Cancer Hospital, Nadiad city, Gujarat, India, from April to May 2020. In qualitative stage, the data was gathered by involving in detail interview of 15 chemotherapy patients. Interview data were analysed by utilising conventional content analysis method and themes and subthemes were formed. Based on it, a pool of items for the questionnaire was prepared. In quantitative stage, psychometric properties of the questionnaire were assessed by using face, content and construct validity. The reliability of the tool was evaluated by internal consistency and Cronbach’s alpha. Overall 15 patients participated in qualitative and quantitative phase separately. Results: At the end of phase I, a draft of 104 questionnaires was formed. In phase 2, a specialist panel reviewed 84 items relevant with the domains and 20 items were erased on the basis of expert opinion, Item Content Validity Index (I-CVI) and Scale Content Validity Index (S-CVI). At this time, 84 item tool were given to 15 chemotherapy patients. In view of the patient’s opinion, researcher drew a screen plot based on eigen value of above 1. These four domains showed 53.846% of the total variance. Last 84 items were scrutinised as per specific domain. The end draft had a Cronbach’s alpha value of 0.932. Conclusion: The newly develop tool will help the chemotherapy patients and healthcare team to evaluate the QoL. This QoL tool will also impact the cancer treatment and implement strategies accordingly
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