6 research outputs found

    L'evoluzione delle normative internazionali in tema di sicurezza: la ISO 45001-2017

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    Nella società moderna il sistema di gestione della salute e della sicurezza sul lavoro rappresenta un elemento centrale di ogni politica aziendale: pur non essendo infatti un obbligo in capo alle aziende, esso costituisce un onere necessario se si vogliono evitare le responsabilità previste dal d.lgs. 231/2001. Il presente contributo dunque si propone come obiettivo quello di analizzare l’evoluzione delle normative in materia di salute e sicurezza sul lavoro, focalizzandosi in particolar modo sul passaggio dal modello OHSAS 18001 al nuovo modello ISO 45001-2017, che entrerà in vigore in tempi brevi. A tale scopo l’evoluzione normativa si è sempre posta come obiettivo quello di stabilire regole, procedure e misure preventive da adottare per rendere più sicuri i luoghi di lavoro, quali essi siano, cercando di evitare o comunque ridurre al minimo l’esposizione dei lavoratori ai rischi legati all’attività lavorativa. In tal senso, se gli obiettivi sono gli stessi, gli aspetti più significativi della nuova normativa consistono in un maggiore focus per il contesto in cui opera l’organizzazione, per il sistema di valutazione dei rischi secondo un approccio “Risk-based Thinking”, per il top management in ottica di un maggior impegno nella gestione. La nuova normativa richiederà in pratica che salute e sicurezza facciano parte dell’intero sistema di gestione aziendale e che non siano più qualcosa di aggiuntivo. Fatte queste premesse, il modello ISO 45001-2017 dovrebbe pertanto garantire, se applicato correttamente, risultati addirittura superiori di quelli raggiunti con il modello OHSAS 18001, proprio perché costituisce una evoluzione di quest’ultimo, cercando di tenere maggiormente conto delle peculiarità aziendali

    A numerical comparison between a morphign wing and a traditional wing: aerodynamic effects of controlled piezoelectric deflections

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    One of the tasks of the FutureWings project, funded by the European Commission within the 7th framework, concerned the numerical validation of the mechanical behavior of a wing whose deflections can be controlled by means a suitable distribution of piezoelectric patches. Starting from a reference geometry two wing models have been implemented and analyzed adopting a Fluid Structure Interaction analysis technique: a traditional wing with an aileron surface and a morphing wing having a self-deforming leading edge and a self-deforming trailing edge thanks to the application of piezoelectric patches. In a first case a roll maneuver has been simulated. As piezoelectric patches the Macro Fiber Composite have been used. The aeroelastic analyses have been carried out at low mach number at the sea level and at high mach number at cruise level flight. From a practical point of view, as a preliminary, the work shows what are, at present, the technical possibilities of the technology related to the application of piezoelectric materials in the primary aerostructures field

    De-Bonding Numerical Characterization and Detection in Aeronautic Multi-Element Spars

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    Structural health monitoring has multifold aims. Concerning composite structures, the main objectives are perhaps reducing costs by shifting from scheduled to on-demand maintenance and reducing weight by removing redundant precautions as the insertion of chicken fasteners to for ensuring joint safety in cases of bonding layer fail. Adhesion defects may be classified along different types, for instance distinguishing between glue deficiency or de-bonding. This paper deals with a preliminary numerical characterization of adhesive layer imperfections on a representative aircraft component. The multipart composite spar is made of two plates and two corresponding C-beams, bonded together to form an almost squared boxed section beam. A numerical test campaign was devoted to extract relevant information from different defect layouts and to try to assess some parameters that could describe their peculiarities. A focus was then given to macroscopic evidence of fault effects behavior, as localization, reciprocal interference, impact on structural response, and so on. A proprietary code was finally used to retrieve the presence and size of the imperfections, correlating numerical outcomes with estimations. Activities were performed along OPTICOMS, a European project funded within the Clean Sky 2 Joint Technology Initiative (JTI)

    Preliminary Results of a Structural Health Monitoring System Application for Real-Time Debonding Detection on a Full-Scale Composite Spar

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    The present paper reports the outcomes of activities concerning a real-time SHM system for debonding flaw detection based on ground testing of an aircraft structural component as a basis for condition-based maintenance. In this application, a damage detection method unrelated to structural or load models is investigated. In the reported application, the system is applied for real-time detection of two flaws, kissing bond type, artificially deployed over a full-scale composite spar under the action of external bending loads. The proposed algorithm, local high-edge onset (LHEO), detects damage as an edge onset in both the space and time domains, correlating current strain levels to next strain levels within a sliding inner product proportional to the sensor step and the acquisition time interval, respectively. Real-time implementation can run on a consumer-grade computer. The SHM algorithm was written in Matlab and compiled as a Python module, then called from a multiprocess wrapper code with separate operations for data reception and data elaboration. The proposed SHM system is made of FBG arrays, an interrogator, an in-house SHM code, an original decoding software (SW) for real-time implementation of multiple SHM algorithms and a continuous interface with an external operator