38 research outputs found

    The influence of energy drinks and caffeine on time reaction and cognitive processes in young Romanian students

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    AbstractThis research shows the influence of caffeine, energy drinks and of the combined effects on the reaction time and on the performance concerning answers tasks to visual and auditory multiple stimuli, concentrated attention in monotonous and repetitive tasks as well as memory and thinking processes such as comparison and analysis. Results have highlighted that caffeine and its combined effect with energy drinks enhances the mentioned performances of young students and energy drinks consumption alters the decision time and the thinking process creating a state of uncertainty and confusion, reducing fatigue and imprinting an energetic rhythm in tasks solving

    The validation of Expert System Traffic psychological assessment to Romanian Driving Schools

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    AbstractAnalyzing the multiple regression model for the composite criterion, the multiple correlation coefficient, evidence a high and statistically significant correlation between the predictors and the criterion (r=0.741, p<0.05). Also, the beta coefficients provide that the variables of the tests are predictors for the performances registered in traffic (p<0.05). This study based on the findings of the previous research highlight that the Romanian driving schools should improve the psychological assessment batteries with modern and validated instruments. The predictive regression validation model emphasizes the importance of using high performance statistical programs in choosing the psychological tests for evaluation

    The Influence of Musical Rhythms on Consumer Buyer Behavior of Retail Gadget Products

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    AbstractThis research is focused on highlighting musical rhythm differences in gadget detail recognition after exposure to a visual presentation with a musical background and represents the second stage of a three part research study applied on the same participants. Method: Participants were 60 undergraduate students’ age between 20 and 24 years old from the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Bucharest. Materials were images and possible prices of eight gadget products. The instrument was a questionnaire investigating the prices related to each gadget product image. Results highlighted no musical rhythm differences in gadget detail recognition

    Negar y establecer la paternidad de lege lata según el DIP rumano vs. de lege ferenda según el Reglamento del Consejo en materia de filiación y sobre la creación de un certificado de filiación europeo

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    The study presents an analysis of the procedure for denying paternity and establishing paternity, as they are currently carried out in Romania according to Romanian private international law, respectively in antithesis, the procedures for establishing filiation de lege ferenda according to the Proposal for a regulation of the council on jurisdiction, the applicable law, the recognition of court decisions and the acceptance of authentic documents in matters of filiation and on the creation of a European certificate of filiation. Ab initio, preliminary clarifications are presented regarding the provisions of Romanian private international law with reference to filiation, the filiation of the child of the marriage in Romanian private international law, the law applicable to the child born in wedlock, the way of interpreting the provisions of the Romanian Civil Code regarding the determination of the law applicable to the filiation of the child born in wedlock, the scope of the filiation law, the law applicable to the legitimization of a child born before marriage, respectively proposals de lege ferenda. Next, the paper addresses references regarding the filiation of the child out of wedlock in the Romanian private international law, respectively the legal seat of the provisions regarding the filiation of the child out of wedlock in the Romanian private international law, the law applicable to the filiation of the child out of wedlock, the field of the law applicable to the filiation to the child out of wedlock, as well as the law applicable to filiation as a result of human reproduction with a third donor, respectively the law applicable to filiation as a result of human reproduction with a third donor in the case of a child born in wedlock, as well as the law applicable to filiation as a result of human reproduction with a third donor in the case of a child out of wedlock. The authors then present due clarifications regarding the dichotomy of the provisions of Romanian private international law and the correspondence with the Council’s proposed regulation on filiation, noting the jurisdiction, the applicable law, and the recognition. In the corollary, a case study is highlighted, a case-law element, which denotes the case-law in Romania, respectively the hypothesis of de lege ferenda solution of the situation, by virtue of the proposal for the Regulation in matters of parenthood.El estudio presenta un análisis del procedimiento para negar la paternidad y establecer la paternidad, tal como se llevan a cabo actualmente en Rumania según el derecho internacional privado rumano, respectivamente en antítesis, los procedimientos para establecer la filiación de lege ferenda según la Propuesta de un Reglamento del Consejo sobre jurisdicción, ley aplicable, reconocimiento de resoluciones judiciales y aceptación de documentos auténticos en materia de filiación y sobre la creación de un certificado europeo de filiación. Ab initio, se presentan aclaraciones preliminares sobre las disposiciones del derecho internacional privado rumano con referencia a la filiación, la filiación del hijo del matrimonio en el derecho internacional privado rumano, la ley aplicable al hijo nacido dentro del matrimonio, la forma de interpretar las disposiciones del Código Civil rumano sobre la determinación de la ley aplicable a la filiación del niño nacido dentro del matrimonio, el alcance de la ley de filiación, la ley aplicable a la legitimación de un niño nacido antes del matrimonio, respectivamente propuestas de lege ferenda. A continuación, el artículo aborda las referencias relativas a la filiación del niño fuera del matrimonio en el derecho internacional privado rumano, respectivamente sede legal de las disposiciones relativas a la filiación del niño fuera del matrimonio en el derecho internacional privado rumano, la ley aplicable a la filiación del hijo fuera del matrimonio, el campo de la ley aplicable a la filiación del hijo fuera del matrimonio, así como la ley aplicable a la filiación como resultado de la reproducción humana con un tercer donante, respectivamente la ley aplicable a la filiación como resultado de la reproducción humana con un tercer donante en el caso de un hijo nacido dentro del matrimonio, así como la ley aplicable a la filiación como resultado de la reproducción humana con un tercer donante en el caso de un hijo extramatrimonial. A continuación, los autores presentan las debidas aclaraciones sobre la dicotomía de las disposiciones del derecho internacional privado rumano y la correspondencia con el reglamento propuesto por el Consejo sobre la filiación, señalando la jurisdicción, la ley aplicable y el reconocimiento. En el corolario, se destaca un estudio de caso, un elemento de jurisprudencia, que denota la jurisprudencia en Rumanía, respectivamente, la hipótesis de solución de lege ferenda de la situación, en virtud de la propuesta de Reglamento en materia de filiación