1,627 research outputs found

    Abnormal phosphomonoester signals in 31P MR spectra from patients with hepatic lymphoma. A possible marker of liver infiltration and response to chemotherapy.

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    Hepatic infiltration by lymphoma can be difficult to detect by conventional methods. We have studied 22 patients in vivo 31P magnetic resonance spectroscopy of the liver and compared the results with the clinical staging and assessment of liver involvement by computed tomography (CT), ultrasound (US), and liver function tests (LFTs). We find that the phosphomonoester (PME) to ATP, and the PME to Pi ratios are the best indication of liver involvement as in all the patients with liver involvement apparent on CT or US, these ratios were elevated (greater than 2 s.d. above the control mean). Of the patients with deranged LFTs but normal CT or US, five out of nine showed increased PME/ATP and PME/Pi ratios, and in the patients with normal LFTs and normal CT or US, three out of eight patients had raised PME ratios. Extracts of lymphomatous lymph nodes contain high concentrations of phosphoethanolamine which suggests that this compound is responsible for the increase in the PME peak. Eleven patients were studied again after chemotherapy, and those with initially raised PME/ATP and PME/Pi ratios all showed a decrease in these ratios towards normal. The patients with initially normal ratios showed no changes

    Can MONDian vector theories explain the cosmic speed up ?

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    Generalized Einstein - Aether vector field models have been shown to provide, in the weak field regime, modifications to gravity which can be reconciled with the successfull MOND proposal. Very little is known, however, on the function F(K) defining the vector field Lagrangian so that an analysis of the viability of such theories at the cosmological scales has never been performed. As a first step along this route, we rely on the relation between F(K) and the MOND interpolating function μ(a/a0)\mu(a/a_0) to assign the vector field Lagrangian thus obtaining what we refer to as "MONDian vector models". Since they are able by construction to recover the MOND successes on galaxy scales, we investigate whether they can also drive the observed accelerated expansion by fitting the models to the Type Ia Supernovae data. Should be this the case, we have a unified framework where both dark energy and dark matter can be seen as different manifestations of a single vector field. It turns out that both MONDian vector models are able to well fit the low redshift data on Type Ia Supernovae, while some tension could be present in the high z regime.Comment: 15 pages, 5 tables, 4 figures, accepted for publication on Physical Review

    Milky Way Mass Models and MOND

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    Using the Tuorla-Heidelberg model for the mass distribution of the Milky Way, I determine the rotation curve predicted by MOND. The result is in good agreement with the observed terminal velocities interior to the solar radius and with estimates of the Galaxy's rotation curve exterior thereto. There are no fit parameters: given the mass distribution, MOND provides a good match to the rotation curve. The Tuorla-Heidelberg model does allow for a variety of exponential scale lengths; MOND prefers short scale lengths in the range 2.0 to 2.5 kpc. The favored value of scale length depends somewhat on the choice of interpolation function. There is some preference for the `simple' interpolation function as found by Famaey & Binney. I introduce an interpolation function that shares the advantages of the simple function on galaxy scales while having a much smaller impact in the solar system. I also solve the inverse problem, inferring the surface mass density distribution of the Milky Way from the terminal velocities. The result is a Galaxy with `bumps and wiggles' in both its luminosity profile and rotation curve that are reminiscent of those frequently observed in external galaxies.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal. 31 pages including 8 figures and 3 table

    The spacetime structure of MOND with Tully-Fisher relation and Lorentz invariance violation

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    It is believed that the modification of Newtonian dynamics (MOND) is possible alternate for dark matter hypothesis. Although Bekenstein's TeVeS supplies a relativistic version of MOND, one may still wish a more concise covariant formulism of MOND. In this paper, within covariant geometrical framwork, we present another version of MOND. We show the spacetime structure of MOND with properties of Tully-Fisher relation and Lorentz invariance violation.Comment: 6 pages. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1111.1383 and arXiv:1108.344

    Electrostically defined few-electron double quantum dot in silicon

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    A few-electron double quantum dot was fabricated using metal-oxide-semiconductor(MOS)-compatible technology and low-temperature transport measurements were performed to study the energy spectrum of the device. The double dot structure is electrically tunable, enabling the inter-dot coupling to be adjusted over a wide range, as observed in the charge stability diagram. Resonant single-electron tunneling through ground and excited states of the double dot was clearly observed in bias spectroscopy measurements.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted for Applied Physics Letter

    Dark Energy, scalar-curvature couplings and a critical acceleration scale

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    We study the effects of coupling a cosmologically rolling scalar field to higher order curvature terms. We show that when the strong coupling scale of the theory is on the 10^{-3}-10^{-1}eV range, the model passes all experimental bounds on the existence of fifth forces even if the field has a mass of the order of the Hubble scale in vacuum and non-suppressed couplings to SM fields. The reason is that the coupling to certain curvature invariant acts as an effective mass that grows in regions of large curvature. This prevents the field from rolling down its potential near sources and makes its effects on fifth-force search experiments performed in the laboratory to be observable only at the sub-mm scale. We obtain the static spherically symmetric solutions of the theory and show that a long-range force appears but it is turned on only below a fixed Newtonian acceleration scale of the order of the Hubble constant. We comment on the possibility of using this feature of the model to alleviate the CDM small scale crisis and on its possible relation to MOND.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure

    Spin states of the first four holes in a silicon nanowire quantum dot

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    We report measurements on a silicon nanowire quantum dot with a clarity that allows for a complete understanding of the spin states of the first four holes. First, we show control of the hole number down to one. Detailed measurements at perpendicular magnetic fields reveal the Zeeman splitting of a single hole in silicon. We are able to determine the ground-state spin configuration for one to four holes occupying the quantum dot and find a spin filling with alternating spin-down and spin-up holes, which is confirmed by magnetospectroscopy up to 9T. Additionally, a so far inexplicable feature in single-charge quantum dots in many materials systems is analyzed in detail. We observe excitations of the zero-hole ground-state energy of the quantum dot, which cannot correspond to electronic or Zeeman states. We show that the most likely explanation is acoustic phonon emission to a cavity between the two contacts to the nanowire.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figures, both including supporting informatio

    Substructure lensing in galaxy clusters as a constraint on low-mass sterile neutrinos in tensor-vector-scalar theory: The straight arc of Abell 2390

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    Certain covariant theories of the modified Newtonian dynamics paradigm seem to require an additional hot dark matter (HDM) component - in the form of either heavy ordinary neutrinos or more recently light sterile neutrinos (SNs) with a mass around 11eV - to be relieved of problems ranging from cosmological scales down to intermediate ones relevant for galaxy clusters. Here we suggest using gravitational lensing by galaxy clusters to test such a marriage of neutrino HDM and modified gravity, adopting the framework of tensor-vector-scalar theory (TeVeS). Unlike conventional cold dark matter (CDM), such HDM is subject to strong phase-space constraints, which allows one to check cluster lens models inferred within the modified framework for consistency. Since the considered HDM particles cannot collapse into arbitrarily dense clumps and only form structures well above the galactic scale, systems which indicate the need for dark substructure are of particular interest. As a first example, we study the cluster lens Abell 2390 and its impressive straight arc with the help of numerical simulations. Based on our results, we outline a general and systematic approach to model cluster lenses in TeVeS which significantly reduces the calculation complexity. We further consider a simple bimodal lens configuration, capable of producing the straight arc, to demonstrate our approach. We find that such a model is marginally consistent with the hypothesis of 11eV SNs. Future work including more detailed and realistic lens models may further constrain the necessary SN distribution and help to conclusively assess this point. Cluster lenses could therefore provide an interesting discriminator between CDM and such modified gravity scenarios supplemented by SNs or other choices of HDM.Comment: 22 pages, 14 figures, 2 tables; minor changes to match accepted versio

    Galaxy Bulges As Tests of CDM vs MOND in Strong Gravity

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    The tight correlation between galaxy bulges and their central black hole masses likely emerges in a phase of rapid collapse and starburst at high redshift, due to the balance of gravity on gas with the feedback force from starbursts and the wind from the black hole; the average gravity on per unit mass of gas is ~ 2 x 10^-10 m/sec^2 during the star burst phase. This level of gravity could come from the real r^{-1} cusps of Cold Dark Matter (CDM) halos, but the predicted gravity would have a large scatter due to dependence on cosmological parameters and formation histories. Better agreement is found with the gravity from the scalar field in some co-variant versions of MOND, which can create the mirage of a Newtonian effective dark halo of density Pi r^{-1} near the center, where the characteristic surface density Pi=130alpha^{-1} Msun pc^{-2} and alpha is a fundamental constant of order unity fixed by the Lagrangian of the co-variant theory if neglecting environmental effects. We show with a toy analytical model and a hydrodynamical simulation that a constant background gravity due to MOND/TeVeS scalar field implies a critical pressure synchronizing starbursts and the formation of galaxy bulges and ellipticals. A universal threshold for the formation of the brightest regions of galaxies in a MONDian universe suggests that the central BHs, bulges and ellipticals would respect tight correlations like the M_{bulge}-M_{BH}-sigma relations. In general MOND tends to produce tight correlations in galaxy properties because its effective halo has less freedom and scatter than CDM halos.Comment: 30p, 6 figs, expanded. Accpeted for Ap