703 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Informasi Fundamental dan Kebijakan Moneter terhadap Earnings dan Prediksi Earnings

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji implikasi pengaruh informasi fundamental (informasi akuntasi dan pasar) dan kebijakan moneter terhadap prediksi earnings dan future earnings pada Perusahaan manufaktur yang telah ‘go public’. Variabel-variabel yang diuji dalam penelitian ini adalah informasi fundamental (informasi akuntansi yang diukur dengan LINV, IAR, LGM dan informasi pasar yang diukur dengan LDY), kebijakan moneter yang diukur dengan DEC, DECO, DINF, earnings (CHGPEPS) dan prediksi earnings (FCHGPEPS). Sampel pada penelitian adalah Perusahaan manufaktur yang telah go public selama tahun 1995-2004 yang berjumlah 36 Perusahaan manufaktur. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah tes regresi variabelintervening .Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, tes regresi variabel intervening hanya variable DEC (yang merupakan salah satu indikator dalam kebijakan moneter) yang berpengaruh secara langsung maupun tidak langsung terhadap prediksi earnings. Nilai beta terstandar dari variabel DEC adalah sebesar 0,577 yang berarti bahwa DEC (tingkat suku bunga) berpengaruh terhadap CHGPEPS. DEC sebagai variabel dummy merupakan earnings Perusahaan manufaktur jika Bank Indonesia menurunkan bunga sebelum tahun pertama earnings hingga earnings tahun lalu sebesar lebih dari 57,7 % peningkatan suku bunga sebelum earnings pada tahun pertama. Informasi fundamental merupakan informasi akuntansi dan informasi pasar yang mempengaruhi earnings namun tidak bersifat signifikan. Hasil uji statistik menunjukkan bahwa hanya H2 yang berpengaruh pada kebijakan moneter terhadap earnings yang diperoleh.  Â

    Meningkatkan Kemampuan Service Dalam Permainan Bola Volly Dengan Make a Match Pada Siswa Kelas Vii-h SMP Negeri 1 Wonoasri

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    In the learning process of Physical Education in, teachers are expected to teach varieties of basic motor skills, techniques and strategy of games and sports, internalization of values (sportsmanship, honesty, cooperation, etc.) as well as the conditioning of healthy lifestyles. The implementation is not through conventional teaching in the classroom consisting theoretical studies, but it also involves elements of physical, mental, intellectual, emotional and social. The activities which are given in teaching should get a methodical didactic touch, so that the activities carried out can achieve the aim of teaching. The problem formulation of this research is: is there an increase in the ability of service in the game of volleyball with “make-match” at VII-H grade of SMP Negeri 1 Wonoasri in 2012/2013 academic year? The purpose Classroom Action Research (CAR) is to improve the quality of learning on the physical education in doing “service” in a volleyball game through a “make-match” learning approach In this study, researchers have collaboration with other teachers and the principal. Researchers are involved in the study from the beginning to the end of the researech. Researchers try to see, observe, feel, live, reflect and evaluate learning activities that take place. The implementation stages of the action research consist of planning, acting, observation, and reflection. To obtain accurate results, the collected data in study were statistically analyzed using the formulas of mean or average. The result showed that the average value of the first cycle of 66.14 (46.33%) while the Cycle II 91.29 (96.43%) in the second cycle, it has increased significantly. Referring to the hypothesis that the actions proposed in this class action research, it can be concluded that: there is an increased ability of “service” in volleyball games with “make-a-match” at VII-H grade of SMP Negeri 1 Wonoasri in 2012/2013 academic year

    Pengaruh Faktor Kompensasi Terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Dosen Pada Akademi Keperawatan Rumah Sakit Marthen Indey Jayapura

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    Penelitian ini berjudul pengaruh factor kompensasi terhadap kepuasan kerja dosen pada akademi keperawatan rumah sakit marthen indey Jayapura. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui factor-faktor kompensasi berupa gaji, intensif dan tunjangan berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan kerja dosen pada akademi keperawatan rumah sakit Marthen Indey Jayapura. Sampel penelitian adalah dosen pada Akademi Keperawatan Rumah Sakit Marthen Indey Jayapura berjumlah 32 orang, teknik sampling adalah total sampling. Hasil analisis regresi linaer berganda menunjukkan bahwa secara simultan faktot-faktor kompensasi berupa gaji, insentif dan tunjangan berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan kerja dosen pada Akademi Keperawatan Rumah Sakit Marthen Indey Jayapura dengan nilai-nilai F hitung sebesar 19.121 dengan tingkat signifikan sebesar 0.000. gaji mempunyai pengaruh yang signifikan dan positif terhadap kepuasan kerja dosen pada Akademi Keperawatan Rumah Sakit Marthen Indey Jayapura dengan nilai t hitung sebesar 2.100 dengan tingkat α = 0.045. insentif mempunyai pengaruh yang signifikan dan positif terhadap kepuasan kerja dosen pada Akademi Keperawatan Rumah Sakit Marthen Indey Jayapura dengan nilai t hitung sebesar 4.195 dengan tingkat α = 0.000. tunjangan mempunyai pengaruh yang signifikan dan positif terhadap kepuasan kerja dosen Pada Akademi Keperawatan Rumah Sakit Marthen Indey Jayapura dengan nilai t Hitung sebesar 2.093 dengan tingkat α = 0.046. Variabel insentif yang mempunyai pengaruh yang lebih dominan terhadapkepuasan kerja dosen pada Akademi Keperawatan Rumah Sakit Marthen Indey Jayapura dengan nilai korelasi parsial sebesar 0.621. koefisien determinasi sebesar 0.637 atau 63,7%

    Analisis Pengaruh Komitmen Organisasi dan Keterlibatan Kerja terhadap Hubungan antara Etika Kerja Islam dengan Sikap Perubahan Organisasi

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    This study examines the effect of Organizational Commitment and Job Involvement on the relationship between The Islamic Work Ethics and Organizational Change Attitude. The result of the study supports the hypothese that the Islamic Work Ethic relates to the Organizational Commitment and the Islamic Work Ethic related to the Organizational Change Attitude. In addition Job Involvement and the Organizational Commitment mediated the relationship between the Islamic Work Ethics and the Organizational Change Attitude whereas the result doesn’t support the previous studies. The insignificant result was caused the Islamic Work Ethics universality which consists of honesty, merits, truth, shameful, self holiness, affection, simplicity and thrifty (Qanaâ€ah/Zuhud

    Organizational Commitment Memperkuat Budget Participation Dengan Budgetary Slack

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    Budget is one of instrument of management control and as primary component of financial planning on the future. Budget have two important roles, that's in planning and control process. In order that budget processing can bring out budget which can function as planning and control instrument, mean not happened budgetary slack, so the manager center of accountability must participate (budget participation) in the budget processing. Not only required their participation in budget processing but also is needed their commitment (organization commitment) in budget execution.Base on description above, this research purpose to test effect of budget participation to budgetary slack, and to test moderate effect of organizational commitment which ability to strengthen relation between budget participation with Budgetary slack. To fulfill this research purpose, primary data applied in this research. These data analyzed by multiple regression approach through SPSS application program. Population in this research are managers of PT. PLN (Persero) Area Pelayanan dan Jaringan Surabaya Selatan, cited 23 managers. 23 managers are entirely becomes sampel of research. Result of this research indicates that : a) there is negative impact of service quality on customer satisfaction, but not significant, b) there is positive impact customer-perceived value on customer satisfaction, and c) there is positive impact customer satisfaction on customer loyalty. Detail discussion, implication and limitation of this research will be explained under consideration following

    Pengaruh Budaya Organisasi Dan Motivasi Kerja Terhadap Komitmen Organisasional Pada PT. Bank Central Asia, Tbk. Kantor Cabang Utama Tangerang

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    This research was conducted to test the influence of organizational culture and the work motivation toward organizational commitment in PT. Bank Central Asia, Tbk. – Tangerang main branch office because in the last two years this branch has not gotten any achievement from BCA Award contest, which is used as branch\u27s achievement benchmark. This quantitative research is causal, using non probability sampling method and involves 120 permanent employees as the research samples. The data analysis in this research used SPSS software 22th version. Based on t-test result, partially the organizational culture has significant influence toward organizational commitment with tcount as 3.740, besides partially the work motivation has no significant influence toward organizational commitment with tcount as 1.852. Simultaneously, organizational culture and work motivation influence significantly toward organizational commitment with significance value 0.000. Result of the multiple linear regression analysis shows equation Y=10,057+0,870X1+0,444X2

    Evaluasi Kinerja Bus Patas Antar Kota Dalam Propinsi Trayek Probolinggo-malang

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    ”Bus Patas” is one means of urban transport that is used by people who want toProbolinggo poor or vice versa, its existence is a potential to be served because of the activities that are often carried out by people such as trade, education, social, cultural and others. As a means of transportation bus patas not be separated from the issues affecting the performance of services. Hiatus seat, passenger numbers increased on busy days, the sharpening competition among the fleet on the same route, is an indication of where conditions require patas bus transportation performance evaluation. There should be a study to determine the level of performance of freight, transport and analysis needs to strike a balance between demand and supply at the moment. This refers to the evaluation study on the performance parameters issued by theDirectorate General of Land Transportation.The evaluation results known load factor average for these Probolinggo-Malang is 0.78, the speed of the average travel routes Probolinggo-Malang 45.66 km / h, headway route Probolinggo-Malang 30.30 minutes, travel time average for these Probolinggo-Malang at 1:31 min / km and the value of the frequency for Probolinggo-Malang route for 1.98 veh / hour. And the results of the analysis of the balance between supply and demand obtained the required fleet needs today is 40 fleet

    Aplikasi Pencarian dan Pembelajaran Hadist pada Kitab Riyadhus Shalihin Berbasis Mobile

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    Hadith is one way of life of Muslims after the Qur'an. Law - Islamic law regulated in the hadith as a law that strengthens the holy verses of the Qur'an. In the hadith contains sayings of the Prophet are then recorded, so many Muslims who are looking for basic - the legal basis based on the hadith is used as a legal basis. To petrified and support the learning we need a system that can search hadith application in accordance with the needs of knowledge, basic law and learning. The purpose of the study authors is to build a search system and hadith with mobile-based learning. It is expected that the application is made the author a reference to improve the deeds of Muslims and ketaqwaanya hello to Alla
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