247 research outputs found

    Contributions to the Neotectonics of the central and northern Walker Lane

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    The Walker Lane is a well-known intraplate shear zone located east of the Sierra Nevada that accommodates a significant portion of the North American – Pacific Plate relative transform motion. It its defined by a broad zone of discontinuous active strike-slip and normal faulting that sit within a zone geodetically characterized by transtensional dextral shear. Strain in the Walker Lane is driven by the northwest translation of the Sierra Nevada and long-term geologic constraints on the distribution and partitioning of slip amongst the active faults are limited, thus our understanding of how these faults interact and behave as a system remains understudied. These limitations are a consequences of the slow-slip rate environments, making geomorphic preservation and observation of offset more difficult, and due to the state of scientific advancement. Similarly, at the northern end of the Sierra Nevada, regional north-south oriented contraction is geodetically observed and has been attributed to the interaction of the northwest translating Sierra Nevada with the overriding crust of the southern Cascadia Subduction Zone. Accommodation of this strain remains geologically unaccounted for, thus it is unknown how the contraction is accommodated. The purpose of this dissertation is to place new and more robust constraints on the rates of slip for multiple Walker Lane faults and to identify and characterize potentially active faults within the northern Sierra and southern Cascadia transition zone. Much of this work is motivated by seismic hazard, but scientifically serves to provide a better understanding of how strain is released bordering the Sierra Nevada Mountains. This dissertation consists of 3 chapters. The first study explores a new application of a ground surface modeling technique for the purpose of placing better constraints on the rate of slip for the Pyramid Lake fault, a major strike-slip fault in the northern portion of the Walker Lane. This study is herein presented as published in the Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (Vol. 106, No. 2, 2016). Chapter 2 builds on this method and incorporates multiple Quaternary dating techniques that place constraints on horizontal slip-rates in a network of strike-slip faults that comprise the central Walker Lane. The observations and new rates obtained in this study provide insight into how slip is accommodated on a variety of spatiotemporal scales. Finally, chapter 3 presents the results from a combination of geophysical, geologic, and geomorphic observations made within the northern Sacramento Valley that show the presence of Quaternary contractional deformation associated with a series of previously identified structures optimally oriented to accommodate north-south contraction. These findings show for the first time, how geodetically observed strain is accommodated within the northern Sierra and southern Cascadia transition zone

    Dissertation in Music Performance

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    This dissertation pertains to three viola recitals, which were respectively performed on 2 October 2019, 20 January 2020, and 9 March 2020. Each recital program embraced a specific theme involving little-performed works as well as staples from the viola repertoire, and covered a wide range of different musical styles. The first recital, performed with violinist Arianna Dotto, focused on violin and viola duo repertoire. Two pieces in the Classical and early Romantic styles by W. A. Mozart and L. Spohr were presented in parallel with two pieces from the twentieth century in the Neo-Classical style by Ernst Toch and Bohuslav MartinƯ. This program explored repertoire from different aesthetics and techniques by demonstrating how composers from the twentieth century renewed traditional musical forms in terms of their own original vocabulary. The second recital, performed in collaboration with pianist Taylor Flowers and singer Meridian Prall, offered a comparative experience of Johannes Brahms’ two viola sonatas, Op. 120, No. 1 and 2, with his Two Songs, Op. 91. The program explored the historical context of each work, highlighting the intrinsic and philosophical connection between the sonatas, as well as the particularly personal nature of the songs, written as a present for a close friend. The two pieces presented in the third recital program, Dmitri Shostakovich’s Viola Op. 147 and Alfred Schnittke’s String Trio (1985), were written shortly before their respective composers died or were on the precipice of death, and I believe both pieces evoke the way these composers confronted their own mortality. The continuity between the two composers’ musical language is apparent in this program, governed by a bleak and somber character pierced with luminous and elusive moments of hope. The performance involved collaboration with violinist Arianna Dotto, cellist Nathaniel Pierce, and pianist Ji-Hyang Gwak.AMUMusic: PerformanceUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/163124/1/jangster_1.pd

    Stripping paradigmatic relations out of the syntax

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    Gli effetti del contatto croato-italiano nelle produzioni di un bambino bilingue

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    In questo contributo viene considerato il mescolamento di codice e il transfer nelle produzioni di un bambino bilingue nel periodo tra 3 e 5 anni. Analizzeremo i dati del diario tenuto in questo periodo dai genitori. Uno degli effetti della presenza e quindi del contatto di due lingue nella mente di un bambino bilingue Ăš il mescolamento di codice. Nel presente studio vengono esaminati esempi del mescolamento di croato e italiano all’interno delle frasi nonchĂ© all’interno delle parole osservato nelle produzioni del bambino. I dati smentiscono alcuni dei vincoli del mescolamento proposti da alcuni linguisti (es. Poplack 1980; Sankoff/Poplack 1981; Belazi et al. 1994). Un altro importante effetto sotto esame Ăš il trasferimento delle regole di una lingua nelle produzioni nell’altra lingua

    The power of state institutions in environmental politics

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    Die vorliegende Diplomarbeit untersucht die Rolle der ’U.S. Umweltschutz Behörde’ (EPA) in der Schaffung des U.S. Agrotreibstoff Projekts. Das Ziel der Arbeit ist es herauszufinden was die U.S. Politik dazu bewegt hat die Schaffung eines Agrotreibstoff Projekts zu unterstĂŒtzen. Da zahlreiche aktuelle Studien die ökologische Nachhaltigkeit von Agrotreibstoffen bezweifeln, untersucht die vorliegende Arbeit wie und in welchem Umfang die EPA als zustĂ€ndige Bundesoberbehörde das U.S. Agrotreibstoff Projekt in Bezug auf ihr eigenes vom Kongress gegeben Mandates realisiert hat. In diesem Kontext nutzt die Arbeit das theoretische Rahmenkonzept des ’Akteurszentrierten Institutionalismus’ (ACI) von Scharpf und Mayntz, um systematisch die Erstellung des so genannte ’Erneuerbare Treibstoff Standard Programm’ zu untersuchen. Der Einsatz von ACI identifiziert alle beteiligten Akteure, ihre GrĂŒnde und Teilnahmestrategien. Das endgĂŒltige Ergebnis der Arbeit wird zeigen, dass die Fossile Brennstoffindustrie sowie der Landwirtschaftssektor meist wirtschaftliche GrĂŒnde zur UnterstĂŒtzung des Agrotreibstoff Projekts hatten. DarĂŒber hinaus wird die Arbeit zeigen, dass die EPA, obwohl ihre Absichten im besten Interesse der Menschen, ihrer Gesundheit sowie dem Schutz der Umwelt sind, ihre politischen und regulatorischen Möglichkeiten limitiert sind.The thesis in hand examines the role of the ‘U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’ (EPA) in the creation of the U.S. Agrofuels Project. It is the thesis goal to identify what that triggered U.S. politics to support the creation of an agrofuels project. As the environmental sustainability of agrofuel projects is questioned by numerous recent studies, the thesis will analyze how and to what extent the EPA as responsible federal agency realized this project in regard of its own congress given mandate. In order to do so, the thesis uses the theoretical framework approach of ‘Actor Centered Institutionalism’ (ACI) of Scharpf and Mayntz to systematically examine the creation process of the so-called ‘Renewable-Fuel Standard Program’ (RFS). The utilization of ACI identifies all involved actors, their reasons and strategies of participation. The final result of the thesis will reveal that the fossil fuels industry as well as the agricultural sector had mostly economically driven reason to support agrofuels. Furthermore the thesis will show that the EPA although its intentions are in the best for human health and the protection of the environment, its political and regulatory possibilities are limited

    AcĂșstica de los Ăłrganos de tubulares y tendencias futuras en la investigaciĂłn

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    Scientific explanations for having a better understanding of the operation of pipe organs, and revision of some common beliefs regarding their building, seeking to improve this art, are presented in this work.En este trabajo se presentan explicaciones cientĂ­ficas para tener un mejor entendimiento de cĂłmo funcionan los Ăłrganos tubulares y revisar algunas creencias comunes en su construcciĂłn, buscando mejorar este arte

    Can Croatian Anaphor svoj Be a Long-Distance Anaphor? A Proposal Based on the Analysis of Infinitival Complements

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    U radu se preispituje mogućnost dalekometnosti anafore svoj analizom infinitivnih dopuna. Na temelju kriterija (ne)sposobnosti odobrenja neodređenih niječnih izraza preko infinitiva te uvođenja i infinitivne i finitne dopune predlaĆŸe se nova podjela hrvatskih glagola koji uvode infinitivnu dopunu na restrukturirajuće i nerestrukturirajuće. Restrukturiranjem se dalekometnost anafore svoj potvrđuje kao prividna te se odbacuje.The aim of this paper is to question the locality of the possessive anaphor svoj. In some Slavic languages (possessive) anaphors behave like long-distance anaphors in infinitival clause (cfr. Faltz 1985, Pica 1987, Rappaport 1986, Dotlačil 2005, Reinders- -Machowska 1991). In this paper we tackle the possibility that also Croatian svoj might display long-distance binding in that context. In the analysis we follow the classification of infinitival complements into restructuring and non-restructuring ones: while the former are generated as VP complements, the latter are clause complements (cfr. Rizzi 1976, Wurmbrand 2003, Grano 2015, Landau 2000). On the basis of two criteria – the (im)possibility of licensing negative polarity items and of introducing both infinitival and finite complements – we propose a new classification of Croatian verbs taking infinitival complements which show that svoj cannot be bound outside its governing category
